Pitching our ideas to the dragons


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Pitching our Horror/Thriller


By Shannon and Brandon.

Pitching our film ‘Numb3r5’We are pitching/formulating our ideas for a new film, our main task is 2 minutes maximum, the video will be completely original and the music will be copy right free. We have 4 members that have all contributed and pitched their ideas. As a group we had to come up with a name for our film, we decided on the title numbers however we have been original and have come up with ‘numb3r5’. As you can see above we used A 3 instead of an E and a 5 instead of an S, our group believed we were being creative as our storyline is based on numbers.

Conventions. The conventions that we are using in our two minute sequence of the starting of our film will be the following eight conventions that are; meeting the characters, settings, story line, genre themes, titles, hooking the viewers, sounds (non-diegetic) and equilibrium. In our two minute sequence we will firstly meet what settings we will be using, we will also meet the characters as well as the titles which we have chosen to use, themes and sounds that we have chosen to use.

1 Settings

2 Storylin



4 Theme

s5 Entice viewers 6

Sound7 Titles8 Equilibriu


Here are the eight conventions which we are using in our film.

Films that inspired our 2 minute film

• Scream-

• Sinister-

• The shining-

Filming location

• This picture is a screen shot of Smiths-Wood map. The school has been highlighted by a marker, for our 2 minute film sequence we will be filming where the marker is. Smith’s Wood Sports College is a school, it offers education for 11-18 year olds. We also chose to film here as we know the area well, we know we can be left trusted to do what we want to an extent, and then be trusted to clean up afterwards so the rooms will be left how they were before. We also chose as a group to film in Smith’s Wood as it is local and our group can all get to the location in order to film within the set date.

• We have decided to use Smiths Wood Sports College as the school offers drama rooms. The drama rooms which we are filming in spacious however because the rooms are dark it gives us an isolated feeling. This would be perfect for our 2 minute film sequence as we need a dark room to set the room of a thriller/horror. As a group we try to meet the aims of our project, these are to entice the audience and meet all the briefs we spoke about before. I believe the drama rooms are the perfect location as it sections us off from the rest of the school.


• Lucifer (Villain)

• Dr Strange (Victim)

• Jessica (Hero)

• This is one of the characters we came up with in our movie NUMB3R5. This is the main villain in the movie whose desire is to collect all the numbers to unlock the worlds biggest secrets to help him on his own mission to show the world for what it really is no matter what the consequence is. So the only way he can do this is the extract this information at any means necessary, which has lead him to his first victim Jessica, a girl with only one handful of the numbers needed.

• This is our other main character of our movie Jessica, she is a young rich girl who works hard and earns lots. She’s the daughter of a successful politician who has connection with the world. ever since she was young her father entrusted her in a secret, that secret was a series of numbers, a code for a highly defended safe which contains the worlds darkest secrets which could cause worldwide anarchy.

• But she does not remember anything, hit and concussed she wakes up to find herself in a isolated room with no recollection of how she got there or why she’s there. With no memory of the code how will she survive the danger that is about to come. the numbers are the only thing keeping her alive.

• Dr strange a psychologist and nice guy. He used to analyse and help Lucifer in his younger days but there was no way of helping him, he gave up on Lucifer and sent him to an asylum. Deep with guilt strange has felt sadden by the decision he made and Lucifer blames him for everything. Then Lucifer escaped and on the run, Dr strange’s life is in danger.
