How to attract clients with webinars


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Learn how to use webinars to attract new clients Michael O’Keeffe

What you will learn !   Step 1: How to create an engaging/attractive title

!   Step 2: How to attract traffic to your webinar with registration pages

!   Step 3: Best avenues to attract your webinar audience

!   Step 4: Broadcasting your event

!   Step 5: How to sell your services/convert attendees into clients

!   How easy it is to conduct a webinar

Step 1: How To Create An Engaging Headline

Why is this the first step?

To construct our headline we must identify:

1.  A Problem

2.  A Pain Point

What’s the difference?!

Focus on your client, not you!

Identify the problem, to find the pain point

How Do We Identify a Problem?

!   Speaking with your clients !   What questions do they always ask you?

!   Group Discussions (i.e. LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit)

!   Surveys

!   Your problems

!   Reading Articles


Let’s think for a moment…

Why don’t we just use the problem as our headline? More people?

!   Pain Points resonate with the audience more

!   They are more niche

!   Help attract a more engaged audience members

!   Focus on clients problem and your ability to solve it

How do we identify a pain point?

A coaching example:

!   Problem: “I want to become a better leader”

!   Why do you want to become a better leader?

!   Because I need leadership skills for the positions I want next.

!   How would you assess your current leadership attributes?

!   I feel like I’m strong, I just don’t know what else I can do.

!   So why do you need to improve your leadership if you think it’s good?

!   I feel like I’m just not getting the recognition for my leadership.

!   PAIN POINT = Leadership not being recognized

Headline Creation Formula

Leadership not being recognized

How to Learn to

To become a better leader/ find new job roles

Need Help? There’s plenty! • •

What’s your answer?

“Learn how to receive leadership recognition you deserve to be considered for future job roles”

In Summary !   An Engaging/Attractive Headline Needs: !   Your target markets’ problem !   Your target markets’ pain point !   Short concise headline with emotive

language !   Send me your answers in the chat!

Step 2: Registration Pages

Why Do We Need Registration Pages?

Source: microsoftcorp.

What captures attention on landing pages?

What’s going to hold their attention?

!   It inspires action

!   1 minute video is worth 1.8 million words (brainshark)

!   If text & video are available 59% of senior executives choose to watch video (hubspot)

!   Trust


But creating your landing page looks hard… right?

In Summary: Two Key Focuses !   Capture attention

!   Use common landing page features !   Clean & crisp content

! !

!   Hold attention !   With an engaging video


!   Clean content

Step 3: Attracting Your Audience

Social Media

!   Benefits?

!   Which Platform? !   LinkedIn sends 4x traffic to homepages than any other social

media (Econsultancy)

!   How to share? !   Posts with images boost comments by 95% (quicksprout)

!   Posts with videos boost shares by 75% (quicksprout)


!   Pre-existing relationship

!   Personal

!   Obligation to look at it and clear emails (great video!)

!   Bring other networks into email i.e. LinkedIn

Other Avenues To Attract Your Audience

!   Blog Posts (LinkedIn & own blog)

!   PR Campaigns

!   Social Media Groups

!   YouTube/Vimeo

!   Paid advertising

Step 4: The Broadcast

Step 5: Selling your service (converting attendees into clients)

One problem…

Ensure you have friction-free selling options in place
