Finnish Cultural Institute Workshop at British Library



A presentation to visitors from the Finnish Cultural Institute at the British Library May 2014.

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Nora McGregor, CuratorDigital Research Team

@ndalyrose, #bldigital and @BL_Labs 2

The British Library is the national library of the UK.

We receive a copy of every publication produced in theUK and Ireland. 3

Well over 150 Million items are currently stored in London and in York.

If you saw 5 items a day it would take you 80,000 years to see the whole collection.

Digitisation is crucial for opening up access to this content and collections. 4

• The Library has spent the last two decades creating digital assets through digitisation and preserving born-digital objects and will do far into the future.

• We can now do much more than use technology to simply discover these digital objects and must embrace the opportunities afforded by analysing these digital collections at scale.

• If scholars view our archives as an infinite pool of multiple layers of loosely held data from which new research questions can be wrung then so must we.

• The Digital Research Team and BL Labs aim to provide services beyond simple resource discovery then, that is, beyond helping to point a single user to a single items or objects via a catalogue

The Digital Research View 5

The Library is becoming a place full of data as much as it is a place full of physical stuff, and that there is a growing community of users who see it that way.

Big Data + Old History 6

Digital Research Team

• The Digital Research Team is a cross-disciplinary mix of curators, librarians and programmers supporting the innovative use of our digital collections.

• We explore how digital technologies are re/shaping research and how this informs how the library does its business.

• We encourage and support colleagues & scholars of all disciplines to work innovatively with and across the library’s diverse digital content 7

The Digital Scholarship Training Programme is an ongoing internal training initiative created by the Digital Research team that launched in November 2012.

We’ve designed a catalogue of bespoke one-day courses for staff covering the basics of Digital Scholarship which we deliver on a rolling basis.

The programme evolve as necessary overtime.

Our Digital Scholarship Training Programme 8

Some courses

• 101 What is Digital Scholarship? • 102 Digital Collections at British Library • 103 Digitisation at British Library • 104 Communicating our collections online• 105 Crowdsourcing in Libraries, Museums and Cultural Heritage Institutions• 106 Text Encoding Initiative• 107 Data Visualisation for Analysis in Scholarly Research• 108 Geo-referencing and Digital Mapping • 109 Information Integration: Mash-ups, API’s and The Semantic Web• 110 Managing digital research information• 114 Foundations in working with Digital Objects: From Images to A/V• 115 Metadata for Electronic Resources: Dublin Core, METS, MODS, RDF, XML• 118 Cleaning up Data• 119 The Programming Curator 9

So far so good!

“Great to have something often referred to demystified”

“I’ve never done anything like this before!”

“Well done to you and your DC team, I have attended some of the other courses myself and am recommending my staff attend them too.”

“[I valued] the time to explore our ideas and see how to develop current projects into a more useful resource”

“…I was very grateful to attend this and learned a great deal…Look forward to more. Renewed thanks for organising this.”

November 2012-March 2013 saw: 50 course days delivered 245 individual members of staff attended one or more653 seats filled 3 courses attended pp on average 10 11

Microsoft Live Searchearly foray into mass digitisation for the Library.

Digitised 65,000 out of copyright books from the 19th Century from 2006 until project abandoned in 2008. 14 15

See:• http:// • • •

150 million image views since launch December 13th, 82,000 unique tags added.

Top tagger a story of Machine (15K) vs. Man (30K)!

In numbers

150 million image views since launch December 13th, 82,000 unique tags added.

Top tagger a story of Machine (15K) vs. Man (30K)! 16

Creative Uses

David Normal installation at Burning Man Festival:!crossroads-of-curiosity/ccw3 18

Apps 19

Instruction 20

