Film noir title ideas


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Film Noir Title ideas

I researched some film noir gangster titles and this is what came up. As you can see that most of the titles are in black and white, capitalised and bold, they seem to be quite big and standing out. Some of them are in 3D.

If the titles of the film stand out this may attract more of a variety of audience. This may because it makes the title name even more catchy. Most of the above movie titles are in black and white and this makes them more spooky and seem even more dangerous.

My group and I think that we should keep the black and white title theme for our film title. This may be because it goes with the film noir; which will create a link between the audiences for our film. The film title of film noir also goes with our opening scenes as there isn’t much colour in our first few scences.

On the other hand, having a black and white movie title may go against us. This may be because in 2014 most movie titles are bright and therefore may attract more of an audience. On this point people may also think since its in black and white therefore it may be an old styled film.

The trend in the film title openings are often filled with colour unless the film is either scary or upsetting. By this some people may find our film title confusing when the opening starts.