Dr. Bates Eye exercises



get rid of your spectacles by following these exercises twice daily

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Presented by Abha AgarwalPresented by Abha Agarwal

1. Eye Wash1. Eye Wash

Dip eyes in the eye wash cup filled with water or triphala water. Blink 5 times eyes dipped in water, -- 3 times each eye.

2. Sun exercise2. Sun exercise

For 3 mins. Wet eyes with plain water, or medicated rose water or pure honey. Eyes closed keep swinging side to side(head moving sideways) best time around 11 a.m. ,and 3 p.m. Do all the exercises two times.

3. Palming3. Palming

Wet eyes with plain water, Keep eyes closed, preferably in dark room, for 10 mins. Don’t move eye ball.

4. Ball exercise4. Ball exercise

With one eye closed with a pirate band , Standing, hold ball in one hand blink, bounce ball so that it moves to form a v shape, move eyes with the ball, catch n hold ball with other hand, blink,repeat, continue for 25 blinks count.

5. Ball exercise5. Ball exercise

With one eye closed with a pirate band, Standing, hold ball in one hand blink, throw ball upwards to move ball as in the given diagram ,, move eyes with the ball, hold ball with other hand, blink, continue for 25 blinks count. Ball’s height should not go above eye level. Do it for other eye.

6. fine print --- under Candle light6. fine print --- under Candle light

7. fine print ---- in day light7. fine print ---- in day light

Read halfline, then blink, read next half line, then blink. Continue reading first in candle light and immediately afterwards in daylight.

8.8. Om Om chartchart

Read zig, blink, read zag, blink ;continue reading zig zag lines to complete circle. Then read anti-clockwise. One eye closed each time.

9. Thumb---9. Thumb---Relaxation of rectus musclesRelaxation of rectus muscles

Hold thumb in front of you for about 10 cm from nose . Move thumb and eye ball slowly up (to 12 o’clock) above forehed till you do not see it and stop there . feel the tension of muscles When moving back to initial position , you should feel your muscles relaxed. Continue with to move thumb at right 9 o clock position, left at 3 o clock position. This will improve your cylindrical number.

Far-sightedFar-sighted eyeeye


Hold card at a comfortable distance in your hand. .Read the largest letters line as slightly blurred but recognized easily.Continue reading till you stop recognizing the letters. Blink frequently (say after every two words) . imagine you are moving a small black dot across the shape of each letter . Close your eyes at the end of each line for a sec. One eye closed each time.Now invert text and read in same manner . If you are above 40 you may take two months to reduce a specs number of 0.25. This will improve your vision to see near objects more clearly. ----- Your plus number.

11. Myopia

Snellen chart

Place chart at a distance on a wall. Leave the lines which are perfectly clear. Read the immediate next line which is slightly blurred.Scroll eyes around letters, read the letters going thru the curves,frequently blinking. One eye closed each time. This will improve your distant vision----- Your minus number.

12. Steam inhalation12. Steam inhalation

Allow steam to pass through eyes for a minute. Immediately after this do cold pack exercise.

13. Cold pack13. Cold pack

Soak cloth or cotton in plain water, place on eye For 10 mins. In sleeping position

Important rulesImportant rules

During the period of exercises one During the period of exercises one should not wear spectacles, or nor should not wear spectacles, or nor watch tv.,or computer, mobile or video watch tv.,or computer, mobile or video games, or movies. Else there is games, or movies. Else there is negligible benefit.negligible benefit.
