Conference on "Africa at the center of the new geopolitics of energy"


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Speaker : Pr Jean Pierre FAVENNEC

ACAFE Organize a Conference on the 02nd & 03rd of September

In the Conference Room at the Headquarter of SAMIR Refinery

Africa at theCenter

of the NewGeopolitics

of Energy

The activity of the µAfrican Academy of Energy “ACAFE” considers the Human Asset as one if the Strategic components in the companies ‘development.

Training is a very important leverage for the upgrading and development of African companies, particularly in the fields that intend to approach: refining business, energy, HSE, sustainable development and Management.

M. Mohamed Ghayate

General Manager Word

President word

About the ACAFEThe African Academy of Energy was promoted as the operationtional headquaters for skills development, at the continental level during the General Meeting of the Africain Refiniers Association (ARA) at Cape Town in March 2010.

This choice is the culmination of several meeting and symposiums organized around impor-tant themes in order to strenghten cooperative relations between refiniers and refining operators.

In the order to face an increasingly volatile economic environment, refiners and African operators in the field of energy should make a first move towards the change through the upgrading of their technical facilitates and the setup of management tools that are in conformity with the international standards.

Human resources in the heard of these changes, it’s considered as an undeniable competitive asset that we should know how to promote and enrich in terms of knowledge, skills, etc. in order to face the challenge of competitiveness. For all these reasons, we have created the African Academy of Energy (ACAFE) to promote skills development through a unified cultural variety.

M. Jamal Mohamed Ba-Amer


Energy and oil in 2014Duration: 1,5 days.

Objectives : present the overall situation in the energy field, oil in particular with a focus on refining and marketing.

At the end of the training the participants will have: A global vision on the energy field A global vision of the oil position A good comprehension on refining

Pedagogical methods : Presentation, exercises, case studies.

Audience : The seminar is for execurtives and managers of companies in the energy field and more precisely gas and petrol field, for responsibles and administrators, for actors from academic field interested in comprehending the field of energy and hydrocarbons

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14 h 30 : Reception15 h 00 : Petrol and gas scene • World energy: needs in energy, consumption, production. Consumption forecasts • Gas and petrol: production and consumption • Petrol and gas provisions • Petrol price. Price of other energy • Actors of the gas and petrol scene16 h 00 : Coffee Break16 h 20 : Petrol market • Evolution of petrol market • Physical markets. Spot prices • Future markets. Hedging mechanism17 h 30 : Close

08h 45 : Reception09 h 00 : Introduction to hydrocarbons. • Refinery expenses. Crude petrol. Different types of crude petrol. Main characteristics. • Crude petrol and refining. Few concepts on biofuels. • Petrol products: description, characteristics, specifications. • Types of car casoline. Gazoil. Fuel oil. Jet fuel. Kerosene. Naphta. GPL • Other products10 h 30 : Coffee Break10 h 45 : Main refining units • Atmospheric distilation • Distilation vacuum • Catalytic reforming • Catalytic cracking • Other methods of cracking • Hydro-treatment units • Utilities. movement. storage 12 h 30 : Lunch Break14 h 00 : Economical aspects. World refining • Investments • Costs • Margins • Future of refining 15 h 30 : Close

14 h 30 : Accueil15 h 00 : La scène pétrolière et gazière • L’énergie dans le Monde : besoins en énergie, consommation, production. Les prévisions de consommation • Le pétrole et le gaz : production, consommation • Les réserves de pétrole et de gaz • Le prix du pétrole. Le prix des autres énergies • Les acteurs de la scène pétrolière et gazière16 h 00 : Pause Café16 h 20 : Les marchés pétroliers • L’évolution des marchés pétroliers • Les marchés physiques. Les prix spot • Les marchés à terme. Les mécanismes de hedging17 h 30 : Clôture

08h 45 : Accueil09 h 00 : Introduction aux hydrocarbures. • Les charges de la raffinerie. Les pétroles bruts. Les différents pétroles bruts. Principales caractéristiques. • Pétroles bruts et raffinage. Quelques mots sur les biocarburants • Les produits pétroliers : description, caractéristiques, spécification • Les essences auto. Le gazole. Le fuel oil. Le jet fuel. Le kérosène. Le naphta. Les GPL • Les autres produits 10 h 30 : Pause Café10 h 45 : Les principales unités de raffinage • La distillation atmosphérique • La distillation sous vide • Le reformage catalytique • Le craquage catalytique • Les autres procédés de craquage • Les unités d’hydrotraitement • Les utilités. Les mouvements. Les stockages. 12 h 30 : Pause Déjeuner14 h 00 : Aspects économiques. Situation du raffinage dans le monde • Les investissements • Les coûts • Les marges • Avenir du raffinage15 h 30 : Clôture

Date : September 02 & 03, 2014

Adresse : BP. 89 & 101, Mohammedia - Maroc

Miss Ahlam NAMIR


Africa at the Center of the New Geopolitics of Energy

Phone : 05 23 32 41 77

E-mail : a.namir@acafe.maWeb Site :

Cell phone : 06 57 22 22 24Fax : 05 23 31 78 76

Price : 360 €

REGISTRATION FORM(Please return the registration form by fax or email)

Last Name : ……………………………………………………………………….……………..….…

First name : ……………………………………………………………………….……………..….…

Company : ……………………………………………………………………….……………..….…

Position : ……………………………………………………………………….……………..….…

Adress : ....……………………………..……………………………………………………………………..…………………………….………………………….…………….……


City: ……………………………………………………………………….……………..….….Postal code :.…..…………………………………………………………………...

Phone : ……………………………………………………………………….………..... Cell phone: …………………………………………....……………………..……..…

Fax : ……..……………………………………………………………………………………… E-mail : …………………………………..……...........................................……

(This price includes the cost of participation, lunch, coffee breaks)

PAYEMENT MODE Cash, check or bank transfer.Bank account ACAFE: 021 787 000031603002014 1 59Bank: Crédit du Maroc Branch : CDM EL MANAR - Mohammedia

NB : 15% reduction is granted for all participants from the same company


Lieu : Conference room at the headquarter of SAMIR refinery
