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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you

feel you have learnt in the progression

from the full product?

SeptemberIn the beginning of September, we had started to research other school magazines. We had to ask ourselves did they fit the age range? Perfect colour schemes? And look at the codes and conventions. At this point this had helped us see what we needed to include in our magazine

The use of the internet and school website helped us get information and pictures.

These are both of my plans for my contents and front cover for my school magazine. Although I have not kept to my original plan, I think that this plan did

really help me in seeing what the structure would be like.

These are my two final designs for my school magazine. This shows me how much I have really learnt since creating my music magazine. The colour schemes do not carry on to the

contents page. The front cover is not catch the buyers eye, as I know know that a good magazine should have eye contact. Also as this is a school magazine and I do not think that the colours on the front cover works well as the title and the masthead are the same colour. By looking at these two I can see how I have improved and how much I have really learnt by

making my music magazine.

NovemberAt the beginning of November we did research again but this time for our music magazine. We first researched the history of music press. We then made a chart for the different institutions of music magazines, that showed us hoe much they sell for, when they sell and there circulation. After this we made a short movie on I movie on media institution and there most famous magazines. All of this had helped us knowing what institution I would like my magazine to be apart of.

Later on in November we also did a lot of analysis of music magazine front covers to help us look at the typical code and conventions of a music magazine we looked at it in depth and decided what we like or didn’t like about that magazine.

DecemberIn December we started looking a type of magazine. I had picked

NME as I knew I wanted my magazine to be based around

the genre of indie. I made a flat plan of a typical issue and from this I could see what I needed to


I started making a brain storm including what

audience I would like to attract, price range, font

styles and names.

I later made a mood board which had cutting from all different magazines of what I liked and

what I would like to include in my own magazine. Me and Stephen made a video with

him asking my several questions asking my about the mood board in more depth.

Here I have made three power points on audience research, fashion and set designs and

then my last being on styles of fonts.

Like my pre-lim I made plans for my magazine. Even though I didn’t stick to these designs they still gave me a basic view of my magazine.

Looking at a magazine stand like this I could see that needed to make my magazine stand out but still keeping to the code and conventions. I then got three different people and I asked them what they would like to see in a magazine. This also helped my to see what I needed to include in my magazine

Comparing the two final front covers like this really shows me how much I have developed my skill in creating my media product. By looking at this I can see clearly at what I have learnt through the progress such as linking in with colour schemes, making eye contacts to address my readers. By putting a freebie or competition in the hotspot can entice more reader to buy your magazine, if you compare that to my pre-lim you can see that I have put the freebie in the bottom right corner. From this I have learnt what a hotspot an really do a magazine. Even through out both front covers I have

persistent colour scheme and font. I haven't used the right text colour for my pre lim. And looked into what the audience would like to see. All of the research that I looked

into for my music magazine really taught me a lot how to entice people to my my product.