Printed press vs online press




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Printed press vs online press

Benoît Lamasse – AS GIDO


The web has deeply changed the press world. Internet has many possibilities to diffuse the news and has become a real competitor to the printed press.

This watch could interest all the people who care about the crisis of the printed press.

Example of message Author : INSEAD (business school) Title : New media : the online evolution of newspapers Date : April 2008 Abstract : This article presents the evolution of online news. Approaches

the questions of advertising and blogs.

Extract : « Part of the evolution of online journalism in recent years has been the advent of bloggers or, as some call themselves, 'citizen journalists'. Apcar says blogs have added a lot to journalism, but says he thinks that they will be "succeeded by something else.” »

Index terms : online news, evolution, advertising, blogs, citizen journalism

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