Michelle And Carries Project


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Why did many people want independence from Great Britain?

BY: Michelle Foster and Carrie Carson

Taxation without Representation

• The British governments actions after the French and Indian War angered the American colonist.

• Colonist complained it wasn’t fair to tax them when great Britain took away their right to vote.

Important colonist

• Patrick Henry: Wrote the quote ‘ Give me liberty or give me death.”

• Samuel Adams: started the club the Sons of liberty.

• Ethan Allen: captures a British fort without firing one shot.

• George Washington: fought in 1 battle and lost. The continental congress started a army and put George Washington in charge.

• Thomas Jefferson: wrote the Declaration of Independence. Was approved On July 4, 1776. had more than 50 signatures on it.


• Stamp tax: Was a tax on all legal documents. Also when Patrick Henry wrote the quote ‘ Give me liberty or give me death.

• Tea Tax: Lowered the price on tea and made it cheaper. The colonist could buy the tea directly from the ship or the company.

Boston Tea Party

• The Sons of liberty dressed on the ships from England and dumped crates of tea in to the Boston Harbor.

• After the tea party Great Britain Got angry at the colonist and decided to punish them.

Boston Massacre

• 5 people were killed after a group of drunks were throwing stuff at the British Soldiers.

• The Sons of liberty used propaganda (where you twist the truth) to get the colonist more mad at the British Soldiers.



Battle Of Quebec

• This was the major battle of the war and the British won the war.

• When the war was over the French got kicked out of the Americas.

Proclamation of 1763

• King Henry tells the colonist they cannot move over the mountains to keep from fighting the Indians

• Colonist got mad and disobeyed the new law and moved over the mountains anyway and they took over Indian territory.

• Indians got mad and the colonist and Indians started to fight again.


• The militia was a group of people trained to fight incase of an emergency.

• Most of the fighting took place out in the woods between the militia and the Indians.

• The Indians used a technique called the guerilla warfare which was sneak up, hit, and run.


• This battle was the start of the Revolution.

• In the village of Lexington west of Boston, the residents had been preparing for a fight they thought was imminent.

• They had accumulated powder and shot during the winter, but the high cost of those items had made target practice a rarity.

The Battle at Bunker Hill

• The militia started to run out of bullets.

• Col. Prescott Said “Don’t fire till you see the whites in their eyes.”

Continental Congress

• Started an a army and put George Washington in command.

• Made up an Olive Branch Petition that was the last try for peace.

• Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

• On July 4, 1776 50 people signed the Declaration with John Hancock as the largest signature.


• Taxes remember the topic of Boston tea, another one was the percepted not getting enough rights to rule ourselves.

• Because the king of England was imposing al these harsh laws on the colonies and they finally got tired of it.
