L3 Reasons for US involvement


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Hello! Today is 1/14/14

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Agenda: – Cornell Notes– Over There Song– Posters

By the end of class, you will be able to explain why the U.S. got involved in World War I. By the end of class, you will be able to explain why the U.S. got involved in World War I.

The U.S. involvement in WWI ended a long tradition of avoiding involvement in European


…and set the stage for the U.S.

to emerge as a global

superpower later in the 20th century.

There were disagreements

about the extent the U.S. should

isolate itself from world


What is going on in the U.S.

in 1914, as World War I

begins in Europe?

1. Woodrow Wilson is President

• First elected President in 1913

• Re-elected in 1916 based on the slogan “He kept us out of war!”

2. Policy of Isolationism; U.S. stays Neutral

• U.S. wants to stay out of the war

• Not directly involved in 1914

• At first, U.S. stays NEUTRAL

3. Border War with Mexico

• As a result of Roosevelt’s “Big Stick Diplomacy”, Mexico and U.S. were fighting over territory and control

• Most of U.S. Army busy in Mexico

4. U.S. is trading with Great Britain

• Relationship of trade with Britain (NOT with Germany or Austria Hungary)

• Sending materials to their markets via ships

Reasons the United States Entered the War

What changed??

Inability to remain neutral



1. German submarine warfare

Germany declared it would sink any ships coming into Allied ports.

In 1915, Germans sank the British passenger ship, the Lusitania; 128 Americans killed

As a result, U.S. decides to grow its military

2. The Zimmerman Telegram of 1917

• A secret message from Germany to Mexico to form an alliance with Germany

• Germany asked Mexico to attack the U.S. if the U.S. declared war on Germany

…Germany promised that after the war

Mexico would get the states of Texas, New Mexico, and


Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy

• U.S. involvement should be limited to bringing about peace and promoting democracy.

President Wilson

The world must be made

safe for democracy!

On April 02, 1917, President Wilson asks Congress for a declaration of war…

…it was 1 day and 1 month after the Zimmermann Telegram

1914 1915 1916 1917

Woodrow Wilson elected President

Lusitania sunk

Zimmerman Telegram

U.S. enters WWI

< Border War: U.S. versus Mexico (1910-1919) >

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated *SPARK*

< Fighting in Europe >


Treaty of Versailles ends World War I

Major Allied Powers Major Central Powers

British Empire France Russia Serbia

Belgium United States

Germany Austria-Hungary

BulgariaOttoman Empire (Turkey)

Johnnie Get Your Gun!

• Listen to the lyrics and answer the questions

• Over There

Homework & Announcements

* Take out your agenda!

• Summative: Next Monday– Jan. 15th

Poster #01

Poster #02

Poster #03

Poster #04
