Ivan Brandon Reddy




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  • 1. Do you know who she is?

2. The Somalian Refugee Crisis
3. The mass media, culture and society
News agencies, transnationalisationand the new order
Done by: Ivan Reddy
4. Content
Article Overview
Key takeaway messages
Personal Rating
Issues for Discussion
5. Article overview
The free market system denies access to the vital information for the citizenry by making access a monetary function
News broadcasting have been affected by corporations and big businesses
Crucial and vital information can be found in elite newspapers and magazines
Widening gap of the information rich and information poor
6. Key takeaway messages
News agencies face a constant struggle in non-partisan reporting
Evolution of news from a commodity to a big business exhibiting business tendencies as a whole
A highly stratified system emerges where vital information needed for political judgments is confined to the elite publications only
7. Video
8. Critics
Having news is still good news
Having chicken rice for lunch everyday is still good because I have food
Wearing the same underwear everyday to class is still good because I have clothes
Why settle for mediocrity when one can strive for excellence Ivan Brandon Reddy
9. Personal Rating
If you dont read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed. Mark Twain
10. Issues for Discussion
When you watch news on television today, how skeptical or receptive are you to it?
Will there ever be a time when we experience totally neutral news reporting? Why/Why not?
