How Do Green Coffee Beans Work?


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Chlorogenic acid is believed to help

reduce high blood pressure and people

take it for obesity, diabetes, high blood

pressure, Alzheimer’s disease and

bacterial infections.

It is the extract of green coffee beans

that people take for medicinal purposes.

And later we reported on a bogus

green coffee extract claim. Unroasted

green coffee beans have a higher level

of chlorogenic acid and that is what is

believed to be the benefit of green


There is evidence in human testing that

chlorogenic acid can reduce the

absorption of carbohydrates from the

intestinal tract which in turn lowers

blood sugar levels and the insulin

spikes associated with rapid intake of


In essence to the degree that this

works out it is like going on a diet by

fooling your body into absorbing fewer calories.

Chlorogenic acid dramatically reduces

cholesterol and triglyceride levels but

this evidence comes from studies on rats.

There is evidence that taking green

coffee extract can result in moderate

weight loss over a short period of time.

However, the study on people only

lasted for three months and resulted in

a six pound greater weight loss in folks

taking green coffee extract versus


There is no evidence that this effect

lasts and no research into long term

use of green coffee beans or extract for weight loss.

We know that coffee consumption

reduces the incidence of type II

diabetes. But is also seems that

chlorogenic acid may also have a

protective effect as well. In rat studies

chlorogenic acid supplements reduce glucose absorption.

There is evidence that chlorogenic acid

taken daily lowers high blood pressure.

Researchers compared chlorogenic

acid with placebo in patients with mild

high blood pressure and found that

both systolic and diastolic blood

pressures decreased significantly so

long as the patient continued the


As we noted in our bogus green coffee

extract claim article, manufactures

cannot claim long term success in promoting this product for weight loss.

The Federal Trade Commission has

levied a fine of $3.5 million on Applied

Food Sciences, the company that

sponsored the study claiming that

green coffee extract resulted in weight loss. Here is a quote from the FTC.

…the study’s lead investigator

repeatedly altered the weights and

other key measurements of the

subjects, changed the length of the

trial, and misstated which subjects

were taking the placebo or GCA during

the trial.

When the lead investigator was unable

to get the study published, the FTC

says that AFS hired researchers Joe

Vinson and Bryan Burnham at the

University of Scranton to rewrite it.

Despite receiving conflicting data,

Vinson, Burnham, and AFS never

verified the authenticity of the

information used in the study, according to the complaint.

Despite the study’s flaws, AFS used it

to falsely claim that GCA caused

consumers to lose 17.7 pounds, 10.5

percent of body weight, and 16 percent

of body fat with or without diet and

exercise, in 22 weeks, the complaint alleges.

The point of all this is that researchers

in India fudged the results of their study

and no one followed up.

This was a bogus green coffee extract

claim and should be ignored. If you

purchased any green coffee extract for

the purpose of losing weight you may

want to ask for, or demand, your money

