Governor Corbett Issues Statement in Response to Action of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission


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News for Immediate Release

Aug. 15, 2013

Governor Corbett Issues Statement in Response to Action of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission

Harrisburg – Governor Tom Corbett today issued the following statement about the Philadelphia School Reform Commission’s (SRC) actions to suspend certain

sections of the Public School Code:

“The code suspensions to be enacted today provide the School Reform Commission and Superintendent William Hite with additional tools to ensure that Philadelphia schools are staffed adequately and safely for the opening of the school year, a goal

I strongly support.

“The pending actions to be taken today by the SRC, and all actions moving forward by all parties involved, must remain focused on protecting students in the Philadelphia School District and ensuring that they are able to receive a quality

education like all children around the commonwealth.

“I have personally spoken to Mayor Michael Nutter, and I join him in calling on City Council President Darrell Clarke and the entire city council to act immediately to extend the sales tax and authorize the $50 million in short-term borrowing as

envisioned in the state’s funding package.

“The key remaining piece to addressing the district’s long-term financial and academic challenges remains an agreement with the Philadelphia Federation of

Teachers that puts in place needed fiscal savings and academic reforms. That is where the focus should be, and I encourage both parties to get to work on reaching an agreement that achieves this.”

Media contact: Tim Eller, 717-783-9802

