Fear Factor In Politics Power Point




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By Josue Sanchez

Why Politics use Fear Politics use fear to get people to vote for

them. They do this by saying something that

isn’t true about their opponent.

An example of this would be when some people said that Barack Obama was Muslim, and that he was going to do

deals with the terrorist.

Some people think that Obama is going to destroy the world.

Another way politics use fear would be like what George W. Bush did. He got the approval to go to war with Iraq because he made people believe that

Iraq “may” have had weapons off mass destruction, and that they could use them any time in the future. Now people got

scared and said “we don’t want to get Nuked so lets go to war”.

Some politics used fear to make the people believe that if Hillary Clinton won that Bill was going to be the one in charge. Now people didn’t want that to happen again.

Enjoy the Democratic Video

In this video Hillary Clinton uses fear to make people

believe that the Republicans or the other candidates won’t pick up the phone at that hour or that they won’t make this

country safe for your children.

Now Enjoy the Republican Video

In this video John McCain is trying to say that he has suffered and knows what is like, and he would do anything to prevent those problems. But the Democrats won’t try to prevent the

problems they would make them happen.

Democrats and Republicans imply fear in the lies that they make about each other to scare people and get there votes. Instead of scaring people Democrats and Republicans should

just do this…

That is the Fear Factor in Politics Now you can enjoy this video skit…
