Eventbrite integration



Step by step presentation on how to integrate Eventbrite with your FirstGiving account.

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How To Create Your Connected Event

This is how our partnership benefits our nonprofit clients. You can now…

• Allow your event attendees to set up their own fundraising pages

• Track your efforts from both platforms so you always know how much you have raised from registrations and fundraising

• Combine your FirstGiving and Eventbrite contacts into one database

There are just a few very simple steps that stand between you and this awesome functionality.

So let’s get started…

STEP 1Sign into your existing Eventbrite Account .

If you do not have one, create a new Eventbrite account.

STEP 2Create a new Eventbrite event.

This event will eventually be connected to your FirstGiving account to allow event attendees to create fundraising pages.

Add your Eventbrite event details and make sure the event is “Live”.

STEP 3Log into your FirstGiving account.

STEP 4Create a new FirstGiving event that corresponds to your Eventbrite event.

You will have the option to connect your FirstGiving event with Eventbrite.Select the corresponding radio button and click “Connect to Eventbrite”.

A popup window will appear prompting you to grant FirstGiving access to your Eventbrite account.

Select “Allow” to continue.

Once FirstGiving has access to your Eventbrite event, you will be prompted to select an event to connect from your list of Live Eventbrite events.

Select the corresponding event by clicking on the event name in the popup window.

Be sure you select the checkbox that says “Ask ticket holders to create a page”.This prompts your event attendees to fundraise for you when they purchase tickets

or register for your event!


Now three things will happen…

First thing…Donors and fundraisers that visit your FirstGiving page will see your new event.

With the Eventbrite connection, when they visit the event page, your fundraisers and donors can register or purchase tickets for the event immediately!

Second thing…Event attendees that purchase a ticket or register directly through your Eventbrite

page will be prompted to fundraise at the end of their transaction.

When attendees click the “Fundraise Now” button from the Eventbrite site, they will be redirected to FirstGiving and will see the following message prompting them to

create a fundraising page for your event.

Third…Your event is a HUGE success and you are celebrated

as the event planning rock star that you are!


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