Daniel's diary



This is a powerpoint presentation I used to make the

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Daniel’s Diary

Dear Diary, Pages 106-117 Yesterday I left the Marlow’s and traveled to Highgates. It was hard to say goodbye to Dr. Marlow, whom I had been living with these past months. The sights I saw while on the train were beautiful and different, and I couldn’t believe I had been kept away from it for this long. A friend of Dr. Marlow’s met me in London, and took me through the big city, to another train station. Again, the countryside flickered past my eyes. Finally, the anticipated words were called out: “Tiverley Down and Illingworth!” I instinctively climbed down from the carriage. As the train chugged on I anxiously waited for someone to pick me up. No one came. Had my Uncle forgotten about me already? I realized that I couldn’t wait until it grew dark, so I started out on my own. I asked to women passing by me for directions to Highgates. They looked at me as if I were mad. But they gave me directions, and I recognized the house as soon as I came to it. How many times had I had a doll in my hand walk through the same door, only in a smaller size? I entered the big house, and the captain was there. He thought someone had met me, but I did not contradict him. The captain was happy to see me and I was too exhausted to feel anything, except for the gratefulness to have a bed.