CWO4 Dixon


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Why did you join the Navy?Initially it was a way to earn money for college. Where are you from?St. Catherine Jamaica by way of Bronx N.Y.What do you like about the Navy?I love the teamwork and how individuals from all walks of life come together and work towards a common goal. What are your hobbies on your liberty time? Working out/cooking… one could say I workout just so I can eat. Also, projects around the house. How long have you been in the Navy? 24 years! Where did all the time go?What’s your favorite food? Love Caribbean cuisine. Also what I love to cook. Seafood is at the top of the list as well.What have you gained from being in the Navy? Wow! I owe so much to the Navy now that I’ve in for more than half my life. I would say the biggest take away is nothing is impossible.What do you want to get out of the Navy now? The satisfaction of seeing young Sailors achieve their goals in the Navy.What do you like about your job in the Navy? Most of all the people! Also the fact that nothing gets done without Sup-ply. Where have you been so far in the Navy? More places than I can remember.What was your favorite tour in the Navy?A toss up – My tour in Iraq because of the impact in a combat environ-ment and my tour with the Blue Angels because of the opportunity I had to interact with the public. How long do you plan to stay in for? Still having an awesome time!! Not sure.

If you had the choice what would be your last meal? SteakWhat’s your favorite sports team?New York all the way!!! Giants/Yankees/Knicks…Who is your mentor?No one person… I take away the best from each person I come in contact withWhat’s the most memorable moment of your career so far? When I made Chief Petty OfficerWhat’s your favorite movie? GladiatorWhat’s your favorite artist? Dennis Brown What is your favorite book?The BibleWhat’s your favorite Superhero? Military spouses – because they put up with us!How would you describe your self in one word? DeterminedIf you had a million dollars what would you do?Start my own business

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