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I am SAMMY, doing my third year automobile Engineering at PSG tech

o The first rule about the quiz is there aren’t anyo The second rule about the quiz is there aren’t anyo The third rule is if u r in the meeting u have to


This is a set of codes? Which language?

• ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.


• The code reads “hello world”The entire language construct is made of just

< > + - , [ ] and .

Which famous quote is supposed to have originated from this way of hanging pigs?

Kick the bucket

• The hooks are called buckets………………………

How are they famous?

Balu Natarajan Rageshree Ramachandran Nupur Lala Pratyush Buddiga Sai R. Gunturi Anurag Kashyap Sameer Mishra Kavya Shivashankar


I found him on facebook. A very popular cartoon character is based on him.what’s it?

I will identify the pictures. Give me the funda.

Two county hit:

• He was the only batsman to hit a ball from one county to another.

• Warwickshire to Worcestershire to be exact


• X were initially created in 1937. On May 7, 1937, the patent was filed. The prototype, weighed only 150 grams. They were made of gold-plated metal .Pilots in the United States Army Air Corps immediately adopted X. It shot to fame when General Douglas MacArthur landed on the beach in the Philippines in World War II, and photographers snapped several pictures of him wearing X.

• The Waldseemüller map, Universalis Cosmographia, is a wall map of the world drawn by German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller originally published in April 1507. It was one of the first maps to chart latitude and longitude precisely, following the example of Ptolemy. What is its significance?

First map to have AMERICA marked on it…………………………………….

Seri now lets have this LVC

Games by zynga


• Avatar• Brahma• Blue Dreamer • Caduceus• Callapidae• Devildog • Ganesha• Gnosis• Icharus

• Logos• Mariner• Mjolnir (“Hammer”)• Nabonidus • Nebuchadnezzar

("Neb")• Neo's Hope• Novalis

Ships in MATRIX

o X refers to a digitally enhanced simulation of variable speed (i.e. slow motion, time-lapse…) photography used in films, broadcast advertisements and video games.

o It is characterized both by its extreme transformation of time (slow enough to show normally imperceptible and un-filmable events, such as flying bullets) and space (by way of the ability of the camera angle—the audience's point-of-view—to move around the scene at a normal speed while events are slowed).

o The first movie to use the X technique was Blade in 1998. o However, the actual term X is a registered trademark of Warner

Bros.It was formerly a trademark of 3D Realms, producer of the Max Payne games.

Bullet Time

• What was significant about the words "Watson, please come here, I want you." when spoken in 1876?

It was the first complete sentence spoken over the telephone



• In 1956, the Suez Crisis began: Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula and pushed Egyptian forces back toward the Suez Canal. To further their own interests, Britain and France offered to reoccupy the area and separate the warring armies. Following threats by the Soviet Union to assist Egypt, the British and French were forced to withdraw from the conflict by the USA. Before the withdrawal, Lester Pearson, Canada's acting cabinet minister for external affairs, had gone to the UN and suggested creating a United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) in the Suez to "keep the borders at peace while a political settlement is being worked out." The United Nations eagerly accepted this suggestion, and the force was sent, greatly improving conditions in the area. What was the ultimate result of this action?

the UN peacekeeping force

• When X walked into his house proudly clutching a gold medal in the National under-14 Speed Skating championship ,his father snatched the medal from his son, flung it away and warned him not to skate ever again.

X has gone on to become very famous in another sport? Who? What?

• A friend of the radical Robespierre, in her "Memoirs" of 1838, she, recounts how she earned the friendship of both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The french revolution forced her into prison-declared her a fake artist- and publicly ridiculed her by making her practice her "art" on the remains of the royal couple and others of the Noblesse. With her head shaved, she awaited her own execution with the beautiful Josephine Beauharnais, future Empress of France. Fortunate to survive, she fled to England and started life anew. Who?





• X is a BBC BAFTA winning television series, by Ragdoll Productions. It was created by Anne Wood CBE, Ragdoll's creative director, and Andrew Davenport, who wrote each of the show's 365 episodes. The show's original narrator was Tim Whitnall. It rapidly became a critical and commercial success in Britain and abroad (particularly notable for its high production values), and won a BAFTA in 1998


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