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Communist and Post Communist Country




Communism? Capitalism?

II. Politicaldevelopment

Prerevolutionary China was based on an agrarian economy and governed by the ideas of Confucius (551-479 B.C.)

The Qing Manchus (1644-1911)Problems:

1. Unable to respond to the needs of a growing population for land and food.

2. Imperial credibility weakened by the Opium war with Britain

3. Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864)4. Defeated by Japan in the war


ii. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925)-Relied on the Military for its authority.Problems: Continuing Western inroads

into China Lost Control and fell into chaos.

Nationalist Party(the Guomindang)

Chinese Communist PartyCCP



ii. Chiang Kai-shek (1886-1975) Shanghai Massacre

To unify Nationalist

Legitimate Government

Problem:-> Doing nothing about Land

reform, leaving the peasant poor and unhappy.

iii. Mao Zedong Long March

Chinese Communist Party

Chiang was obliged to agree to a second alliance.

1931 Invaded Manchuria

PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA October 1, 1949, proclaimed in Beijing

How to achieve the goals of socialism….


An Aggressive attempt by Mao to accelerate Chinese

economic change

Mao for being arrogant and

impatient, came to close losing power.


Mao Zedong

Cultural Revolution

Liu Shaoqui dismissed

Little Red BookDeng Xiaoping


1966-1967 The Ten Catastrophic Years

Mao withdraw from Public life Zhou Enlai

Began rebuilding the economy and the bureaucracy and established the collective leadership for the party.

Jiang Qing (Mao’s Widow) & 3 other radical forms continue Maoist ideas.

Hu Yaobang –Party General Secretary

Premier Zhao Ziyang Deng Xiaoping- the power behind

the throne. FITH MODERNIZATION (1978) -New Constitution

Mixture Capitalism Socialism

WOTL : Made in China

China Politics and Government


Kinship & Communalism The Importance of Concensus

The Dominance of the State Poor Record of Human Rights

EQUALITY IS A MYTH, because it is not about equality but EQUITY.
