Bob joyce answers itr round 2




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Bob JoyceITR: What is your opinion (based on cost and revenue production) of the turf field warrant article and the use of community preservation funds for the project?

BJ:I am opposed to funding any part of this project with taxpayer money at this time. I have not been provided any cost information on revenue and I doubt that we can cover the cost with that revenue. I also question why we need TWO Turf fields while most towns have one, if any. I am not in favor of using CPC money for any part of this. The state statute says it can not be used for Turf Fields. If this is such a great idea it should be put on the ballot as a 2 ½ Debt exclusion, I could then support this project.

ITR:What is your opinion of licensing stores (grocery, convenient, specialty) other than liquor stores to sell beer and wine?

BJ:I think we need to limit the number of establishments that provide liquor in town. But I do believe there are certain situations where we should extend “Beer and Wine only” licenses to specialty stores like The Meathouse located on Chelmsford Street. We could setup a new set of guidelines for these types of stores, if the ABCC would allow it.

ITR:What is your opinion of the work done by the Oak Hill Study Committee?And do you think the town meeting should accept their recommendation to put the land under the control of the Selectmen for three years first before turning it over to the control of the Conservation Committee? Why or Why Not?

BJ: I think the Oak Hill Study Committee did an outstanding job on their research. And I applaud Sue Carter for being an outstanding Chairman. Like several people on that Committee I am not quite convinced that it should be held by the Selectmen for three years. I will listen to the debate at Town Meeting and then decide what is best for the residents and taxpayers of Chelmsford.

ITR:In your opinion how is Town Manager Paul Cohen doing? What would you want him to do differently, if anything?

BJ: I think Paul is doing well, although I do have some differences of opinion regarding how we fund projects in town and that more focus has not been on reducing taxes. If there is one thing that Paul could do differently it would be that he address questions by the public in a less defensive way. It seems that he takes any questions as a threat to his management, but that is probably because he cares.
