Best Practices in Marketing to Women



s your nonprofit reaching women and harnessing their power for social change? If your nonprofit is not actively marketing to women and recruiting them, your organization is missing out on major fundraising opportunities. During last week’s webinar The She Spot – Best Practices in Marketing to Women, Lisa Witter co-author of the book The She Spot and Morra Aarons-Mele of Women Online discussed why women are the market for changing the world and how to reach them.“Women have numerical advantages,” said Witter and Mele. The average profile of a volunteer in the US is a working mother. Surprised? Check out these stats. * Women give more to nonprofits then men. * In the last four presidential elections, women voted at higher percentages then men. * Women are connectors. Women are twice as likely to pass on information about your cause. So if your organization is not connecting with women in your campaigns, your nonprofit is missing out on major word of mouth marketing. * Women make 83% of consumer purchasing decisions. * Latina women are 3.5x more likely to respond to direct mail. * 70% of women say that it’s important for companies to engage in corporate social responsibility and be active in their local community.

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Best Practices in Marketing to Women

For Audio Call: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 665 257 208

Presented By:Lisa Witter, Fenton Communications, Morra Aarons-Mele, Women Online,

and Michelle Coyle, Care2

February 25, 2010

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For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 665 257 208

For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 665 257 208

Nonprofits use Care2 for:

• Online Advocacy

• Email list growth

• Donor lead acquisition

• Driving traffic to website

• Advertising and branding

• Surveys and research

• Education and outreach

What is Care2?

Citizens use Care2 for:

• Starting or signing petitions

• Volunteering

• Donating $

• Spreading news

• Commenting on blogs

• Starting groups (organizing)

• Joining nonprofits

• The largest online community of people “making a difference”

• 11 million “do-gooders”

Lisa WitterFenton Communications

For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 665 257 208





Women are the market for changing the world






Understanding The She Spot


Mars vs. Venus

What’s different: brain structure, chemistry, hormones, socialization.

You can acknowledge gender differences and still fight for gender equality.

Colorblindness can be dangerous. Same goes for gender-blindness.



MEN“Survival of the fittest”Rights

Morality is:Self-oriented pecking orderSelf-oriented: “me”

Power is:Domination and aggression

Person I’d most like to be:Practical, assertive, competitive

Life is:“a contest to preserve independence and avoid failure”



WOMEN“It takes a village” Responsibility

Morality is:Taking care of others, Harmonious coopPeople-oriented: “we”

Power is:Force that creates relationships

Person I’d most like to be:Loving, generous, sympathetic

Life is:“a community, a struggle to preserve intimacy and avoid isolation”

ActivatingThe She Spot


What Women Want: 4C’s






Put a face on your organization.

Keep it simple – and real.

Tell real-life stories.

Don’t leave out the details.

Appeal to people’s sense of group affiliation.

Use humor.



Control “I think I can” vs

“Sky is falling” messaging


Meet her where busy women are at and make it easy

Assurance that they can have impact



Think long-term

Don’t just ask for money

Show where the money goes

Leverage third-party validators

Demonstrate your impact

Make her feel part of a group effort/movement



Women value community and connection

- Connect people by harnessing their collective creativity

- Connect women with each other

When you connect women to each other, you strengthen your brand


Men have an “on/off” switch – women have a “longer-list principle”

Bottom line: meet women’s higher threshold and you’ll exceed men’s expectations

It’s inclusive marketing…

Get Men Too

Not All Women Are Alike


Lifecycle Marketing


Speak to financial concerns

Acknowledge her strength and independence vs. vulnerability

Evoke opportunity

Don’t fall into the “Sex and The City”

Single Women


Value relationships, because she does

Save her time

Motivate her by invoking her power, not her guilt

When appropriate, don’t overdo the “mom thing”

Connect with her through her kids



Community matters

Act II - Expertise

Sandwich Generation

Personal Growth

Boomer Women


Be mindful of cultural differences

Use competent – and culturally competent – translators

The messenger is as important as the message

Use the community as a resource

When in doubt, consult the experts

Women of Color


Women of ColorLatina: 3.5 times more likely to respond to a direct mail solicitation than other ethnic groups

Asian American: 70 percent are online daily and make purchases online more than any other ethnic group

African American: 1 in 4 belong to a church ad more likely to notice outdoor advertising

Where to ActivateThe She Spot


News Media Morning News

Nightly News

Local News

Network News Magazines


There is no gender gap in the use of the technology. Women are emailing and surfing the web as much as men. We’re not being left behind. The connected age is the age for women in social change. It levels the playing field for us to have an enormous impact on what issues are talked about.


Mobile games

Videos Social Networking


Morra Aarons-Mele, Women Online

For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 665 257 208

Adapted from Forrester, The Groundswell, 2008

Look at Facebook StatsWomen with children at home are more likely to

use social networks than the average adult. 50.2 percent of adults 18 and over use Facebook, while 60.3 percent of moms with children at home use the social network.

Women over 55 is the fastest growing FB segment, up 175.3 percent in the last three months.

Retail Advertising & Marketing Association survey 2009

Six tenets (apologies to Scoble/Israel)

Publishable: the consumer has the ability and freedom to publish their voice. They are the “former audience.”

Conversational/social: a two-way method of creating and sustaining a dialogue

Findable: blogs indexed in search engines, LinkedIn profiles usually public

Viral/Shareable: making things shareworthy; information that is spread through multiple sites

Instant and Syndicatable: RSS, disruptive technology

Linkable: the ability to link to others online: bloggers, tweets, videos, photosWe the Media, Naked Conversations

The role of experts and information gatekeepers such as teachers and doctors is radically altered ….as empowered amateurs and dissidents find new ways to raise their voices and challenge authority.

Some 35% of American adult internet users and 57% of teenage internet users have made a creative contribution to the online commons.

Lee Rainie, Pew Internet Project, 2006

“I want them to talk about X, but they want to talk

about Y.”

“I want them to talk about X, but they want to talk about Y.”

Listen and AskUser engagement on social networks is often

associated with deals, contests and promotions, however, recent data found online users with more than 500 social connections were less interested, on average, in deals.

Forty-eight percent of these highly connected individuals said their reason for following or friending a company was to learn about things like company culture, environmental responsibility and workers’ policies.

MarketingSherpa and Survey Sampling in December 2009

Title HereSubhead Here

Bullet pointBullet Point

For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 665 257 208

Even with the best intentions…

A friend of mine who blogs said this after a typical outreach that asked her if she'd “host a button of support” on her blog:

“I think this captures SO well how most non-profits fail to really connect with supporters. They keep reaching out to me to "help" by doing things like putting buttons on websites, etc., but are failing to see that there's more they could be doing  -- sort of like people online aren't real ---???”

WHO are your women?

@nerdette Dear Emily's List, Candice Bergen &references to Murphy Brown won't get me to open my checkbook. It's 2010. Love, me. #p2 #fem2

And, who do they hang out with online?

Using the Web and Social Media for Advocacy: Nuts, Bolts, and Strategies for Success For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 661 095 859

“What color is yours?”;;

“We think it’s terrific,” said Andrea Rader, a spokesman for Susan G. Komen For the Cure, an organization that raises funds for breast cancer research. “It’s a terrific example of how little things get started on the Internet and go a long way to raise cancer awareness.”

The Facebook fan base for Susan G. Komen For the Cure “exploded” from 135 to 135,000

“The American Cancer Society, likewise, saw a bump in interest about breast cancer, but was slightly more defensive about the bra color postings. "We are not behind it," said spokesperson Andrew Becker. "And the reason I say that up front is that there was a news outlet in India that was saying we had something to do with it."

Action vs. Awareness31,000 views in 2 days

Using the Web and Social Media for Advocacy: Nuts, Bolts, and Strategies for Success For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 661 095 859

What Should Komen and ACS have done?

What would your organization have done?

Using the Web and Social Media for Advocacy: Nuts, Bolts, and Strategies for Success For Audio: 1-408-792-6300 Event Number: 661 095 859