Beautiful vegetarians


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Ser vegetariano

Beautiful VegetariansSlide 1Be boldBe smartBe healthyBe beautifulBe vegetarian


Being vegetarian is a matter of:

Health an beautyEnvironment preservationEthicsLoveCourageIntelligence

Slide 2Be vegetarian


Slide 3Health and Beauty

Health and beauty

Several studies have shown that people who adopt a vegetarian diet have higher levels of immunity.

It is known that meat and fish contain toxins, chemicals (pesticides, hormones, mercury) in quantities harmful to the human body.

Eggs contain high amounts of cholesterol, and may contain salmonella.

Slide 4Be healthy


Health and beauty

Vegetarianism is considered a healthy diet that meets nutritional needs for all stages of life, and provides health benefits in terms of prevention and treatment of certain diseases. This is the position of the association of the American Dietetic Association. Vegetarianism is also recommended by many other medical institutions around the world.

Slide 5Be healthy


Health and beauty

Several studies have shown that consumption of animal meat increases the risk of cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, and many other diseases.

Seeds, beans, vegetables, fruits and vegetables, contain no cholesterol and are low in fat, especially saturated fats. They have fibre and other nutrients important to the human body.

There are several sources of vegetable protein such as beans, peanuts, seeds, tofu, peas, chickpeas, lentils, and others.

Slide 6Be healthy


Health and beauty

Vegetarian diet helps control weight, provides the body of nutrients and energy, and brings a moral satisfaction to those who follow it.

Many athletes prefer a vegetarian diet because they feel that it helps with their physical and mental performance. This is or was the case with Carl Lewis (considered athlete of the twentieth century), Martina Navratilova (tennis star with the record for most titles and considered the best tennis player of all time), Robert Parish (NBA basketball player), and many others .

Slide 7Be healthy


Health and beauty

Vegetarian diet helps control body weight, it's good for the skin, and generally makes people happier. Thus a vegetarian diet contributes to the inner and outer beauty of people.

Some vegetarian celebrities:

And many more

Slide 8 and beautiful


Slide 9Environment Preservation

Environment global warming

The meat processing industry is a major cause of global warming. A United Nations report of 2006 gives the meat processing industry 18% of greenhouse gas emissions (more than the 13.5% contributed by the transport industry).

However, a more recent study published in the journal World Watch of November 2009, points to 51% of global annual emissions of greenhouse gases! The authors are Dr. Robert Goodland, former environmental adviser to the World Bank, and Mr. Jeffery Anhang, World Bank researcher. See links below for more information.

Slide 10Be green


Environment global warming

Slide 11Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. the greenhouse gas emissions increase and the glaciers and polar caps melt, the rate of global warming increases at an alarming rate.

Some scientists believe that if we do not reduce the green house gas emissions by as early as 2012, global warming will be abrupt and irreversible, with catastrophic effects on the planet.

Be green


Environment global warming

Global Warming will have serious consequences to the whole planet, including plants, animals and humans. The heat retention at the earths surface strongly influences the weather paterns, bringing floods and draughts in various areas of the planet, affecting forests and plantations.

Some of the consequences of Global Warming:

Sea level rise entire coastal countries disapearingHundreds of millions of people displaced (crouding on their neighbours)Massive droughts alternating with catastrophic floodsScarce resources and food shortagesWidespread warfareCatastrophic famines and malnutritionTerrible disease epidemicsWild fires and hurricanesEconomic colapse (global economy hit by crisis after crisis)Species extintion (animals and plants)DesertificationAnd many other unforeseen effects, that could lead to the extintion of life in our planet.

Slide 12Be green



It takes:

100 litres of water to produce 1kg of potatoes.4,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of rice. 13,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of meat!There are about 20 billion livestock animals in the world, to feed 6.9 billion people! Slide 13

Be green



Meat production is responsible for the use of 70% of all arable land on the planet. Also 70% of all grain grown are used to feed animals on feedlots.

The expansion of meat production is the main cause of deforestation. The forest in the Amazon (the world's largest lung) is being replaced by plantations of soybeans, 90% of which is destined to feed cattle.

Much of the arable land on the planet are and continue to be degraded by the excessive grazing and soil compaction and erosion caused by livestock.

Meat production is one of the most water polluting sectors through the droppings of animals, antibiotics, hormones, fertilizers, pesticides, and sediments from pasture erosion.

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Meat production is the main cause of environment degradation, contributing to massive pollution of air, water, land degradation, climate change and biodiversity loss.

A world change to a pure vegetarian diet is vital to save the world from hunger and poverty, and the worst impacts of climate change," says a UN report published in June 2010. "Tastes for Western diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable," says the report.

The production and consumption of meat is now considered environmentally irresponsible, as it violates the principles of ethics and sustainability needed to sustain life and the ecosystem on our planet.

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Earth Overshoot Day, the global footprint.

On August 21, 2010, the inhabitants of Earth have exhausted all the resources that the planet offers them in one year, and began living of next years credits, according to calculations made by the NGO Global Footprint Network (GFN). In 2009, the earth overshoot day was on September 25.

How does the GNF calculates these values? Based on an equation that includes three factors: 1) resources and services provided by nature 2) human consumption 3) pollution

2010 ----------------- Annual resources--------------- Aug 21--------- Ecologic debt----------

2008 Sep 23

2005 Oct 20

2000 Nov 1

1995 Nov 21

1987 Dec 19

The day we start living beyond our ecological means (using next years credits), is happening earlier every year as the human consumption increases.Slide 16Be green


In May 2009, Ghent (Belgium) became the first city in the world to adopt a vegetarian diet once a week, for environmental reasons. The local authorities decided to implement "the day of the week without meat. Public employees, schools, and the general public joined this initiative.

Slide 17Be green


Slide 18Ethics

Ethics animal cruelty

Killing an animal is like killing a human being. Animals have emotions and feel pain, like human beings. Meat consumption for its taste or convenience is not a valid justification to kill an animal.

Many people think they have no choice, but to eat meat and other animal products. Today, this is no longer an acceptable excuse, as there is information on the Internet, books, movies, and through the many vegetarians around the world.

Slide 19Be noble


Ethics animal cruelty

Most humans consume meat and other animal products as a matter of habit, which comes from their parents, grandparents, etc.. They are not aware of the suffering inflicted on animals, environmental impact, economic impact, or even the impact on their physical, mental and spiritual health.

Slide 20

Be noble


Ethics life preservation

Eating meat is bad for your health and the health of your children, is bad for animals, and is bad for the environment. We must respect the ethical and natures most basic principles, which are the preservation of life.

Slide 21

Be noble


Slide 22Love


The love for animals, nature and environment, translated into concrete actions to protect them is essential to the preservation of life on our planet.

This love spreads out and is reflected in more happiness, health, peace and more love.

Meat consumption promotes the suffering and killing of animals, destruction of the environment, and therefore destroys life on our planet. This in turn is reflected in unhappiness, illness, stress, depression, poverty, war, etc..

Slide 23Be loved


Slide 24Courage

Courage and principles

Being vegetarian is a matter of courage. Many people are aware of the evils of meat consumption, and the benefits of a vegetarian diet, but do not have the courage to change. They have no courage to defend their principles with their family and friends. They have no courage to change their life, even if it is for the better.

Have courage and become a vegetarian now!

Slide 25Be bold


Slide 26Intelligence


Being vegetarian is a matter of intelligence.

There are several studies that compare the health, intelligence, and psychological state among vegetarians and non vegetarians. One of the most recent studies published in the 'British Medical Journal' in 2007, found that the higher intelligence quotient (IQ) levels in children are associated with a greater likelihood of these children becoming vegetarians as adults. Other studies have shown that vegetarians have an IQ higher than those who eat meat by about 5 points. See links below.

Slide 27Be smart



Some famous scientists and philosophers who were vegetarians:

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on our planet, as the evolution of a vegetarian diet."

ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)American physicist (born in Germany) - 1921 Nobel Prize"The time will come when humans will look at the death of animals, as they look at the death of men."

LEONARDO DA VINCI (1425-1519)Sculptor, artist and Italian inventor

"The gods created certain beings to fuel our bodies ... They are the trees, plants and seeds. "

PLATO (circa 428-347 B.C.)Greek philosopher

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More famous scientists and philosophers who were vegetarians:

"Non-violence leads to higher levels of ethics, which is the goal of evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we will continue to be wild."

THOMAS EDISON (1847 - 1931) - American inventor and entrepreneur"If a man seeks an honest and virtuous life, his first act should be abstinence from animal food."

COUNT Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910) - Russian novelist and philosopher

Slide 29"It's a very significant fact that some of the most intelligent and educated men, are followers of a pure vegetarian diet."

MAHATMA GANDHI (1869 - 1948) - Hindu pacifist and spiritual leader"As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. It is true that one who plants the seed of death and suffering can not reap the joy of love. "

Pythagoras (ca. 582-507 BC) - Greek philosopher and mathematician."Father of Vegetarianism"Be smart



More famous scientists and philosophers who were vegetarians:

And many others

Slide 30"My refusal to eat flesh caused an inconvenience, and I have often been reprimanded for my singularity. But my light repast allows for greater progress, greater clarity of ideas, and a quicker understanding. "

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706 - 1790)American statesman, inventor and author"The higher realm of ideas and thoughts is impossible to achieve without first reaching an understanding of compassion."

Socrates (469-399 B.C.)Greek philosopher and teacher"The love for all living creatures is the most remarkable attribute of man."

CHARLES DARWIN (1809 - 1882)English biologist and naturalistBe smart


Slide 31Be Vegetarian

How to become a vegetarian?

It is easier and faster to prepare vegetarian food, than non-vegetarian food. Simply replace the meat or fish, with a vegetarian substitute (e.g., tofu, beans, lentils, peas, beans, etc.) in any dish you wish to prepare. Most non-vegetarian dishes, can be converted into vegetarian dishes this way.

Buy a vegetarian cookbook. It will give you some ideas.

Ask for help from a vegetarian you know.

Vegetarians do not eat only salads. They also eat rice, potatoes, pasta, beans, lentils, soya, peas, etc.

Exclude from your diet all animal sourced food

Slide 32Be vegetarian


What difference could I make?

More than you might think. The average meat eater, throughout his/her life, eats 4 cattle, 1150 chickens, 18 pigs, 23 sheep and lambs, 49 turkeys, 25 ducks, 2 rabbits, 4 goose and 2800 fish. You can save a lot of lives by going vegetarian, and contribute to:Reduce global warmingImprove your own healthReduce animal cruelty and sufferingReduce poverty and world hungerReduce other negative health and environmental impacts from the meat industry (rising food prices, conflict, etc.).The only question you should really be asking yourself is: why not go veggie!

You will most likely feel better and look better!

Spread the word. Share this presentation with you family and friends. It will help you, help them, and help save our planet!

Slide 33Be vegetarian

Vegetarian calulu andpalm oil beans

Tofu Lagareiro

Vegetarian Lasanha

Vegetarian risotto

Vegetarian beansWith a bit of imagination you can transform any traditional meat dish in a vegetarian dish.

Lentil SoupVegetarian FoodThere are thousands of vegetarian recipes on the Internet, as well as other information that can be very useful. 34Be vegetarian


Some examples of vegetarian protein

Granulated soya





Broad beans






FlaxseedSlide 35Be vegetarian


If you miss eating a sausage or a burger, or want to do something fast, you can always opt for pre-cooked vegetarian food. See examples below.

Slide 36Be vegetarian


Slide 37Why is this so important? why?

Food and energy are essential necessities that profoundly shape our present and future.

Consider the current scenario:

Slide 38Because


70% of all arable land is used for livestock production (30% of all iceless land surface of the earth)70% of all grains grown are used to feed animals on feedlots

30% of all arable land is used for agriculture to produce edible crops for human consumptionBiofuels (currently uses 1.5% of worlds arable land, but increasing due to high oil price and fuel security)People (~6.9 Billion)Increasing at a rate of ~1.2% a year (an increase of ~83 million every year)Over 1 Billion people worldwide suffer from hunger and malnutrition (likely to increase in the next few years, unless swift action is taken)In the Amazon basin 70% of previously forested area is now occupied by pastures and the remainder used for feedcropsRising food prices (food crisis)Famine and malnutrition, scarce resources, catastrophic environmental impact (soil erosion, deforestation, water and soil pollution, species extinction), massive natural disasters, global economic collapse, and social instabilityRising oil priceGrowing world populationGrowing unemploymentGlobal warming and increasing natural disastersThe aboveresults in:

The current global economic model creates competition, fast technology development, unsustainable growth, consumerism, and eventually leads to depletion of natural resourcesHuman development did not follow the fast technology development, and therefore humanity is not prepared to face the current challenges.It is estimated that up to 40% of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded, mostly due to livestock, overgrazing and deforestation.Terrible disease epidemics, widespread warfare, suffering and death

Worlds arable landGlobal challengesLivestock is responsible for over 18% of the world's greenhouse gas emissionsSlide 39

ConflictSave our planet


As you can see, the future of our planet,including humanity and all living species, is in danger

Slide 40Save our planet


Why is this all happening?Here are just some of the reasons:Overpopulation exponential growth (we are currently ~ 7.0 billion, growing at 1.2% per year)Global socioeconomic system promotes unsustainable growth and consumerismHuman behaviour unconsciousness, inconsideration, greed, egocentric, corruption, etc. Oil dependency dependence on oil for energy, plastics, chemicals, etc.Peak oil maximum rate of global petroleum extraction has already been reached

Slide 41



What can we do?

Become a vegetarian!!! This is the greatest contribution you can give to save our planet Protect nature help and protect all animals and plants, recycle, save energy and waterHelp others to gain consciousness and do the same help save our planet

Slide 42Save our planet


Slide 43The information in this presentation is available in various studies, reports, books, and websites. References have been provided in the form of URLs in each slide and at the end of the presentation.

All the facts, scientific evidence and analysis, are linked to provide a complete picture of what is happening to our planet and what you can do to help.

You may choose take the blue pill and stay in the blissful ignorance of ilusion, or take the red pill and face the painful truth of reality.

We hope you have the courage to face the truth, and align your actions with your values and ideals. This will make you feel better, and will help save the whole planet from suffering and destrution. now!

Links and references (1)General References:

Famous Vegetarians



Slide 44For more information


Links and references (2)

Environment and global warming

Ethics and animal cruelty

Nutrition, health and income



Slide 45For more information


We are vegetarians who promote vegetarianism, advocate animal welfare/rights and environmental conservation. We oppose meat consumption and the use of animal products. We are against animal cruelty as well as acts that endanger the environment. If you are like-minded, you are welcome to join our effort and share this presentation with your family and friends. It will help you, help them and help our planet.Slide 46You can send your comments, questions or feedback to: info@ecoangola.comwww.ecoangola.comThank you
