12/2008 FAXES TO Senator Leahy, Congressman Conyers & Now Vice President Joseph Biden



12/2008 FAXES TO Senator Leahy, Congressman Conyers & Now Vice President Joseph Biden MEMORIALIZING Washington, DC Trip that resulted in RETALIATION and the Lawsuit brought against Vogel Denise Newsome by Stor-All Alfred and now has led to the filing of ORIGINAL Civil Lawsuit (i.e. 03/12/11 Petition of Extraordinary Writ) Against President Barack Obama. Provides information as to the REASONS why the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, JUDICIAL COMPLAINTS and CONGRESSIONAL COMPLAINTS Filed by Vogel Denise Newsome are being OBSTRUCTED from being PROSECUTED! Garretson Resolution Group appears to be FRONTING Law Firm for United States President Barack Obama and Legal Counsel/Advisor (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) which has submitted a SLAPP Complaint to OneWebHosting.com in efforts of PREVENTING the PUBLIC/WORLD from knowing of its and President Barack Obama's ROLE in CONSPIRACIES leveled against Vogel Denise Newsome in EXPOSING the TRUTH behind the 911 DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACKS, COLLAPSE OF THE WORLD ECONOMY, EMPLOYMENT violations and other crimes of United States Government Officials. Information that United States President Barack Obama, The Garretson Resolution Group, Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, and United States Congress, etc. do NOT want the PUBLIC/WORLD to see. Information of PUBLIC Interest!

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