Mobile Application Development in C

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Why ‘c’ is popular in market ?

C is a parent language of every programming language. most of the compile and kernel are written in C because c easily interact from hardware. C is basically used for mobile application development. And most of the company are used C language like I-Softinc. Most of library and tools are written in c language. C is basically used for IOS development as like I-Softinc is already developed different application.

What is C ?

C is a procedure language and most powerful language. C is used for android application development and most of library, compiler and tools are written in c language because c is easily interact from hardware. C is also known as system and application software. The Unix system is itself written in c langauge.

System & Application software

System software- System software is a program which act an interface between user and hardware

E.g.- Window7, Linux

Application software- An Application software is the set of program to necessary carry out operation for a specific task.

E.g.- vlc player

History of C

C was originally developed in the 1970 by Dennis Ritchie and Kernighan at Bell laboratories (now a part of AT & T). It is an outgrowth of two earlier language, called BCPL AND B which were also developed at Bell laboratories.