callback solution

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• Call Back• OVER VIEW • Call Back solutions have been around for many years and have

generated huge profits for companies that have successfully implemented them. Many countries in South America, Africa and Asia and Middel East are prime examples of countries in which call back systems are extremely profitable. Service Providers who need to provide inexpensive calling with reduced rates to their customer base without having to invest in expensive hardware and phone lines can take advantage of MICROTALK.NG's Call Back Solution.

• Since VoIP, calling cards, and calling services are regulated in many countries throughout the world, Call Back allows the system Admin to place the equipment in a legal country and make the call from there. The idea is to do all of the outgoing calling from a legal country where lines are more obtainable and international calling rates are cheaper. Service providers and calling card operators based in the US or Europe can package Callback services with their existing products to increase revenues and explore new markets.


The Microtalk CallbBack System enables customers to use VIOP service in region where VOIP services are otherwise difficult to access. Here how it works

•The customer calls in to the system •The system receives the call, disconnect the call , then calls back to the customers

•The customer then calls the destination number

The Microtalk CallBack System provides three convenint way in whichCustomers can access your srevice

•Pin CallBack

•Pinless CallBack

•DiallerApp Callback

The Microtalk CallBack solution can be securely hosted in Co locationdata-center facilities in Europe, (UK). There is no need to install costlyHardware in the countries to which you can delivering service

The Microtalk CallBack System give you everything you Need to deliver, manage and bill for competitive international calling serviceIn a single platform, which is easily manage from a user-friendly web interface*Call management*Client management*Intergrated Billing *Call moniering and Reporting Tools
