(Youthlab Indo) Indonesian youth generational trends 2015 - TEASER


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Founded in 2009,Youthlab is the first factory and repository of youth insight in indonesia.

compromised of multi-talented youths of various background, the research and

consulting company helps corporations and organizations create precious connection

with the fickle yet precious market segment.Through contemporary methodological

approach we help you create a dialogue-collaboration with the youths of Indonesia

in the most efficient manner.We Here to Make that happen to you

>About The Author<Youth Laboratory Indonesia

Youth Laboratory Indonesia


>About The Author<

Doctoral candidate in psychology, focusing on youth political behavior. 7 years of experience in the field of social psychology & public opinion research. lecturer of research methodology in several university in Jakarta. Editor of 2 psychological research journal.

Bachelor of Business Management. More than 5 years of experience in the fieldOf research. Responsible as head for many field Research & activation segmented on youth for Youthlab since 2009. Author Of the serial slides report ‘Indonesian Youth trendsKaleidoscope’.

Tara Talita

Muhammad Faisal

Youth Culture

Informational Gap

Marketing Industries

>How we do it<

Youth Culture

Youth Culture


We realized that to fully understand youth culture and behavior we

couldn’t expect to find it through a few focus group discussion. Basic

survey may also be a pitfall in research if we don’t empathize and use a

reverse psychology on youth. That’s why we don’t depend or focus on a

singular methodology, instead we use a cross transactional data and

longitudinal Investigation notes as source of insights.

Youth Laboratory Indonesia

S o u l f u lTrademark of our report

Youth Insights

www.enterthelab.com Youth Laboratory Indonesia

>Tabel of Content<

www.enterthelab.com Youth Laboratory Indonesia

Overview: The Generational Theory

1.Youth Identity Construction

2.Keren; Old & New Definition

3.Gengsi; New Definition

4.Alay; Who & What Their Values Are

5.Social Media for Average Youth

6.Emerging Trends Outside Jakarta

7.The Importance of Having Hobby

8.Emotion based on Political Issues

9.Youth Media Habit

10.Indonesian Generation Turnings (as conclusion)