Your Community is Your Bottom Line, David Spinks - Social Fresh EAST 2014



Social Fresh Conference

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Your Community is your Bottom Line

How Communities Start, Thrive and Die


1. What is community? 2. How do I start?3. How do I know it’s working?

1. What is community?

Marketing or


Marketing is how you get them in the door.

Community is their experience from that point


Marketing Community• Reach• Traffic• Signups• New customers

created• Followers• Awareness

• Happiness (NPS)• Retention• Active users• Return

customers• Referrals• Product


Shapeways - Delighted

ProductHunt - InVision

Amex - Open Forum

2. How can I start building a


Start simple.

Audience Community

Community = Product

or Community

#1 Goal : Learn

The 3 P’s1. People2. Problem 3. Platform

Start talking to people.

The 5 Whys

Add quantitative research.

Minimum Viable Community


Make people feel special.

3. How do I know if it’s working?

Is it working?1. Data2. Gut3. Psychology

Membership1. Boundaries 2. Emotional safety 3. A sense of belonging and identification 4. Personal investment 5. A common symbol system

Pivot or Persevere

1. What is community? 2. How do I start?3. How do I know it’s working?

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I’m @DavidSpinksJoin us at:
