Welcome to the digital era



Today we are living in the digital era. Exciting times with lots of challenges, but also lots of opportunities. Especially for marketers and companies, with all the new technologies and tools they can use to make the best out of their campaigns. And they can offer services to their clients like never before.

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Welcome to the digital era


“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

- John Wanamaker

There is an app for that!

Everything can be measured

People want to be heard!

We have been social for ages!

Companies have to be social

Are you focused on FAN ENGAGEMENT!

and not just fan count?

Everyone is mobile

7 billion people in the world today

3.4 billion people with mobile devices

‘ONLY’ 1.9 billion people on

India has more mobile phones than toilets

There is no real life and digital life!

I think we have an opportunity here...
