Voice. The Essence of Engaging Content



Discover the importance of voice. Why your voice set you apart and gets your content read and shared. Get more hints on how to write with power and precision at http://www.technoledge.com.au/b2b-blog

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  • 1. VOICE the essence of ENGAGING content
  • 2. they skim they skip they scan People dont read any more
  • 3. You have to grab them with Compelling Subheads Killer Title Magnetic Headlines You have to grab them by the eyeballs
  • 4. The first sentence of your copy should be unforgettably relevant, useful, truthful and tempting copyblogger
  • 5. Lolita. Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Vladimir Nabokov LIKE THIS
  • 6. but how many Nabokovs work in Content Marketing?
  • 7. Killer Compelling Magnetic Irresistible Unforgettable Too many grab-you-by-the-eyeballs headlines take everyone to dreaded ad land The mind screens out NOISE like a mute button
  • 8. they switch off RESULT?
  • 9. If you love your subject theyll engage If you write with passion theyll respond If you use a natural voice theyll listen
  • 10. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Your content must be very easy to SCAN So can you forget about headlines, subheads and opening lines?
  • 11. Just dont bludgeon them to death with KILLER words
  • 12. So much is written about words and so little about voice Finding the right words is essential, but its your voice that engages people and builds rapport and trust
  • 13. Call us (02) 9909 0246 info@technoledge.com.au Check us out www.technoledge.com.au Follow us Find out more
