

Whether your seeking a business opportunity or looking for increased revenue, this presentation will make a difference! Become a self-employed rep or a value added customer and here is why with excellent commisions. Professional Services Apps & Websites that give the leveraging power to stay relevant to your customers while having a competitive advantage in the marketplace to communicate with them in real time, directly on their mobile devices. The foundation of Imagine Mobile Solutions is showing businesses that marketing is centered around building relationships, customer acquisition, retention & repeat clients through Push Notifications, SMS, Couponing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Directories and much more…which are all an innovation in mobile marketing. See more inside the guide.

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013


01. Who We Are

02. About The Industry

03. Why Employ Imagine Mobile Solutions?

04. Principles For Operation

05. Getting The Job Done

06. Top Ten Reasons To Employ Imagine Mobile Solutions

07. Your Command Of The English Language

08. Approach & Contact

09. Suggested Scripts

10. Value Added Reseller Handbook

11. Value Added Reseller Guideline

12. Compensation

13. Terms & Conditions

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013


Imagine Mobile Solutions’ strategic objective is to be the leading Microconsulting and Mobile Marketing firm. Our primary aim is to create the highest quality Professional Services Apps & Websites that give the leveraging power to stay relevant to your customers while having a competitive advantage in the marketplace to communicate with them in real time, directly on their mobile devices.

We take pride in our impeccable, pristine, & streamlined mobile app and website building process so that we can ensure that you have a modern marketing solution to launch & elevate your business, brands, or events while directly connecting with your customers in the most modern & classy manner with a push of a button. Mobile marketing is hot right now for small to medium businesses to exponentially grow & retain customers! Imagine Mobile Solutions can help you see an immediate Return on Investment (ROI) & scaling your companies’ growth FAST by leveraging the power of the mobile revolution

The mission of our highly skilled microconsultants is to design an iron clad, simple & easy, step-by-step mobile marketing strategy for your business to double its customer RETENTION, RELATIONSHIPS & REFERRALS through a systematic and repeatable process.

The foundation of Imagine Mobile Solutions is showing businesses that marketing is centered around building relationships, customer acquisition, retention & repeat clients through Push Notifications, SMS, Couponing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Directories and much more…which are all an innovation in mobile marketing.

Traditional websites are slowly becoming less dominant and mobile optimized websites are now taking precedent. When it comes to customers searching for products & services, statistics have shown a rapid growth in purchases since mobile apps were developed in 1999. Business mobile apps create an environment where customers are currently able to seek knowledge, recommendations & special promotions, and make their buying decision faster than any other time in record history.

Build, Nurture and invest in the field of mobile education and micro-consulting.

Turn talented business owners into rock stars and expose their work to millions.

Dream up and breathe life into ridiculously ambitious mobile apps, mobile websites, online platforms and more.

Boldly experiment with progressive work culture and disrupt the traditional idea of conventional marketing.


A mobile application (or mobile app) is a software application designed to run on smart phones, tablet computers and mobile devices. They’re usually available through application distribution platforms, which are typically operated by the owner of the mobile operating system, such as App Store and Google Play Store. Some apps are free, while others must be bought. Usually, they are downloaded from the platform to a target device, such as iPhone or Android, but sometimes can be downloaded to laptops. The term app has become popular, and in 2010 was listed as "word of the year" by America Dialect Society. In 2009, technology columnist David Pogue, said that newer smart phones could be nicknamed app phones to distinguish them from earlier less sophisticated smart phones.

Mobile apps were originally offered for general productivity and information, including email, calendar, contacts, and stock market and weather information. However public demand and the availability of developer tools drove rapid expansion into other categories, such as mobile games, factory automation,

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GPS, and location based services, banking, order tracking and ticket purchases. The explosion in the number of variety of apps made, lead to the creation of a wide range of review, recommendations and creation sources; including blogs; magazines; and dedicated online app discovery services. The popularity of mobile applications has continued to rise, as their usage has become increasingly prevalent across mobile phone users. May 2012, a com score study reported that during that previous quarter, more mobile subscribers used apps than browsed the web on their devices 51% versus 49% respectively.


Unlike most mobile app companies which will attempt to solely sell apps, Imagine Mobile Solutions also educates clients on how to promote their apps through many different marketing channels. If you qualify, you can be sure we will thoroughly understand your professional requirements. Equipment is 100% digital. The top of the line application development service centre systems offer the ultimate efficiency. The professionals who develop your app determine the quality and marketing of your app. Imagine Mobile Solutions long term staff is career oriented with wages/benefits that are higher than 98% of the app companies worldwide. System orientation and staff performance are intensely monitored and supported with a focus on thorough documentation apps service evaluation. Unlike the vast majority of mobile application developers or mobile marketing firms, Imagine Mobile Solutions have a staff of customer service representatives who periodically contact you to update your app.

They’re also readily available to you if you have a question or concerns. Their primary function is to interface between the client and the answering service staff. Imagine Mobile Solutions is stable, with great history of innovation and consistent growth. The company's founders are business turnaround specialists and online marketing industry leaders. Imagine Mobile Solutions has the client first mentality and makes sure all of their clients are growing rapidly while being protected.


Fundamental principles used to operate the company:

1. Company decisions must conform to the Strategic Objective, Principles, and Working Procedures documents.

2. We are the highest-quality mobile app developers. We do whatever it takes to ensure the quality of service to our clients is unmatched anywhere.

3. We draw solid lines, thus providing an exact status of where things stand. Documented procedures are the main defense against gray-area problems.

4. “Get the job done.” Can the employee do his or her job, or is there always a complication of one kind or another? This ability to “get the job done quickly and accurately without excuses or complications” is the most valuable trait an employee can possess.

5. Employees come first. We employ people who have an innate desire to perform at 100 percent. We reward them accordingly. The natural outcome is we serve our clients well.

6. We are not fire killers. We are fire prevention specialists. We don’t manage problems; we work on system enhancement and system maintenance in order to prevent problems from happening in the first place.

7. Problems are gifts that inspire us to action. A problem prompts the act of creating or improving a system or procedure. We don’t want setbacks, but when one occurs, we think, “thank you for this wake-up call,” and take system-improvement action to prevent the setback from happening again.

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8. We focus on just a few manageable services. Although we watch for new opportunities, in the end we provide “just a few services implemented in superb fashion,” rather than a complex array of average-quality offerings.

9. We find the simplest solution. Ockham’s Law, also called the Law of Economy, states, “Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity the simplest solution is invariably the correct solution.”

10. The money we save or waste is not Monopoly money! We are careful not to devalue the worth of a dollar just because it has to do with the business.

11. We operate the company via documented procedures and systems. “Any recurring problem can be solved with a system.” We take the necessary time to create and implement systems and procedures, and in the end, it is well worth it. If there is a recurring problem, a written procedure is created in order to prevent the problem from happening again. On the other hand, we don’t bog down the organization with processes and procedures that target once-in-a-while situations. Sometimes we elect to not create a procedure.

12. “Just don’t do it.” Eliminate the unnecessary. Many times, elimination of a system, protocol, or potential project is a very good thing. Think simplicity. Automate. Refine to the smallest amount of steps or discard altogether. Would a simple “no” save time, energy, and/or money?

13. Our documented systems, procedures, and functions are “off-the-street.” This means anyone with normal intelligence can perform procedures unassisted. The real-world evidence of this is we can hire an individual “off-the-street” who has good typing skills and have him or her processing calls within three days. For this result, protocols have to be efficient, simple, and thoroughly documented. (Before we implemented our systemized training protocol, it would take six weeks to train a sales person, manager, programmer, designer ext...)

14. Do it NOW. All actions build on “point-of-sale” theory. We don’t delay an action if it can be done immediately. Just like any major retail outlet, we “update inventories and databases at the exact time the transaction takes place.” There is no paperwork floating around the office after a physical transaction. We ask, “How can we perform the task NOW without creating lingering details that we must clean up later?”


To Our Staff:

Imagine Mobile Solutions success is built around two premises: We employ great people and then we provide these people with excellent tools and systems. And, within this success formula is a manager’s “ticket” to advancement within the company.

The trait we look for is “can you get the job DONE?”

Can you decipher what has to be accomplished and then complete it without a lot of hand-holding?

So, this is what I want to know: Can you get the job done?

What are the visible signs of someone who gets the job done?A task is fully understood and described on paper prior to commencement. Task deadlines are met without excuse. Once the task and deadline are agreed upon, the staff member delivers as promised. Missing a deadline can be a silent, seemingly non-important issue. But when it happens frequently, it betrays personal lethargy (and lethargy isn’t conducive to advancement!) If a deadline can’t be met because unforeseen problems crop up, the manager is informed prior to the deadline. The reason the deadline cannot be met must be valid and documented. An alternative completion date is submitted at the time of the notification. In any case, missed deadlines should be a rare occurrence. Projects are

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conceived, developed, and completed on a regular basis on one’s own. The staff member doesn’t leave it up to the supervisor to initiate all tasks and projects. “The radar is constantly scanning.” A valuable staff member is aware of tasks that need to be handled and does something.

Here’s the crux: It is better to do something and make a mistake than to do nothing at all, waiting for someone else to give direction.

For organization leaders, it is not easy to find people who have instilled, in their bellies, the kind of self-discipline required to “get the job done.” But, many times the hesitation to take action is simply the fear of making a mistake — a fear that can be mastered by the simple act of acknowledging it. So, a penchant for “getting the job done” can be a learned characteristic in someone who has not had a history of innovation and creativity.

We’ll say it again: For long-term advancement, taking action and making mistakes is better than not taking action. A self-starter has courage. The people who have a powerful internal understanding of this concept will always be the ones advancing to the top of the organization, earning the highest incomes and enjoying the greatest freedoms. Notwithstanding integrity and loyalty, there simply is no other trait that comes close to the importance of this one.


a. Highest quality, state of the art mobile professional services app development

b. Exceptionally professional staff

c. Precise quality control via independent quality department

d. State of the art software and design

e. Monthly billing cycle

f. Highly skilled step-by-step consultants

g. Proven marketing system

h. Independent customer service department

i. Free membership site

j. Client first mentality


Memo to Imagine Mobile Value Added Resellers:

We are on a quest: to improve our personal and collective command of the written and spoken word. As with just about everything else that makes Imagine Mobile Solutions special, this has to do with details, creating systems and simply paying attention to what we’re doing. It’s our job to continuously contemplate our strengths and weaknesses as a company. Clearly, considering the services we provide, our overall use of the English language must be exemplary. What we say and how we say it has a tremendous impact on the satisfaction of our clients and ultimately the success of our business. In our culture, the spoken word is often not spoken very well...and the written word is not often written very well. It may have to do with deficiencies in our educational system — and what we expect from our children as students — as well as our reliance on TV which has led to our general negligence of reading. Let’s get serious about this English language business. Here are some points:

o Your progression up through the ranks of Imagine Mobile Solutions will be very much related to your command of the English language. The company is growing and in a couple of years it will

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013

be much larger than it is now. You have a great opportunity to get ahead by perfecting your speech and writing skills (and, to boot, your above-average expertise will help you in all other areas of your life).

o Do not underestimate the negative impact of grammatical sloppiness or poor sentence structure. How does one measure the business lost due to the customer perception that we either don’t care, or don’t have intelligence? The very fact that we can’t measure the losses means that we tend to underestimate the damage and it’s my guess that when we’re not speaking and writing well the losses are more than what we might imagine. Remember that people often draw negative conclusions quickly, and they draw them on very limited information such as the brief email you send or the few words that you speak. In our telephone answering service business, it’s simple: negative judgments lead to the loss of accounts.

o For the immediate future, and maybe beyond, all written correspondence to clients and vendors, both hard-copy and email, are to be circulated through management. Send your letter/note to one of us via email or hard-copy. Our editors will make necessary changes and explain them to you. This is to ensure customers/vendors/associates are getting great written work and that you are having a learning experience. Use this email—

o If you’re in a bind and must send an email out immediately, do so but be sure to run the message through an editor immediately afterwards. Obviously, this would be for the “learning experience” benefit.

o Make and your best friends. As a test run, look up the word “germane”. See what it means in the dictionary mode. Find other similar words in the thesaurus. Have fun with this! Increase your vocabulary. You will have a larger impact on the people around you: they will respect you more, you will respect yourself more and you will get more of what you want.

o Do not feel intimidated by all this. You know if you’re weak in this area. Join us in making the first steps to improving. Swallow the fact that this kind of improvement takes time but it can’t happen if you never start. The harder you work, the faster you will improve. As you become more proficient, you will find a confidence and pride you didn’t know was possible. It’s really a rare opportunity.

o As you humble yourself for this new learning endeavor remember that Stephen King has an editor.

o Do not be annoyed if one of our editors corrects your internal messages without your prior request. It’s the fastest way to improvement.

o Use your spell-check and check your spell-check (did you replace your misspelling with the correct alternative?). Your spell-check should be in auto mode which means you can’t send an email without the system first checking your work.

o Be concise! Think in terms of how you speak and then put it down on paper. Be brief. Remember that using large words when you are unsure of their meaning does not impress anyone and could, in fact, tag you as insincere. Once again: you rarely can go wrong by choosing simplicity.

o Proof read your work. ALWAYS proof read your work.

o The written word: When you have completed your work, review it for comprehension. Does your message make sense? Should a sentence be rearranged? Is the information in the right logical order of presentation? Have you repeated yourself? Will it make sense to the person on the

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013

receiving end? What about the basic grammar and spelling errors that most people make. Do you know when to use “they’re” and “their?” What about “to” and “too?” Have you included all the facts? Is your written word logical and simple?

o The spoken word: be prepared for help in this area too. We’ll keep it light and we don’t want you to be afraid to speak. When speaking, watch the “umms” and the “yeahs” and the “ya knows.” Get to the point, don’t beat around the bush. Stick to the subject.

o Do you have problems or questions or are you feeling insecure about this? Talk one-on-one with a micoconsultant! This can be a sensitive area and we want to be solution focused.


Becoming A Value Added Reseller:

1. The primary aim here is to understand that when operating as a VAR, you’re a walking and talking brand. Behave and present yourself in a professional manner whenever attending functions, meetings or when representing Imagine Mobile Solutions.

2. Dress at the very least, business casual whenever representing Imagine Mobile Solutions.3. Be early for all scheduled meetings and functions.4. Communication is the key. If any concerns arise, let us know. Plain and simple. 5. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen twice as much as you speak. Practice

active listening. As a result, your answers will not fall on deaf ears. The one who asks the questions is the one in control of the conversation, wouldn’t you agree?

The Value Added Reseller Three Step Process:

1. The VAR Outreach—The purpose of the VAR Outreach is to get entrepreneurs, businesses and

all other appropriate enterprises in front of the Value Added Reseller Presentation. I.E. sit-down,

social media, business to business, email, telephone, internet & in the community.

2. The VAR Presentation—The purpose of the VAR Presentation is to introduce prospective clients

to Imagine Mobile Solutions. Presentation materials, resources and a Microconsultant Trainer are

provided to all Value Added Resellers.

3. The VAR Follow-Up—The purpose of the VAR Follow-Up is to educate the prospective client on

how we can evolve their marketing through leveraging mobile technology and to show them the

power of the mobile revolution and Imagine Mobile Solutions. All VAR’s are accompanied with a

Senior Microconsultant during the sale close period until there are given the okay to close

contracts independently.

Approach & Contact:

The main reason for meeting with entrepreneurs and businesses owners aside from earning commissions is to set up business to business feedback…

For example: If you started you own restaurant with $300,000:1. After assessing the market and target customer, you would still want people to come in for a pre-

determined open house for feedback and improvement, and to further test market your menu and food services.

2. You would want to leave an impression on your client base and leave as a word-of-mouth referral to build your business.

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013

3. If done correctly, a number of them may become Value Added Partners and lead you to referrals.

Why We Have A Three Step Process:

We do a three step process for two reasons. First, there is too much information to impart in a single sitting; secondly, the three step process acts as a filter system. Time is the most valuable asset we have and it should be invested wisely. Your time usage is just as valuable as ours is. Therefore, as a rule, the first step allows us to build mutually beneficial relationships with our clients—this will determine whether you set up step two. The steps thereafter categorize prospective clientele into the right products and services that are appropriate to their professional service needs.


I’m A Mobile Marketing Consultant For Imagine Mobile Solutions:

o “I educate business owners on how to double their growth and results; in fact, we even consult owners on how to do so through leveraging the power of cutting edge mobile services.”

Follow Up (To be used in different situations & in most cases, this order):

o “Everyone wants to learn how to make and save more money for their business, wouldn’t you agree? Is that something you’re responsible for?”

o “I’m not sure yet if your business model is a good fit for us, or if we are a good fit for you, but I think it just makes sense to go into greater detail on this one. I can definitely show you a little bit more about our company, so that at the very least, once you see the value, you can make an informed decision going forward.”

o “Do you have a business card?” (If not) “Leave me your name and number and I will give you a call to set something up in the near future.”



While a standardized sales methodology has been proven effective, depending on your customer, it is best to nuance your process in order to suit each individual client. The following tips are meant to serve only as general guidelines to approaching your clientele.

Benefits Over Features: Emphasize the importance of mobile apps and mobile websites for a business, and you’ll be more likely to catch the interest of decision makers. If you are not generating a positive response, then you are more than likely describing a feature instead of a benefit. It’s not the number of features, but added value of them. Tell your client how the app can relate to their success, rather than listing off each individual feature.

Inside, Out: Emphasize targeting your immediate social circles or professional network first. You want to work inside out. Go with what you know in order to maximize your efforts. By using this method, you will be able to see a larger return on your most valuable asset—your time.

Let’s Use The Right Brain Approach: When decision makers weigh cost and benefits in the purchase decision making process, the best tactic is to fully utilize emotional elements. One of the best ways to inject emotional content into your sales approach is through storytelling.

Facts Tell Stories Sell: Use of testimonial storytelling can increase sales by as much as 700%. Your prospects expect you to play the role of a salesman, but generally trust their peers to be realistic about their product experiences. Use quotes from satisfied customers and include statistics that highlight

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the benefits of using mobile apps for their business. Remember to always be specific, citing verifiable source data.

What’s In It For Me?: In order to generate strong responses, it’s important to give your prospects compelling reasons why mobile apps and mobile websites solve problems, fulfill needs, and most importantly, benefit the financial health of their organization. Remember to off demo apps and case studies of how mobile apps have improved similar organizations. This will establish, in the decision maker’s own opinion, that your product will positively affect their business.

Communicate With Your Prospect: Another important process in sales methodology is listening. Some decision makers may have preconceived opinions about the mobile app landscape and value, and you will need to listen to those viewpoints. By listening and understanding, you will be able to effectively educate your clients about the value of mobile apps. Remember to give both verbal and non-verbal acknowledgement that you are listening and understanding. If you need to, repeat what they have said in order to verify complete understanding. Secondly, relate to you client that you understand their concerns. Use storytelling. Emphasize both emotional and quantifiable results.

Ask For The Sale: Finally, it’s important to ask your client for the sale. This is a crucial step and many sales can be lost because the step is neglected. If you have built an effective narrative4, with quantified benefits and emotionally resonating features, the decision to purchase a mobile app will be quite simple!


Examining the sales process for mobile app sales is a very useful tool in maximizing your efforts. There are four essential stages in the mobile app sales cycle: Acquisition, Installation, Usage and Renewal.

Acquisition: The acquisition stage of the app sales life cycle can be the most intimidating. This is where new clients are obtained using resources found in your CRM. However, as your business and clients grow, a majority of your time will be spent managing and maintaining your customers through the remaining stages of the mobile app life cycle.

Installation: The installation of the mobile app to your client is the second stage of the app sales life-cycle. During this process, the app is being built, customized, and deployed according to your customer’s needs. Some customers may want specialized features, additional capabilities, and even nuances such as font changes. With this stage, it is important to validate and positively reinforce your client’s purchase decision.

Usage: During the usage stage, your client is actively using their app and paying monthly fees. Again, your main role during this stage is to reinforce the value of their mobile app. If there are any issues or training requirements that your customer needs, create time to fulfill those needs. It is always more expensive to obtain new customers than to maintain current ones.

Renewal: The final stage of the app sales lifecycle is the renewal stage. During this process, an app may need to be rebuilt to accommodate changing technology, or even a changing business. Any questions about their business performance, and provide them with tools to measure business performance before and after the app deployment. These tools are all available in the Imagine Mobile Solutions.


I. Does Your Business Currently Have A Mobile App Or Website Optimized For Mobile Devices?

II. Would A Mobile App Provide Tangible And Significant Benefit To The Organization?III. Does The Business Have The Financial Capabilities To Acquire The Service?

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I. Show Them An Already Built Example App: The most effective way to impress a potential client is an in-person example. Knowing the desired industry, show the potential client an app that would be similar in nature to theirs and give them a brief walk through.

II. Create A Customized App Demo For A Client In 15 Minutes: With the way our system works, we are not charged for the number of Apps made, only the ones that are uploaded to the App Store. So a great way to impress a client is to create their app before you try and sell them on it.

III. Pushing Push Notifications: Explain the use of push notifications and their use in getting customers inside their business. For a restaurant during a slow period, they can send out a push notification for a food special and get people in the doors. This can be a very powerful selling point for businesses as it can directly help bring customers into their business! You can also compare there in-app push notification message to text message marketing. A typical SMS plan can cost upwards of $500/month and with your service, push notifications are included with each app free of charge.

IV. Educate On The Growing Mobile Industry With Statistics: The mobile industry is growing rapidly. Share the scale of the industry, percentage of growth, and number of devices that have been sold. Compare this mobile market to the expansion of the PC market. Mobile app usage since 2010 has more than doubled!

V. Show Them The CMS: Be sure to push the fact that within one hour, a mobile app can be ready for submission. Once approved by the App Store the app works in real time. This means that at any time, your customer can log in and make changes and send push notifications.

VI. Mobile Coupons: No matter what the business, coupons are not cheap. However, with mobile apps offered by you, that all changes. Our mobile apps offer GPS coupons, QR coupons, or any other custom events and notification coupons your customer implements with the App. The cameras on mobile devices can read QR codes. These are used to replace outdated stamp card coupons.

VII. Help Them Market Their App: Provide an added value service to the small business by offering to set up QR codes to place inside their business to encourage app downloads by their customers and other mobile service advertisements.

VIII. Explain How Much Money They Are Saving Developing An App With Your Company: Mobile application development is not cheap. Let the business know that your mobile app service is but a mere fraction of the price of a custom developed mobile app. On average, a restaurant can spend upwards of $20,000 and spend months on development to end up with a fairly basic app.

IX. Flexible Pricing: Use the Imagine Mobile Solutions pricing guidelines and assess the right product and service package for the client.

MOBILE APP SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY:App Store: This is where iPhone apps are downloaded.

SDK: Software Development Kit. This is the software used to create mobile apps.

HTML5: This is a programming language that is used to create apps within a mobile device’s internet


Flash: Flash is a technology that adds interactively and video to websites. This technology generally does

not function on mobile devices.

Responsive Website: This is a website that changes according to screen size. When a screen is small

(such as in a mobile device) content and functions change to accommodate the user.

CMS: Content Management System. This is where clients manage their mobile apps and mobile


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APK: The Android app file that you upload to Google Play.

iTunes Connect: This is the area in which we upload your iPhone apps.

Google Play: The area in which customers upload and then also download Android apps from.

Redirect Script: A script we provide to redirect users to a mobile website if they view a website from a

mobile phone.

Native App: An app that is specifically designed to run on a specific phone and is uploaded directly to the

App Marketplaces.

Web App: An app created in HTML5 that is designed to run on most smart phones through the internet



Non-Profits | Djs & Artists | Churches | Financial Advisors | Nightclubs & Bars | Hotels & Resorts | Restaurants | Financial Advisors & Other Professionals | Law Firms/Lawyers | Gym’s & Fitness Clubs | Realtors | Business Network | Network Marketing Companies.


You now have three options to choose from. The silver package which includes a customized mobile application or mobile website. This package is valued at $1997.00 for a limited time only now for $997.00.

The Gold package which includes a mobile application and mobile website. Is a perfect starter for any business looking to take advantage of the mobile revolution. Mobile is the most powerful way to market today. With over five billion active cell phones, your clients can now search for you anytime and also have your business directly on their phone so you can claim that digital real estate. This package is valued at 2997.00 and is being offered for a limited time only for $1997.00.

The Platinum and most popular package which includes a mobile application, mobile website and Microconsulting is Imagine Mobile Solutions top package because of the massive ROI that is seen with our clients, this package also includes a membership site, with a suite of marketing training, valued at $1497.00, thrown in as a bonus with the platinum purchase. This entire package is valued at $4997.00 and is being offered at $2997.00 for a limited time only.

Each package has a monthly investment for up keep, hosting and upgrades to always stay ahead of current trends. This way we can make sure you are always ahead of the competition and show your customers you are staying relevant in this constantly evolving world.The Silver package is a monthly investment of    $49.99The Gold package is a monthly investment of $99.99The Platinum is a monthly investment of   $199.99


Cold Calling Tool Boxa) Sample cold calling scriptb) Sample voice mail scriptc) Sample thank you email scriptd) Potential client objections sheete) How to create sales reports

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013

Overview of the Imagine Mobile Solutions Sales StrategyDirect Sale Cycle

1. Initial call – need probing questions aka discovery – app preview2. Follow up thank you email after call3. Follow up email screen shots – soft close4. Follow up phone call to close sale – hard close5. Enters customer service cycle

Customer Service Post Sale Cycle1. 3 day touch - Ask how our service was and if we can help2. 7 day touch - Ask for a referral to another customer3. 30 day touch - Ask if they need any help or servicing

Cold Calling Tool BoxBasic elements of a cold call:

Find the decision makerHello, this is Value Added Reseller of Imagine Mobile Solutions. I was wondering if you could help me, please? (Pause)I was looking for the person in charge of marketing and promotions.I was wondering if you could help connect me with your manager.Great! Thank you for your help.

Introduce yourselfHello, this is Value Added Reseller from Imagine Mobile Solutions.

Get the prospect’s attentionHow are you today? Great!

State your reason for calling

We have not spoken before, but we have been working with businesses in your industry for quite some time and one of the chief concerns we are hearing is the need to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaign to generate more revenue for your business.

Ask need probing questions

Is this the same issue impacting your business, or are there other ones? Great! Well we have been very successful in helping companies like yours. Have you considered adding an mobile app to your marketing mix? An app is one of the effective marketing tools available. It allows customers to access your business information on the go and allows you to message your customers with special deals and updates – bringing more customers in your doors. Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? Great!Get the appointment (preview)

How would you feel if I created you a no obligation preview of an app that we could create for your business? Is that something you’d be interested in? Great! I will be sure to include features that other businesses like yours have had great success with. Expect an email in the next couple days and I will follow up with you over the phone after that. Thank you for your time. Have a good day.

Sample Voice Mail ScriptHello, this is Value Added Reseller of Imagine Mobile Solutions. We have not spoken before, but we have been working with businesses similar to yours for quite some time. One of the chief concerns we are hearing from others in your position is the need to discover new ways to bring in customers. We’ve had a lot of success with businesses by developing professional services apps – which connects businesses with their customers on a mobile level. I’d love to discuss how we can help improve your bottom line more

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Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013

by developing your business app so please give me a call back at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Sample Thank You Email ScriptDear Business Owner,

It was a pleasure to speak with you today. I look forward to showing you a preview of the iPhone app we could develop for your business in the next couple days.

In the interim, should you require any information about our company or if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call.

Thanks in advance,Value Added ResellerSenior Consultant at Imagine Mobile Solutions Potential Client Objections SheetExcuse: “Your price is too high”Responses: Value, return on investment, lower price

Excuse: “No need, interest, or budget”Reponses: Build rapport; ask questions, close for previewSales ReportingDials # Completed calls # Previews given # Sales #. Sales being the most important figure


Imagine Mobile Solutions uses online payment management systems. PayPal is the primary payment management system used for Value Added Resellers. All Value Added Resellers receive 40% of all one time development costs associated with every closed contract.

An all-in-one Merchant Account - Paypal

With no programming skills required, Website Payments Standard is our easiest and most popular way to accept credit cards online.

Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal No setup charge or monthly fees Easy setup, no programming skills required

Website Payments Standard includes everything you need to add credit card services to your site. If you already have a shopping cart or want to do a custom integration, create an account now.

We keep it simple. You pay a fixed percentage and a low transaction fee on every sale. There are no hidden charges.

No monthly fee No monthly minimum No setup charge No cancellation charge Pricing

IMS Toll Free | 1-800-473-2126 ext.101 | Service & Support Line: ext.102

Value Added Reseller (VAR) Start Up 2013

With PayPal there are no extra costs like setup charges, monthly fees, downgrade penalties, or cancellation charges.


$0 to $3,000 2.9% + $0.30 $3.20 fee on a $100 sale$3,000.01+ to $12,000 2.5% + $0.30* $2.80 fee on a $100 sale$12,000.01+ to $125,000 2.2% + $0.30* $2.50 fee on a $100 sale$125,000.01 1.9% + $0.30* $2.20 fee on a $100 sale

The pricing table above applies to payments received from Canada or the US. An additional 1% charge will be applied to receive payments from countries other than Canada or the US.


I. Imagine Mobile Solutions Commercial Link. For your viewing pleasure and for prospective

businesses etc.

II. Take Your Business Mobile Video Link.

III. Imagine Mobile Solutions Android Play Store Mobile App Download Link.

IV. Imagine Mobile Solutions Live In Studio Video Intro

V. Go Ahead & Befriend Us & Like Us On Facebook!

VI. Value Added Partner Program For Microconsulting Clients Only Website Sign Up Link. (Password


VII. Primary Business Website Checkout Page (take note of our pricing)

VIII. Imagine Mobile Solutions Website (please read and review the website!)

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