Using Bing’s Share Of Voice Report To Recover Lost Impressions


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Recover Lost Impressions With

Bing’s Share of Voice Report

Negative Keywords Tool

What does Share of Voice report tell you?

It shares details of the number of times your ad is shown as a percentage of total impressions served along with the % of impression lost as a result of your  campaign settings.

Insights shared by SOV Report Impression Share Lost to Budget Impression Share Lost to Rank Impression Share Lost to Landing Page Relevance Impression Share Lost to Keyword Relevance Impression Share Lost to Bid

Next slides explain the step-by-step process to create your SOV report…..@karooya

Step 1: Go to the reports tab

Step 2: Click on Share of Voice in the right side , under ‘Performance’

Step 3: Enter the details and select campaign/ ad group for which you want to generate the report


Here is an example:

The report suggests reviewing the

account’s keyword structure and how

relevant they are with the ad copy.


In the next slide learn how you can use the SOV report’s keyword insight to further get an idea on which competitor is getting the most out of those



Step 1: Go to the keywords tab

Step 2:  Select the keywords (you can refer your SOV data to pick those specific keywords only)

Step 3: Click on ‘Details’ and then on ‘Selected under ‘Auction Insights’


Step 4: You can view the details of  the competitor sites and their impression share


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