Site Direct + Content


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TMKU: Site Direct + Content

What we will cover today


What is site direct?

Why is it important?

What is TMK’s approach to site direct?


What is content?

Why is it important and why is it growing?

How do you create an effective content program?

Site Direct


First, let’s look at the digital landscape

Digital ad spending surpassed TV in 2016, one year earlier than expected


Source: eMarketer US Ad Spending, 2016

But digital represents lots of different tactics


Source: eMarketer US Ad Spending, 2016

And the majority of that digital spend is being transacted programmatically


Source: eMarketer US Ad Spending, 2016 ; eMarketer Programmatic Ad Spending Forecast, 2017

73%programmatic share of US display ad budgets in 2016

82%programmatic share of US digital

video ad spending by 2018

80%mobile share of US digital video

ad spending in 2017

So then why are we here?


Source: eMarketer US Ad Spending, 2016 ; eMarketer Programmatic Ad Spending Forecast, 2017

20+% of display media is not transacted programmatically


So what is site direct?

Site direct is


a method of buying digital media inventory straight from a publisher whose advantages include….

Access to a sites full inventory


Choosing the exact combination of specific placements

Premium inventory + placements


Working with a publisher for their most premium inventory, which typically is not opened up to exchanges

Share of voice


Owning a percentage of all ad inventory on a certain page, section or site

Custom integrations


Working with a publisher to integrate your client into the fabric of the site

Access to publisher only resources


First access to new inventory, sections or


Access to custom publisher research, tools, data, events,


Cross-platform integration

Added value

Creative flexibility


How TMK does site direct

• We believe in quality over quantity

• We recommend only going several publishers deep with Site Direct to maximize the benefits of the channel

• Leverage site direct for what it is best for, reaching a high composition of a specific target

How to buy site direct


Flat rate sponsorshipA fixed cost over a specific time period for impressions served or a certain SOV

CPMCost per thousand impressions

CPECost per engagement

CPLCost per lead

CPACost per action, acquisition, anything!

CPCCost per click

Once you buy it, make sure its actually serving


QA, QA, QA! And then check again one more time. And then again in a week. And then again a week after that.


One of the biggest challenges with content is defining it


The IAB defines content as 6 categories

In Feed Promoted Listing

Paid Search In-Ad

Recommendation Widget Custom


In reality, content is everything from a social post to a custom content program


Why has content become more important and why does everyone want in?

Ad blocking will force brands + publishers to focus on creative and content

Globally, users who block ads grew by 30% (142MM) in 2016, representing 11% of the

global internet population.


Source: eMarketer “Ad Blocking in the US” Report, PageFair 2017 Adblock

3 in 10 US internet users are expected to be using ad blockers by the end of 2018

The release of iOS9 brought ad blocking to mobile for the first time. Ad blocking apps flew to

the top of the charts in the iTunes store.

Brands are already stating they will use content as a way to combat this trend


In Q1 2016, $0.85 of every new ad dollar is going to Google + Facebook


And that spend is indicative of how users are discovering content


By 2021, native (aka content) and social will make up 70+% of digital budgets



Creating and distributing content

As you get started, there are a couple of key questions you need

to ask yourself

• Who are you trying to reach?

• Why is this the content/topic of value?

• What will you create?• What is your budget?• Where will your audience

discover the content?• How will you measure?

Let’s start with the who

What do they care about?Business, Kids, Dogs, Environment, TechnologyAgain, you can leverage MRI to understand your audiences valuesAdditionally, you can leverage tools like Iconoculture and Forrester to understand trends in a particular space


Who do you want to reach with your content?Small Business Owners, Moms, Teenagers, Tech Enthusiasts, InvestorsLeverage comScore and MRI to look for where these audiences are

What are they hearing from competitive brands?Google it! Ask publishers for examples and leverage BrandTale


Why is this content valuable to your audience

Inform Educate Entertain


What it won’t do, at least not very efficiently

If you know who you want to reach, how do you choose a partner

Do they reach your target?You need to show that through their site and distribution they reach your audience. A small site isn’t a bad thing, but you need to make sure you have a distribution plan to support it.


Have they done content before?What type of content have they done before - video, posts, syndication?Who have they worked with? Ask for relevant examples and case studies.What is their team structure?

Do they have a distribution plan?Is it all banners? Do they have native plans? Do they use their social handles (and have they in the past)?

Do they have measurement benchmarks?If they don’t… consider walking away.Benchmark against other content in your category and editorial, if possible


You know who you want to talk to and who you might want to work with, but how do you know what to ask for?

There are lots of different types of content (and not all publishers do all of them).

Custom content: content created from scratchGoes by many names: Native Content, Sponsor Content, Branded postComes in many formats: Video, Article, Infographic


Curated hubs + series: these often leverage elements from the publisher and the brand


Content syndication: taking brand assets and publishing to partner sites


Sponsorships: essentially just adding your logo to a relevant topic


When you brief in your partners its always better to be as explicit as possible


What type of content do you want to do?Do you have assets? Do you want a say in what’s created?Share relevant links to brand content/assets.

What’s your budget?Often with content, we ask publishers to tell us - and that doesn’t really work. With minimums, be up front with publishers about the level you are looking to spend.Ask for production dollars to be separated from the media dollars.

What’s your time frame?How long and when do you want to be in market? How much time do you need to account for client/legal review?

Ultimately, what are you trying to change or communicate?If they don’t… consider walking away.Benchmark against other content in your category and editorial, if possible


You have the content, now let’s it out there!

Types of distribution: partner channels


Types of distribution: mobile


Types of distribution: in-feed


Types of distribution: social


Types of distribution: recommendation widgets



Finally, measure it

Measuring success


Audience: Are we reaching our target?Ask to set up an insight pixel for proprietary audience data

Engagement: Is our target engaging with our content?Ask to place a Sizmek pixel to map to current metricsImplement Nudge to measure off-site engagementAsk for partner website data (ew: Omniture, WebTrends, Google Analytics)Ask for relevant benchmarks for comparison - content is not standardAsk for social metrics (including social reach)Establish what engagement means from the beginning

Impact: Are we positively moving the needle/changing perception?Look to execute a brand survey to measure relevant brand attributes

Thank you!
