Survey results and anlysis


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Survey results and analysis.

By David Kimaita

What is demographic researchThese are specific characteristics within a

group of people. These may include gender, age, race, religion, nationality, region, class and sexuality.

Thriller film statistics – Gender. Q1From the results shown

from the survey, 12 of the 23 is female and 11 is male. This also may be due to more females watching more films than men. This is because it may be due to women going in groups to watch a film, seeing how women go to the cinema and watch more films than men.

Thriller film statistics – Age. Q2From these results, I have

gathered that 65 percent of responses came from 15-17 year olds. This could imply that they care the most on what features occur in a film, and also what keeps them intrigued. Such as the action, which can keep 15-17 year olds entertained to keep on watching and watch more thriller films.

Thriller film statistics – Favourite sub-genre’s. Q3From the statistics, I have

gathered that the majority of people’s favourite sub-genre is either Action or supernatural, with the statistics showing 35% of action, and 30% of supernatural. This may be because since we are targeting a young target audience they maybe intrigued into genre’s such as supernatural and horror.

Thriller film statistics – Favourite thriller film. Q4In my fourth question, I asked

a open question about peoples favourite thriller films, this was so I could gather what type of genre’s people in to. A repeated answer that I got of favourite thrillers was “The Conjuring” in the supernatural thriller genre. People may have picked this because of the suspense that it has, and how it keeps the viewers entertained and at the edge of their seats.

Thriller Film Statistics – Important Aspects in Thrillers. Q5In this question, I asked

about what aspects do people like in thriller films, the most voted answer I received was suspense with 48%. This may have been the most picked answer since suspense keeps the audience engaged and interacted, making them want to watch more of the film to find out what happens next.

Thriller Film Statistics – Conventions of Thrillers. Q6 In this question, I wanted to find

out the most important element that builds suspense in a thriller film. The most voted answer I got was music. This may have been because music works with suspense extremely well, such as fast paced music at a chase, which will keep the viewers entertained. Music also has a big part to play in films as it could also give the audience false peaks of suspense. This meaning that the tension may be built high only for it to be released and to give the audience a sense of relief knowing that their favourite character will be okay.

Thriller Film Statistics. Locations for Thrillers. Q7 In this question, I asked about the

ideal location and where people would like a thriller to be set in. From the results, 57% of people said a dark area would be ideal. This may be because a dark area could maybe set the scene for the thriller. Also, If the main character is alone in a dark area, it will leave them isolated and exposed, keeping the audience at the edge of their seat. Secondly, 38% percent picked the city. The city may be ideal for a thriller because normally the city is big, so it would be harder for the antagonist to track their killer.

Thriller Film Statistics. Entertainment – Q8.In this question, I asked about

where and when people would want to be entertained with a thriller. 48% replied with straight from the beginning. If you are entertained straight from the beginning, It would want to keep the viewer entertained and so that they will want to watch more, also the first 10 minutes of a film is very important. This meaning if you are not entertained in the first 10 minutes, you are most likely not going to watch the rest of the film.

Thriller Film Statistics. Biggest Fear. Q9.In this question I asked

about peoples biggest fears. This is so that when we make a film, we can use peoples fears against them to keep them entertained and intrigued in our film. One answer that was repetitive was clowns. This could be used in our film well to keep the audience interacted while scared to build suspense in the film.