Survey Evaluation


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Music Magazine SurveyEvaluation

Age and Gender

Age and Gender

• This survey shows that most common gender is female with 78% being female and 22% male. When looking at age the most common was 15 – 17 with 18 – 24 being the second common.

Buying Magazine

• The survey shows that most people buy their magazine monthly and would rather buy the magazine monthly rather than weekly. 78% would rather buy monthly compared to 22% who would buy them weekly.

Buying Magazine

Music Taste

Music Taste

• The most popular music taste is pop, with 59% compared to rock n roll which scored 29%. The least popular music type is country with 2%.

Favorite Band/Artist

Favourite Band/Artist

• The artists that were mentioned were Ellie Goulding, Adele, Ed Sheeran, and Lorde. These are artists that are in the pop industry. This explains why the most popular genre was pop.



• The cost that most people would be willing to pay was £2 – £2.50 with 49%. Compared to £1 - £1.50 with 30% and £3 - £.50 with 21%.

Favourite Music Magazine

Favourite Music Magazine

• The three most popular music magazines were NME, Q and Kerrang.



• Hobbies and interests that were mentioned included; socialising, gym, work, school, watching tv and sports.
