Samsung Smart TV Marketing Strategies




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Samsung Smart TV

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Project of

Principles of Marketing

Submitted By:

Muhammad Zeeshan Azam

ID# 123220 (BBA)

Danial Razzaq

ID#123206 (BBA)

Ahmed Asif

ID#123108 (MBA)

2nd Semester

Submitted To:

Sir Shazif Iqbal

Samsung Smart TV

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We have done efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind

support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our sincere

thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to outlets & service centers of Samsung for their guidance and constant

supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project and also for

their support in completing the project.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents and our teacher Sir Shazif Iqbal for

their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped us in completion of this project.

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving us such

attention and time. Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleague in developing the

project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

And at last we are very thankful to Sir Mohammad Faisal (sales deptt.) and

Sir Hamid Hashmi (senior sales manager) in the Orient Group of Companies, for their kindness

of encouraging us to make a visit to the organization.

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................ 3

Selecting a Branded Product not necessarily locally produced ...................................................... 5

Identification of Company that produces it .................................................................................... 6

Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix of the Company .................................................................... 6

Marketing Environment within which company operates .............................................................. 7

Major Competitors of the Selected Product .................................................................................... 8

Characteristics affecting consumer behavior towards brand .......................................................... 8

Type of Buying Decision .............................................................................................................. 11

Buyer Decision Process ................................................................................................................ 11

Market segmentation with respect to your product....................................................................... 12

The type of your product............................................................................................................... 12

Product attributes with other Variance: ..................................................................................... 13

Identify the life cycle stage of your brand and its corresponding strategy ................................... 13

Price Decision and Pricing Strategy ............................................................................................. 14

The nature of your market distribution channels .......................................................................... 14

The factors by designing the market channel for the brand chosen .............................................. 14

Challenges the company faces in managing Channel Members ................................................... 15

Promotion mix for the brand and the concept of IMC .................................................................. 15

Understanding of how message is designed and communicated .................................................. 16

How Sales Promotions are implemented ...................................................................................... 16

Identify 1P of Marketing Mix which may requires to change ...................................................... 17

Two Stores which to be discussed ................................................................................................ 17

Asked Questions from Shopkeeper ............................................................................................... 18

Check and Note the price of your brand and Competing Brands ................................................. 18

TV campaigns and other campaigns ............................................................................................. 19

Under what conditions the company uses ATL and BTL strategies ............................................ 19

Different Outlets which we visited ............................................................................................... 20

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Selecting a Branded Product not necessarily locally produced

About the brand chosen

Smart thinking, Simple living

The brand which we have selected is the Samsung which is not locally manufactured in Pakistan.

Samsung is a South Korean Multinational Electronics Company and its` headquarter is located in

Suwon, South Korea. The company enabling to it to maintain the “world's largest market share”

for a sixth consecutive year. They employ 236,000 people across 79 countries with annual sales

of US $187 billion. Mr. John Park, Managing Director of Samsung EC Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.

The Product Chosen:

The product which we have chosen is Samsung Smart TV. The company is manufacturing a

wide range of LED and LCD. Samsung is now working in the new experience of making Smart

TV. This is not just a simple TV or LED it has as many features as it could have. We can

experience anything what we want. It has latest features of Motion Control, Face Recognition

and Voice Control. And the company has also introduced more Multimedia contents in it to make

the new experience for Remote control-free environment. The product covers 3 levels of

products Core, Actual and Augmented.

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Identification of Company that produces it

The producer of the Samsung Smart TV is the Samsung itself. They make a large number of

their own products and export all over the world from their manufacturing countries. The

company manufactures its` products but the products which we own in our country are actually

assembled in our country (some products are assembled in Lahore) by

Orient Group of Companies.

Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix of the Company

The company makes its marketing strategy very logically. Marketing strategy is made under

marketers must be made very carefully. The marketing strategy includes the pricing of the

product, placement of the product, distribution of the product and the market segmentation is

also made under the Marketing strategy of the company.

Segmentations of the target market is also important for the company segmentation actually

tells that for whom the product is made and which type of people can buy the product.


The distribution of the product is very important, Samsung deals with the authorized channel

members to which they sell the products. And through those channel members the products are

distributed to the end consumers. Channel members are important because company does not sell

its products directly to the consumers.


Samsung places its products to the stores where the customers are showing the willingness of

buying the products. The company will not place the products in those areas where the customers

do not show interest of buying the latest and precious products.

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Marketing Mix of the brand

Samsung have a good grip over the marketing mix. Smart TV is the Product which is the

Customer solution of having the latest technology in the LED TVs. Its Prices tells that the

products are belong to upper class people; the Customer cost of the Smart TV which the people

are willing to pay. Place of the product provides the customer Convenience of purchasing the

products, Smart TV is available in the big outlets of electronics products. The Promotion of the

Smart TV provides the Information of the product, in this way the company Communicate to the


Marketing Environment within which company operates

The company operates in Micro Environment and Macro Environment.

Micro environment:

In the micro environment of company, it includes the company “Suppliers” of company are also

an important aspect of the microenvironment because even the slightest delay in receiving

supplies can result in dissatisfaction.

“Different Departments of company” (HR, Marketing, Production, Sales and other) are playing

role in the company.

“Marketing intermediaries” which refers to resellers of the products.

“Competitors” are also a factor in the microenvironment and include companies with similar

offerings for goods and services.

Macro Environment:

The major portion of the company’s macro environment includes “Demography”. Demography

refers to studying human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, and

occupation. This is a very important factor to study for marketers and helps to divide the

population into market segments and target markets.

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Another aspect of the macro environment is the “Economic Environment”. This refers to the

purchasing power of potential customers and the ways in which people spend their money.

“The technological environment” is one of the fastest changing factors in the macro

environment. As the technology is developing day by day.

“The political environment” includes all laws, government agencies, and groups that influence or

limit other organizations and individuals within a society. It is important for marketers to be

aware of these restrictions as they can be complex.

Major Competitors of the Selected Product

There are many competitors of the company Samsung. But in the world of Smart TV a few

competitors are to be seen which are also working to compete this company. These competitors

are below:

1) Sony

2) LG

3) Toshiba

4) Panasonic

Sony is a good competitor due to its brand loyalty and its market value for its products. LG,

Toshiba and Panasonic have also worked much on the Smart technology in Smart TVs.

Consumers consider LG and other brands as alternatives. Samsung makes its competition with

Sony because Sony has high price level. LG is now a days making efforts and trying to have a

competition in the market.

Characteristics affecting consumer behavior towards brand

Characteristics that affecting consumer behavior are as follow:


Social aspect

Personal factors


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Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior .Growing up in a society a

child learn basic values, perception ,wants, and behavior from the family and other important

institutes. Every group or a society has its own culture. Even in case of a product. Product has its

own culture. According to our selected brand and example we can say that TV is the culture for

few decades to watch live streaming or telecast program. But now due to cultural shift (in order

to discover new product) consumer moves towards the LED SMART TVs which now becoming

the new culture. and subculture of TV in this way change In this world now everyone wants to be

take advantage from technology so due to this cultural shift modern families , restaurants, mall

are moving towards this SMART T.V. But the culture of TV remains the same.


This includes the groups and social networks which are responsible for the consumer to

buy the product and marketers of brands target these groups or social networks to increase their

brand advertisement these groups are also targeted because due to them consumer can know

what company is launching as in case of Samsung smart TV groups and social networking

played important role for the awareness of smart TV online advertisement etc. That why all

Samsung centers in Lahore area where there is high involvement of costumers for TV in modern

areas where consumer should know about the technology.

In social there is also included family. Family members are responsible for the brand choice

and product. Suppose grandparents are the users of Samsung TV now there might be probability

there young one uses LCD or Smart TV of SAMSUNG. Family played an important role. It also

includes the status of the buyer some people might buy Samsung smart TV due to their status or

showing others that they uses latest technological equipment.



Life style coming from same subculture, social classes and occupation may be quite

different style. Life style is a person pattern of living as expressed in his or her psychographics.

As the lifestyle changing people’s moving towards the modernization so Samsung Smart TV is

very effective product it includes internet, Skype calling,music,3d,all the modern need of person

so life style affect the brands. If a person’s occupation is business he might be able to buy Smart

TV and if a person is working in organization and his wage is very low so he cannot afford

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Smart TV. It includes the economic situations of the person if a person is economically strong he

might be able to buy the Smart TV if he is not then he cannot afford the Smart TV.



As marketers motivates their targeted costumers to buy the product. this motivation can

be given through bye giving ads any kind of activity this will help the marketer to motivate the

costumer and sell its product .markets of Smart TV motivates the costumers by organizing

different activities, ads on print and social media etc.


After motivation, person precise the image of the brand, want to know its value in the

world, what they offering so all things included in perception with respect to Smart TV

consumers now perceive about Samsung brand its offering ,its place, it reputation etc


If consumer use the product or perceive something then they are in learning process, if a

person buy Smart TV and he is satisfy with it next time he need some other thing he go to shop

and might again buy the Samsung product this is called learning.


Belief means a descriptive thought of person. If person like Samsung smart TV his

believe that Samsung product s are good and vice versa. Attitude means consistent evaluations

feelings and tendencies toward an object and idea. Like Samsung do not introduce its service that

are not want by the consumer if they introduce without awareness it gives bad image of brand

similarly if Samsung introduce that thing that consumer want in Smart TV so its gives positive

attitude of the costumers toward the brand

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Type of Buying Decision

The type of buying decision of the product which we have chosen is the Complex Buying

Decision. This is because Smart technology is the latest technology in the world of LEDs. And

we have many alternatives and choices of brands in this category so it is a complex buying

decision and a consumer may have 3 or more brands choices to make decision.

Buyer Decision Process

i) Need Recognition

First of all, the consumer will face a problem or need of the defined product. And he

recognizes his personal need of the product. In the case of Smart TV, organizations,

restaurants, households or banks feel that they should move towards the new

technology with latest features and have the new experiences of it.

ii) Information Search

Second step for the buyer is to search information for the product. He may have to

search from as many media as he can. Information of the product can be search from

internet, social media, Newspapers, TV campaigns, Catalogues, Electronic market or

any other print media.

iii) Evaluating of Alternatives

After doing 2nd step, the buyers move towards third step. In this step, the buyer finds

the alternative brands and their offerings relative to the selected category of the

product. And he then decide that which brand fulfills his needs and requirements.

iv) Purchase Decision

After deciding the brand of choice, the buyer decides to buy the chosen brand of the

chosen category (in this case Smart TV). Forth step is very important for customers to

make decision of purchasing the product.

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v) Post purchase behavior

After buying the product, the buyer expects some backup services from the company.

The consumer checks whether his decision of buying the product proved right or

wrong decision. It is a very important step for the company because the company has

to maintain its value for the customers by providing “After sale Services”. And

provide the best services to the buyer. In the case of Smart TV the company offers

minimum 1 year up to 7 years of warranty.

Market segmentation with respect to your product

With respect to our product, market segmentation are as follows

Our product is Samsung smart TV so segmentation

LCD TVs Liquid is being used in it, this technology have become older.

LED TVs Diodes are used instead of Liquid, it is latest to LCD.

Plasma TVs Gases are used in this technology and it is the latest technology

The type of your product

Type of our product is specialty because it is not necessary for all not everyone can afford it so it

is special only special people (brand & technology conscious) can buy it. It is special because

there is latest technology in it and we can have 2 or more brands of choices in this category

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Product attributes with other Variance:

Samsung have many attributes in its Smart TV. There are some variances offered by the

company in the Smart TVs. These variances including the style, size, features, speed and quality

of the product. We can identify the Smart TV by the “Series” offered by the Samsung. We can

identify the attributes in the Smart TV by Series4, Series5, Series6, Series7 and Series 8 with

some variances. The latest one is Series 8 which have all the features in a perfect way.

Identify the life cycle stage of your brand and its corresponding strategy

The life cycle stage of our brand is growth stage and moving towards the maturity, as Samsung

smart TV is in the top of the list from last 5 years so we can say that moving towards the

maturity and the Samsung allocated 60 to 65% of the market share on this product to change the

stage from growth to maturity


As smart TV is in growth stage so that Samsung should need to improve for its promotion and

segmentation also give best feature in it which no brand can give. The company is making efforts

to make the product to the Maturity Level, for this purpose the company has to maintain the

Smart TV as a Star product of Samsung. Use push and pull strategy for its promotion and

penetration helps a lot in promoting the brand.

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Price Decision and Pricing Strategy

The strategy which is made for retailer is different from the pricing strategy of customers

because retailer buy product in bulk amount as compare to the customers, so they get the

discount in purchase of bulk quantity. As the customers are becoming more prices sensitive so

they want a good quality product in low or in a reasonable price. Samsung Smart TV follows the

Captive Product Pricing strategy with Smart TV is the main product. The company makes its

pricing strategies by having the knowledge of its competitor`s (Sony) pricing. We can have

Samsung USB (for internet) which is compulsory for the connectivity. Home Theatre system is

also a part of entertainment and 3D glasses are also used for 3D Movies. The prices of these

accessories are kept relatively than other brands because we want to have the accessories and

main product of the Same Brand.

The nature of your market distribution channels

The company first manufactures the product, then they sell out to the authorized dealers and the

Dealer sell out the products to the end consumers. The company uses “Sell Through” procedure

to sell their products to the end consumers.

The factors by designing the market channel for the brand chosen

Factor are design to whom the product is selling, as manufacturer wants to sell the product to

consumer through whole seller/retailer.

Sale Through ( Sales to the end consumers)

Whole seller/retailers are the customers of manufacturers, manufacturers sell their products to

the Whole seller and indirectly (through retailer) to the end consumers. This process of selling is

called “Sale Through”

Manufacturer whole seller/ dealer consumer

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Sale Out (Sales To the retailer)

The company sells the products to the retailers which are actually the customers of the Company,

there is no medium used between the company and the retailer. This procedure of selling is

called “Sale Out”

Manufacturer (company) Authorized Dealers

Challenges the company faces in managing Channel Members

There are some challenges that company has to focus while managing their channel members,

the company has to manage its own Cargo services, delivery service to make quick and delivery

of the products to its channel members. And also have to make awareness of the strategies that

company is designing to manage their products. The company also has to see whether its channel

members are working efficiently or not.

Promotion mix for the brand and the concept of IMC

Promotion mix of our brand/product is define bye the two processes ATL and BTL.

ATL (above the line): promotional activity done by the company through mass media such as

radio, TV, print media, etc.

BTL (below the line): promotional activity used by the marketer to target specific market or

exhibition in any store or Mall as recently Samsung Smart TV promotion is done in hyper star,

or giving tea shirts, key chain etc.

Concept of IMC

This is basically the concept of integration between ATL and BTL strategies. This is working for

the brand, marketers communicate with customers to giving values and promote the product. In

case of Samsung Smart TV, marketers using both the process ATL & BTL.

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They giving ads in print media, TVs, radio (ATL) And also performing activities or arranging

activates for promotion and costumers communication (BTL).



Understanding of how message is designed and communicated

The company provides its message to create about the brand awareness and about the

products what the company is offering. Advertising and promotion strategies are formulated to

reach as many potential customers as possible and tell them what the company has to offer. First

of all message is designed. Samsung Smart TV has message “Smart Thinking, Simple Living”.

The company communicates its designed message through many sources. Message is

designed and sent from sender to the receiver through the usage of Media. When the customers

receive message from company (sender) they response and send feedback to the company. By

receiving the feedback, the company decides whether their product is accepted and created a

value to its customers or not. In this way the company communicates to its valued and targeted

customers and provide the message which is designed.

When we visit an outlet of the company, sometimes the company use Mobile Cards which

are hanged on the ceiling of the shop (outlet), which creates the image of the brand and the

specified product. Trained staff in any outlet of the company also plays an important role in

communicating the company’s designed message.

How Sales Promotions are implemented

The company advertises its products by using media (including mass media, social media etc.)

And through media, the company discusses the product styles and specifications. If we visit any

outlet of Samsung, we see that a trained staff is there which is promoting the Samsung products

and its range with its features and its prices are displayed. In this way the company

communicates to the customers to create awareness of the product and its specifications.

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Recently, the company has planned to invest a larger share in sales promotion in Pakistani


“Samsung, a global leader in consumer electronics, is aiming to secure a larger share of the

Pakistani market by the end of this year. Its action plan includes advertising heavily on all

platforms available, with a special focus on brand shops, providing brand awareness, and

introducing a range of products under one roof”. (Tribune)

Identify 1P of Marketing Mix which may requires to change

According to the company, the company does not need to have a change in any one P of

marketing mix. The reason behind this is, the company have perfectly followed all the 4P`s of

marketing mix to attain highest position in Smart TV (LED) among all the other brands

(competitors). And the company have created good liability.

Two Stores which to be discussed

The stores which are to be discussed are:

i) Samsung Service center (Cavalry)

ii) Metro Cash & Carry Thokar (Samsung shop)

Both of the above stores have complete ranges of Samsung LED products, and we can also see

the difference between competing brands.

Merchandising of Smart TV in Outlets

The Samsung Brand Shop provides the customers with a one-stop solution to explore, see and

purchase Samsung merchandise such as Samsung 3D Smart TV’s, LED and LCD TV’s,

Monitors, Plasma Display Panels, IT products, Cameras and Home Appliances. The consumer

electronics at the Samsung Brand Shop come with genuine Samsung warranties so you don’t

have to worry if the product you buy from there comes out to be faulty.

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Asked Questions from Shopkeeper

The most running brand in the category:

Samsung is the most running brand in the category of LED TV and Smart TV

The position of the brand :

It is on the top position among all the brands of the category due to its new offering and

latest technology

New Competitors:

Chinese companies “Chang Hong” and “Eco Star” are the new competitors due to lesser

price and suitable offerings.

Any response towards the New Campaign of the brand:

Samsung, one of the most successful manufacturers of connected or smart TVs, is to launch

its campaigns in Mass Media which includes magazines (Herald Magazine and Time

Magazine), TV Campaigns and company is also using some important tools for its campaigns

such as Social Media (Facebook and twitter). Samsung to increase market share in Pakistan

to 50% by end of 2013

Effects on the consumer interest in the product:

The sales of the Samsung products have increased in the market of Smart TVs and LEDs.

And consumers are interested to have new and different thing for their entertainment.

Check and Note the price of your brand and Competing Brands

Samsung is offering a good and competitive price with good quality of the products. Samsung

actually checks and decides its prices of the products by its most competitor brand Sony.

Because Sony has brand loyalty but prices are high but Samsung offers good quality of the

products in lesser price range than Sony.

Samsung: Samsung smart TV of 40 inches price range starts from Rs.79000

Sony: Sony is offering the HD TV of 40 inches price starts from Rs90000

LG: LG is offering the same contents in 42 inches with price starts from Rs70000

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TV campaigns and other campaigns

TV campaigns and all other campaigns are used by the company to promote its brand and its

product. As TV campaigns are the major source to promote a product, many people watching TV

in world. Mostly, companies pay more to instruct the media to play their ads in prime time; the

time when most of the peoples are watching TV Programs. Similarly, print media is also used for

promotion, companies give flyers and brochures to update the people or telling of new offering

or giving ads in newspapers to promote the product to costumer.

Companies also promotes the products on social media campaigns there many peoples in the

world using face book, yahoo ,twitter etc. which gives awareness to costumers or people to use

the product and know about what company is offering similarly radio is listening by many

people and ads or campaigns on radio also promotes the product. All these campaigns can

increase company products demand and company can achieve very much profits.

Under what conditions the company uses ATL and BTL strategies

The company uses both of the strategies ATL (above the line) as well as BTL (below the line).

In ATL strategy, the company advertises in Magazines and Newspapers

(Herald, Times and Tribune etc.), TV advertisements and other mass media. The

company has to pay for its advertisements in ATL strategy.

In BTL strategy, the company takes parts in exhibitions (expo center). In this strategy, the

company does not have to pay (like in ATL).

Sometimes, the company works in TTL (through the line) strategy for the

advertisements. In TTL strategy, the company uses the mixture of ATL and BTL.

Samsung sometimes offer small gifts on the purchase of product (t-shirts, key rings and

clock) on which they have printed their Brand Logo.

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Different Outlets which we visited

We visited A class stores and B class stores but our product is not found in C class stores.

The stores include:

A class Stores:

Samsung outlets, Metro Cash & Carry (brand shop) Thokar.

B Class stores:

Afzal Electronics, Madina Electronics, Arshad Electronics, Lahore Center (Abid Market)

LCD World (Hall Road)

Radio and TV Center (Liberty Market)