Sample marketing plan (note: converted from Excel file)



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Software Platform Marketing PlanNote: individual tasks and tactics will be moved after review with senior management and additional tasks entered.

30-Day Plan

Week 1 Onboarding, introductions, interviews, report on findings.

Establish working/reporting style for agreeing upon deliverables and priorities; schedule status update meetings.

Interviews with key stakeholders, to understand operational background, competitive advantage, identified competitors, etc.

Review goals for position, definition of success.

Capture Baseline of Social Media follows on all accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Follows, etc.)

Discuss whether value in announcing recent VP level hires to local media.

Start building library of competitor information

Preliminary Budget & resources discussions

Week 2

Begin master calendar of events/marketing activities. Include:

→ Trade shows

→ Meet & Greet functions

→ Targeted Press release dates

→ Key Milestones from Tactical Marketing plan (initial plan) and Strategic Plan (longer-

range plan) as they are agreed upon by management

Webinars (work in tandem with Development Team)

→ Blog editorial calendar (probably a separate document)

Introduction to SEM vendor, review paid ads (keywords, campaigns, performance, conversions, etc.)

Begin sitting in on training calls on Software platform to understand product

First blog post;

Review email campaigns to date; performance metrics like open rates, unsubscribes, and click throughs.

Set up Hootsuite, Google alerts, if not being used, to monitor social mentions.

Week 3 Development of Tactical Marketing Plan for next 60 days (while longer-range Strategic Marketing Plan us in Development)

Identify topic for 1st press release

Discuss sales scripts. Consider updates to scripts, with branching options. Include Q's to find out key data: would like help with for content marketing. Etc.

→ Where did they hear about us?

→ Who are they using now?

→ Capture what issues prospects would like to get help with/problems they have for content marketing creation to boost SEO.

Review website wireframe; Review Google Analytics

Continue sitting in on Software platform training sessions

Week 4

Share observations from Software platform training

Source graphic person for infographics, email headers, blog illustration, trade show elements, etc.

→ consider oDesk,

Share recommedations based on website wireframe review; Set goals based on Google Analytics

Assume responsibility for SEM

Email campaigns identified, start first email to either full or select list.

Start list of email campaign ideas, sample ideas below:

Announcement of resources that help insurance professionals/agencies, with mini-survey of what content they'd like

Special pricing incentive offer

Capture of recent, best-response blog entries & other social stuff.

Identify, connect with thought leaders (ongoing) for guest blogging, to build PLN, etc.

60 Days Out (2nd month)

Week 1 Investigate spend on Radian 6 or other monitoring platform.

Create social media policy/training manual

Determine best times to post on Facebook, etc. , schedule postings with internal SoMe team or autoschedule

Schedule best email campaign ideas for year

Assemble list of all software review directories; submit profile to ones not listed with.


Week 2

Start testing paid SoMe ads (FB, L.I.)

Share Social Media manual with staff; encourage staff updates to L.I. profiles.

1-2 Case studie(s) developed.

Blog pipeline flowing.

Competitive research now commences in a serious way.

Work with sales to create incentives for reviews and how to ensure favorables ones.


Week 3 Begin work on website to optimize for mobile display.





Week 4

Repurpose info from webinars to SlideShare for SEO & easy digestibility/reference by users/prospects.

→ What’s New in Software program v3.0





90 Days Out (3rd month)

Review of accomplishments from 1st 2 months.

Reassess marketing goals & tactics for next quarter.

Press Release #2

Rebranding elements in place.

(initial) Company Style Guidelines established, including

→ preferred fonts, colors, logo usage restrictions, other image concerns

→ boilerplate copy (both long and short forms)

→ Will be updated as a living document, as need arises.

Gated content item 1 planned (Whitepaper, presentation, or video). This content will be used to build new leads for future email campaigns & for sales leads.

6-Month Plan

Existing-customer survey/questionnaire, with incentive for completion. Use for:

→ Gather endorsements/testimonials

→ Capture opportunity for product & customer svc improvements

→ Ideas and quotes for content marketing (blog entries, slideshare, LinkedIn group discussions)

Plan for YouTube new content

→ SHORT collection of endorsements/testimonials

→ FUN animated short video: why Software platform

Review of accomplishments from 1st 6 months.

12-Month Plan

Deliver full SWOT analysis for marketing purposes & potential biz dev oppty's.

Website fully mobile-optimized.

Comprehensive competitive analysis library established.

Attend at least 1 trade show.

Attend at least 1 local "Meet & Greet"

Strategic Marketing Plan revisited; revised for upcoming year.