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Lead Generation

Building the Pipeline

Drew Breese Asking About ECM

Telemarketing vs. Lead Generation


Focus on Value Prop

Sales Based

No Specific Targets

Solution Selling

Focus on Needs

Markets to the Individual Consultative Approach

C-Level Target

Should we leave a voicemail? If so, what kind of message do we leave?What are the best times to call?What lines resonate with the person on the other end.How do we make an effective introduction.How do we find the right person to talk to, and what message should we use.How do you overcome objections.When making the first call, should the objective be to establish on onsite meeting?What to do when you are told there is no budget, nor is document management a priority.

Questions you would like answered

Anatomy of a call

Your Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch Elements


Hyland Software, Inc. develops an enterprise content management (ECM) software called OnBase. Many companies utilize OnBase and realize a rapid ROI and immediate improvements in workflow automation and overall operational efficiency by having all of your business critical documents immediately available to them from one single repository. All your invoices, P.O’s, and shipping orders will become available immediately. OnBase provides a scalable solution that can be deployed to meet all your needs either at the departmental level or on an enterprise scale without requiring extensive custom coding or sacrificing the high security standards you have in place.

Elevator Pitch; Commercial/ Manufactoring

I work for Hyland Software. We develop a software suite called OnBase which enables your company or organization to go paperless through the use of document management.

We sell into the financial services, insurance, government, manufacturing, healthcare, higher education, and currently have over 11600

Most companies and organizations benefit from the use of our product because we save them time and money by providing easy access to their documents and automating tasks that are done manually in the paper world. Our software also enables these entities to provide security and tracking to their documents, adhere to compliance standards and provide disaster recovery.

One of the things we pride ourselves on is our 98% retention rate. Once companies choose us they stick with us. Our goal as a company is not only to provide a great product but to make customer service a priority. I think it gives our customers a better piece of mind knowing that we are there for them if they need us and we will go out of our way to ensure their solution is a success.

How do you handle your documents now?

My 30 Seconds

In your 30 Seconds

It’s critical that your motivated buyer likes you, trusts you, and wants to do business with you. It’s critical that you hear and understand them

It’s critical that you implement active listening techniques and are keenly aware of the primary sensory dominance that your buyer has. By piecing all of these together through your bonding and rapport, you will be successful at having your buyer like you, trust you, and want to do business with you. That’s what will lead to the successful next step.

Remember that all along YOU are the face of the company. Your prospect doesn’t know you or your company, so how you portray yourself is the perception the prospect has of the company and you.

Also the last 12 words you speak are what the buyer remembers of you. So end with Thank you (insert name here): We will be in touch soon: I will send you an email with the next step information. Then follow through!

The Kiss off, or send off, should be on a positive note. Be explicit and precise as to what will happen next. Make them want to hear back from you, that it will be a positive experience

What your trying to accomplish


A Good Voice Mail Is Critical

Hi Bob.

This is Kent Intagliata calling from Hyland Software, 440-788-6046

We’re the local reseller of OnBase, the electronic document management system. We specialize in helping companies in the manufacturing industry to automate their financial processes by giving you greater visibility to your document processes…invoices, POs, etc. As the __(title)__ of __(company)__, I’m hoping you would like to discuss your needs in that regard. Even if it’s not on your agenda for the next 6-12 months, I would at least like to give you a better understanding of how OnBase and Hyland can help you to reduce costs and improve efficiencies, when the time comes. You can reach me at 440-788-6046. (pause) Let me also give you my email address, if it’s easier to correspond that way. It’s ___(email)___. I look forward to your response, Bob.

Voicemail #1

Hi Bob.

This is Kent Intagliata calling from Hyland once again 440-788-6046. If you recall from my previous voice mail , I was trying to find out what initiatives exist….or are being considered….with respect to automating your financial back-office. I also left a message for __(name)__, your Controller, and we haven’t been able to connect. Even if you have already become 100% electronic in your Finance area, perhaps there are other areas of the company where adopting a content management system would make sense….as an integration with SharePoint, for example. Let me know, either way, and at the very least, I can email you marketing information regarding OnBase for future reference. Once again, I can be reached at 440-788-6046. I’m not sure if I left you my email address in my first message, but it’s ________. Thanks again, Bob.

Voicemail #2

Hi Bob.

Kent Intagliata at Hyland once again. Just thought I’d try to catch up with you. I know I’ve probably left you a couple of messages over the past few days….I’m still trying to get ahold of you or ________. We have done many integrations with Great Plains, and other accounting systems. We help you with workflow automation and to go green. In the same respect, if you already have a document management system in place that you feel is meeting all of your transactional needs, just let me know that as well. My direct line is 440-788-6046 and my email is I look forward to hearing from you Bob.

Voicemail #3

I’m following up on my recent voicemail regarding the 2013 Lawson Inforum Conference and hoping to have a few moments to discuss how our OnBase solution helps organizations improve inefficiencies and business processes.


Lawson has partnered with Hyland Software since 2003 to seamlessly streamline and integrate processes across entire organizations. By automating tasks, you speed up processes and provide all employees with instant information access so they can focus on customers, and ultimately increase revenue.


I look forward to hearing from you and would be happy to provide you additional information on our Lawson integration.

Sample Email

Keep in mind that Over 90% of the people you reach out to contact via email are not looking to make a change. But over 70% of them aren't happy with their current system, provider or product. That's where the opportunity is! These unhappy people could be tempted to change IF they were approached in the right way.

Your email objective is really to start a conversation and not necessarily sell OnBase.

Email Stats

Overcoming Objections

5 Types of Objections

Need: I have a solution for that already. Ours is working just fine. We use XYZ to do that.

Response: Great, I’m glad to hear that, is XYZ doing all the functions you need it to do: for example, email archiving, 3 way matching, workflow, are there any shortcomings you do in your position that would allow you to do your job better and easier?

Price/Budget: How much does it cost, I’ve already spent my budget for the year. We have no funds available.

Response: Because we have some many modules available, I would need to get some more information from you, and then get that into the hands of one of our account managers to get you a true feel for costs.

I understand you have spent your budget for this year, when would funds be available again (when is your new fiscal year begin, can we get on the agenda for those funds.)

Features: Can OnBase do this?(Cold process, 3 way match, email archive ect). Do you work (integrate) with Lawson, Quick Books, McKesson?

Response: Either yes we can, and explain how (try not to be confrontational about it), as a matter of fact we can do that, and here is how we do that. Give them a little education, don’t sell, educate. If we can’t do what they are looking for, tell them no, but come back with, but we can do….

How to respond

Time: Yes we are going to look at something along those lines, next year, next quarter. Now is not a good time, we just had a budget cut. We just bought PDQ and must implement it. We are in the process of putting in MS Dynamics.

Response: Great, when are you going to do that? Ok, do you know anything about our company? Can I get some information in your hands so when you are ready to go, you have a contact person? Can I follow up with you in 6 months to see where you are at in the process? Are you going to be sending out and RFP, can I send you a sample RFP to use?

Sometimes, TIME can be an advantage to us. Remember we want to get into the deal first; we want to be column A, not column fodder. Downside is: are they stringing us along. Do what you say you are going to do (follow up) put into tickler (call back w/ date). Give the person a specific date when you be back in contact with them (there must be some sense of urgency, or nothing will ever push forward).

Source: Who are you? Where did we see you? I don’t know you from Adam?

Response: Elevator pitch is great here! Quick synopsis of what and who we are. Give web page and info.

Tricky part; careful using Gartner and Forrester for references. They are great references, builds credibility, but opens doors. Reason being: now you may get other vendors invited to the party. If they ask for info on us, send our stuff only, sometimes too much info isn’t good. Remember Column A is where want to be.

Time and Source response

Top 60 Works Best 3 in 8 to Motivate!

Best Calling Times 730-830am and 430p-6p

Theories & Campaigns

Questions ???

