RMIT Student Services Campaign Report



RMIT Student Services Campaign Report completed based on the brief provided by Student Health Services for promotion of healthy sleep for students.

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ZULU Advertising Co.

!!Campaign report for RMIT Student Health Services !Rest and Relaxation Campaign!!!!Contributors: Katelyn Gillam s3423208 Rebecca Matlioski s3430737 Azahn Munas s3422390 Selby Staynor s3430721 Ella Shepley s3435289




“Some animals need as little as 2 hours of sleep per night, but you are not an animal. Aim for 7-9 hours every night because… Humans need sleep!”.!

!This campaign will reach RMIT university students of all ages, encouraging them to re-think the way they think about sleep. It will encourage them to aim for the recommended number of hours of sleep per night as well as to offer informative facts and tips to help them. They will also be encouraged to share their experience with their friendship networks ensuring further participation, through the use of the hashtag #sleepspecies and the ‘You are not an Animal’ Facebook page. !This report utilises the following insights, found through category and target market research, to develop the campaign: 1. 1 in 3 university students does not get the recommended 7-9 hours per night of sleep 2. University students are avid social media users 3. The target audience know they should be getting adequate sleep but do not

understand why and how it effects their body and attitude !The campaign will aim to reach the following communication objectives: 1. obtaining 150 likes on the ‘You are not an animal’ Facebook page 2. to see the activity on the page maintained over the course of the campaign 3. to see student sleep hours increase as a result of the information given on the

Facebook page !The initial test site for this campaign showed positive results, with 192+ likes and a reach of over 2,500.

!Zulu Advertising Co.!

Katelyn Gillam, Rebecca Matlioski, !Azahn Munas, Ella Shepley and Selby Staynor.!






CONCLUSION! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 14!! IMPLEMENTATION







!INTRODUCTION !RMIT Student health services aims to make “RMIT a healthier and better place for students to study, work & socialise” (RMIT student services, 2014). By working in a holistic approach to improving student wellbeing at the university, the multi-disciplinary staff work in service areas based on all campuses. Student services offers assistance in a range of areas including, academic, occupational, spiritual, psychological, physical (including health), cultural, social, financial and environmental. The campaign will focus on a branch of the health services sector, with the following in mind: !!!

“The process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. To reach a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, an individual or group must be able to identify

and to realise aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment!Therefore health promotion is not just the responsibility of the health sector, but goes beyond

healthy lifestyles to wellbeing.”

(World Health Organisation, 1986) !!!!!Student services has, in the past, seen a number of effective campaigns developed to encourage students to be healthier, by quitting smoking, eating healthier, and exercising more. Through research and development of insights we will develop a campaign which not only raises awareness of the importance of sleep for students, but will create an online conversation about the topic, hopefully creating a lasting impression on the target audience and creating a change in habit.



CREATIVE BRIEF !!CATEGORY AND BRAND INSIGHTS!Research shows that students require between six and nine hours of sleep every night, however only 1 in 3 actually achieves this (Saminsky, 2010). It is vital that people reach all four stages of the sleep cycle in order to sleep effectively, However, diminished hours of sleep can result in missing out on stages of the sleep cycle, the most severe consequences from the loss of REM sleep (rapid eye movement). In the short term, this may lead to memory loss, a decline in information processing, increased irritability and anxiety, decreased socialisation and humour, hypersexuality, mental fatigue, decrease in creativity, and a decline in the ability to handle complex tasks (Saminsky, 2010). While the prolonged effects can lead to issues such as diabetes, serious sleep issues, such as insomnia, depression, heart disease, and it has been suggested, even a shorter life span (Epstein and Mardon, 2007). !This all sounds quite damming, but it takes only minor changes to sleeping habits in order for many to achieving healthy sleep. By altering small bedtime habits such as avoiding smoking, television, phones and tablets, drinking alcohol, caffeine and eating within two hours of bed time can increase sleep hours. Other small changes such as ensuring one’s bedroom is dark and quiet, fresh and comfortable can also increase the chances of achieving the full REM sleep required for healthy sleeping. !The campaign will aim to raise awareness of these points in order to encourage and inform students about healthy sleep. !!COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES!Ultimately the objective of this campaign will be to increase awareness of the importance of healthy sleeping patterns for students. Measurable objectives include: 1. obtaining 150 likes on the ‘You are not an animal’ Facebook page 2. to see the activity on the page maintained over the course of the campaign 3. to see student sleep hours increase as a result of the information given on the

Facebook page


TARGET AUDIENCE PROFILE!The You are not an animal campaign is primarily aimed at both male and female RMIT university students aged 18 to 24. These students are struggling to achieve the recommended hours of sleep a night. They lack sleep generally due to commitments with university work and their social lives. Whilst they are aware that they are not getting enough sleep, they may binge sleep during the weekends believing that this will catch them up for their lack of hours during the week. The target audience understand that sleep is important and that they are not getting enough, however are unmotivated in actually making a change to get more sleep. Further they have low attention spans and are avid social media users, generally on social media sites such as Facebook right before they go to sleep and as soon as they wake up. The friendly, approachable tone of the campaign enables for a secondary audience to be reached. The campaign is perfectly suited to appeal to a wide secondary audience including school students as well as the those just generally lacking in sleep.

Josh is a 21 year old RMIT university student studying Accounting. He still lives at home with his parents and his 2 younger brothers in the suburbs of Melbourne. Josh has uni classes 3 days a week and works at his local cafe the other 2 days of the week, he also plays football every saturday morning and trains twice during the week. He is a really social guy and enjoys going out on the weekend drinking with his friends. Splitting time between uni, work, friends, family and football, josh is often relying on substitutes such coffee and red-bull instead of sleeping 8 hours a night.

IMAGE 1: The target audience.


!CURRENT PERCEPTIONS!Currently, students know that they need sleep, but do not understand why it is so important for their health and wellbeing. From the students spoken to, approximately 70% knew they should be getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night, but many were not achieving this. While the remainder didn’t actually know how much sleep is recommended for a person their age, or didn’t actually care and just slept whatever they felt they needed, or could. This highlights some of the challenges to be addressed through this campaign - to raise students’ awareness of the important facts of sleep and inform them of the best ways to achieve healthy sleeping habits.

!DESIRED RESPONSE!Following the implementation of this campaign, the desired response from the target audience would be that they have committed to aiming to achieve the correct hours of sleep per night. They should feel healthier and happier as a result of better sleeping habits, and would continue their engagement in the campaign by sharing their own tips and tricks for achieving effective sleep with others. This campaign aims to create a community of people sharing information and other content to help create a community of healthy sleepers at RMIT. !INTENDED MESSAGE!Some animals only need 2 hours of sleep a night, however you are not an animal. Humans need sleep. Aim for an average of 7-9 hours of sleep per night to remain healthy and to achieve your best. !SUPPORT!Research shows that students need approximately 7-9 hours of sleep per night. RMIT student health services promotes that “sleep refreshes your mind and repairs your body” (RMIT Student services, 2014). Furthermore, that lack of sleep can cause poor concentration and memory, mood swings, impaired judgement and reaction time, and poor physical coordination. So while some animals can cope with just a handful of hours sleep her night, humans need to aim for the recommend number.


BRAND PERSONALITY!RMIT student health services aim to make RMIT a “healthier and better place for students to study, work and socialise” (Student Services, 2014). As part of the university, Student health services acts to support students, by giving them information and access to relevant health, accommodation, finance and counselling services, among others. Overall, the campaign would be promoting the university, which has a long standing history and a high profile, while also remaining relevant to the student health services arena and capturing student attention. The tone of campaign should recognise and support theses factors, in order to successfully promote sleep and its importance to students.

!MANDATORIES!1. To direct the audience back to the RMIT student service webpage. 2. to adhere to the values and stylistic properties of RMIT University.

!PROMISE!“Students need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, RMIT Student health services offers the tools and information to help students sleep like humans, not animals.” !The campaign will encourage and inform students about the importance of healthy sleep and how to achieve it. RMIT student health services offers great advice to students on how to alter their sleeping habits in order to stay alert, healthy and overall brain reaction. You are not an animal would create a support to RMIT’s already existing information by making it more easily accessible to students. Overall, the campaign aims to make students re-consider the way the think about sleep and its effects, while offering them the information they need for effective change.

!INSIGHTS SUMMARY!1. 1 in 3 university students does not get the recommended 6-8 hours per night of sleep 2. University students are avid social media users 3. The target audience know that should be getting adequate sleep but do not

understand why and how it effects their body and attitude



“Some animals need as little as 2 hours of sleep per night, but you are not an animal. Aim for 6-9 hours every night because… Humans need sleep!”. !‘You are not an animal’ will focus on assessing the sleep habits of students, and comparing it to the sleep habits of certain animals. The aim is to make students aware of the fact that lack of sleep severely inhibits their ability to function at full capacity, and to offer them the tools to achieve a full nights’ sleep. In conjunction to this, the campaign would encourage students re-consider the way the think about sleep and its effects, by suggesting, for example, that although a giraffe may need only two hours of sleep per day, humans need 7-9 in order to function efficiently and effectively. Each poster would have a call to action, encouraging students towards a Facebook page or to share using the hashtag #sleepspecies. !The creation of the ‘You are not an animal’ Facebook page creates a point for conversation with students and an opportunity for them to get involved. Content uploaded to the page would include, but not be limited to, tips and tricks for healthy sleeping, facts on the importance of healthy sleep, calls to share experiences (such as how many hours of sleep one gets per night, sleep ‘habitat’ selfies and pyjama selfies), and sharing any events or activities taking place. Students are also encouraged to share how well they are sleeping by telling us how many hours of sleep they are getting, we are then able to identify their #sleepspecies (what kind of animal has the same sleeping pattern as they do) and give them to tools to start sleeping like a human again. The Facebook page would be closely monitored, offering this kind of direct feedback to students who comment/share/like. Furthermore, the Facebook page would have links to the RMIT Student health service webpage, in case students require further help or information.

IMAGE 2: The ‘You are not an Animal’ logo and coaster image �9


Posters These act as the initial touch point of the campaign, drawing attention and encouraging students towards the Facebook page.


Facebook page The Facebook page acts as the hub for this campaign, encouraging people to get involved, share their pics and sleep stats and for us to identify their sleep species and give them the tools to get a better nights sleep. !


Tips and Tricks images created to inform and challenge students to rethink their sleeping habits.



!CREATIVE RATIONALE!!This campaign is based around the concept of creating a conversation with students about a topic they wouldn’t otherwise talk about. By utilising humorous and cute animal imagery, the campaign would be eye-catching and draw students in to learn more. Use of bright colours would also make the campaign stand out amongst the clutter of other advertising and imagery in and around the university. While the creating on a Facebook page and corresponding hashtag gets people talking and sharing in an online community. This not only engages the students, but makes them a part of the campaign, by offering opportunities for them to share their own sleep experiences as well as tips and tricks for healthy sleeping. This gets people talking about the issues, raising further awareness and further traffic to the ‘You are not an animal’ Facebook page and in turn to the RMIT Student health services webpage. !!FURTHER IDEAS

An extension to this campaign could be to expand the poster campaign to there other RMIT campuses. By expanding to both the Brunswick and Bundoora campuses more students could get involved in the healthy sleep movement. This move would also extend the online community involved in the ‘You are not an Animal’ Facebook page, creating a larger platform for sharing and commenting.

Another idea which could be executed in the proper time could be to organise an ‘Animal Onesie Day’. This would be a day held on campus (or campuses) which encourages students to have some fun and get dressed up in their animal onesies. The day would aim to raise awareness about the importance of healthy sleep and would involve activities on Bowen Lane, a Onesie “fashion” parade and perhaps some food stalls or similar, to name a few ideas. The day would be advertised on campus and on the Facebook page. Currently, feedback from RMIT Students following the suggestion for such an event has been positive.



CONCLUSION IMPLEMENTATION !We conducted a test site for this campaign over the duration of a week. We spent time around the university campus, placing posters in multiple buildings and areas including, but not limited to, buildings 9, 10 and 12, the cafeteria, the hub, and Bowen Lane. During this time we also walked around with a mascot Owly, who handed out ‘You are not an animal’ coasters and took photos with students. We also spoke to students about the importance of sleep and encouraged them to head to the Facebook page for more information.

!Evaluation !As a result of our test site, we received really positive feedback. A lot of people were really onboard with the idea of getting more sleep and were keen to find out more. Suggestions of a possible Animal Onesie Day were very well received, with one student even responding with a “hells yeah! that would be sick!”. Furthermore, after placing posters and coasters around the campus, we saw students stopping on their way to check them out. We also spoke to staff at the Hub, initially to get permission for poster placement, but ended up deep in conversation about the concept, campaign and the possibility of further activities, and received very positive feedback from them.

IMAGE 3: Facebook engagement statistics after five days live.


The Facebook page also boasted very positive results, with almost 200 likes in just five days. We had 333 people engage on the page, but either liking, commenting on or sharing content we produced. Overall, the reach of ‘You are not an animal’ exceeded 2500, based on online impressions. Currently, any increased hours of sleep in students is immeasurable, however, students are encouraged to share on the Facebook page their experiences, and where tips and tricks offered on the page are working for them. !We strongly believe that the drop off in likes towards the end of the week directly corresponds to the removal of some of the campaign’s posters throughout the university, despite our efforts to ensure they remained. If implemented to its full extent, this campaign would have the longevity required to succeed, as it is a campaign-able concept with the opportunity for numerous executions and activities. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


REFERENCES !!Ong, C. (2014). SG 2nd year Advertising Brief. Presentation, RMIT University.!,. (2014). Rest and relaxation - RMIT University. Retrieved 9 September 2014, from;ID=qovjl3o644ua!,. (2014). Student Wellbeing - RMIT University. Retrieved 9 September 2014, from!

Saminsky, A. (2010). Getting Enough Sleep is No Easy Task for Today's Students. Student Pulse, 2(02). Retrieved from!

! Epstein, Lawrence, and Steven Mardon (2007). "Homeroom ! Zombies." Newsweek and, Hansen, Martha, et al (2005). "The Impact of School Daily Schedule on Adolescent Sleep." Pediatrics 115.6!

Zhu, N. (2014). Not Getting Enough Sleep in College: How Bad Is It Really?. Her Campus. Retrieved 11 September 2014, from!



!!!!APPENDIX 1 !MEETING MINUTES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ZULU Advertising Co.

Meeting Minutes - 25/08/2014 !

� "

Attendees!Katelyn Gillam, Selby Staynor, Azahn Manus, Rebecca Matliosai, Ella Shepley !!

Scribe!Kate McIver !

Agenda"• welcome new team member: Ella Shepley

• allocate roles and responsibilities

• exchange contact information

• ensure every member has access to Facebook page

• highlight major campaign milestones

• choose campaign to develop

Notes:!Welcome New team member: Ella Shepley"

Discussion of roles and responsibilities:"

Account Manager: Kate

Creative: Rebecca

Production: Azahn

Media: Selby

Strategy: Ella Shepley"

Contact details exchanged"(contact emails - use uni email or contact via Facebook)

Kate - 0428127939

Azahn - 0424515577

Selby - 0410760099

Rebecca - 0438509309

Ella - 0404066567

Facebook group reactivated new member added"

Major Campaign Milestones to be met"

2/8/14: Have 3-4 clear creative strategies drawn up to presentable standard for approval by Clare

8/9/14: Have final concept fully developed, begin any printing etc. required for implementation

10/9/14: Complete implementation of campaign, finalise case study video, presentation, report and supporting documentation

15/9/14: Present final Campaign Pitch

Choose campaign to develop"

RMIT Student health services brief chosen

Campaign focus: Healthy body, Healthy mind

- staying active, eating well

- producing posters and executing based loosely on the concept “how much will this cost your body?” (or similar)

- directly engaging the audience through media choices

- focus on how little effort it takes to do good things for your body !!Before Next Meeting!

• Develop ideas for possible campaign executions

• Conduct further research into the effects of healthy living on the mind

• Conduct target audience research !!Next Meeting Agenda Items!

Begin campaign development - brainstorming concepts

Choose best 3-4 ideas for presentation to RMIT Student Services for approval


*NOTE: meeting 2 saw a change of direction for the campaign. A move to focus on the benefits of a healthy sleeping pattern was decided upon, with the campaign “You are not an animal” taking shape. This will also be included in the concept approval meeting with the client, as the main pitch.


FINAL WIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Client: RMIT - Student Health Services WIP Report!Date: 18/8/14 Job # 2 Job Title: You Are Not an Animal Job Milestones: Receive Brief 18/8/2014 Concept Approval 02/9/2014 Shoot 10/9/2014 Editing 12/9/2014 Final Checks 13/9/2014 Upload to Media 15/9/2014 Final Presentation 15/9/2014 !Task # Responsibilty Deadline Notes

1 Receive Brief Team 18/8/14 Campaign briefing from RMIT Student Services

2 Research RMIT Student Services programs Team 19/8/14

3 Research target audience psychographics Team 20/8/14 What would appeal to the TA?

4 Campaign brainstorming Team 24/8/14

5 Choose and develop campaign concept Team 24/8/14

6 Research possible animals for execution Media/Production 31/8/14 What would the TA respond to?

7 Compile research into campaign report Accounts 01/9/14 Insights summary

8 Prepare concept report for concept approval meeting Accounts 01/9/14

9 Concept Approval Team (+ RMIT SS) 02/9/14

10 Final concept development Team 5/9/14 based on feedback from RMIT SS

11 Design traditional media for campaign Creative 7/9/14

Task #


12 Develop Creative content to be shared/advertised online Creative 7/8/14

13 Create media profiles Media 8/9/14 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram?

14 Upload media content to twitter and instagram Creative 8/9/14 continuous until the end presentation

15 Plan implementation Team 8/9/14 Media placement? Interaction with students? etc.

16 Print and cut out all promotional materials Creative (& team) 9/9/14

17 Implement campaign Team 9/9/14 Will need multiple days to complete.

18 Shoot footage for case study video Production/Media 10/9/14 Will need multiple days to complete.

19 Edit video footage Production/Media 12/9/14

10 Finalise campaign video Production 13/8/14

21 Final report edit Accounts 13/8/14

22 Complete presentation Creative 13/8/14

23 Final reviews of all components Team 13/8/14

24 Upload content to media profile Creative/Accounts 15/9/14

25 Final Presentation Team 15/9/14

Responsibilty Deadline NotesTask #



CONTACT REPORT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




!!Please advise if you wish to make any changes to this report within 24 hours

Attendees: Selby Staynor, Rebecca Matlioski, Ella Shepley & Clare Ong

From: RMIT Student Health Services

Meeting Date: 02/08/2014, RMIT University

Subject: Initial ideas and feedback


Background!We submitted our initial summary of the creative concept for the campaign to Clare from Student Services, in the form of a report and discussion. We received feedback from her on how to improve and implement our ideas.




Specific Topic!• Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Clare’s response said it would be

difficult almost unlikely to be able to place stickers on the stairs etc, and thought the ideas merged too closely together and resembled a lot of the other groups basically saying it wasn't a standout and that it was too similar. Also that we were trying to include everything!

• Rest & Relaxation: Idea to incorporate animals very well received. The big idea to directly compare human sleeping hours i.e. 3 hours a night to animals. For example: Giraffes only require 2 hours sleep a day in total. So by comparing this and then humorously informing the Students that they are not animals and do require a lot more sleep would be engaging a different approach. Clare believes this approach should be taken. Suggests we tidy up the copy used and consider placement etc.

Creative Team 02/9/14

Summary of next steps:!• Agency to:

Assess concept in light of new feedback and make alterations.Develop a call to action to create relationship/interaction with the Target Audience.!

• Client to: hear final pitch during meeting in two weeks time.

!Creative Team





Katelyn Gillam!!“It was an absolute pleasure to work with Kate on this campaign. She really stepped up to the plate and made sure our campaign was heading in the right direction and that all members were participating and contributing equally.”

- Azahn Munas!!!“Kate was in charge of accounts and wrote the report. She was very involved on the day we hung up posters, she dressed up in an owl onesie, took photos with multiple people, printed and cut out the coasters whilst also helping hand them out. She was also the leading force with having our posters signed off at the hub to allow us to leave them up for the duration of our campaign.”

- Selby Staynor!!!“Kate was excellent in liaising with the client and ensuring all of the documentation was filled out and handed in on time, making a client copy of the brief for the meetings. Kate recorded minutes of each meeting and provided structure for the group. She was motivating for other team members and compiled a cohesive and clear report which outlined our ideas. Kate was an absolute pleasure to work with.”

- Rebecca Matlioski!!!“Kate was a great team member. She has great organisational skills which worked perfectly in making sure the assignment came along smoothly. Kate also acted like an amazing team leader. She turned up to every meeting and was great with communicating online with every idea she had. I really enjoyed working with Kate and would again” !

- Ella Shepley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selby Staynor!!“Selby was the driving force behind the concept for this campaign, her brilliant idea and hard work saw it succeed. Selby was integral to the implementation of the concept and attended all meetings, including the initial pitch with Clare Ong. Selby has worked hard to ensure the success of this campaign. Her commitment to the Facebook page has been amazing! She is irreplaceable!”

- Katelyn Gillam!

“Selby proved to be an invaluable member of the team for this project. Her idea for the ‘You are not an animal,’ campaign was incredible and was a natural fit for the client and our team. Selby also did an amazing job creating and running the Facebook page for our campaign.” !

- Azahn Munas!“Selby was an excellent team member and a person that I worked really well with on the creative component of the campaign. Selby was motivated and was always working on coming up with new ideas for the campaign. Selby worked really hard throughout, organising and creating a Facebook page and subsequent statuses and posts. the campaign and was a pleasure to work with.”!

- Rebecca Matlioski !

“Selby was a great team member. She inputted great ideas into the creative concept. She further worked constantly in organising and updating the campaign Facebook page, both uploading content and replying to posts. Selby attended all group meetings and each time was really motivated and contributed with every part of the assignment. I really liked working with Selby and would again”

- Ella Shepley



Rebecca Matlioski!!“Bec was also part of the driving force of this campaign. She was so committed to seeing it succeed and produced amazing creative work to ensure as such. Bec is always hard working and really gave her all for this campaign. Bec attended all meetings, and helped with the initial pitch of our idea. Her creative work is always great and she is such an asset to the team!”

- Katelyn Gillam!!!“Bec, once again did a terrific job coming up with the creative executions of our campaign. Along with Selby, the two worked extremely well together to create the posters and social media account for our campaign.”

- Azahn Munas!!!!“Bec was highly involved in the campaign; she and I liaised with one another on the creative development of the campaign. She mocked up all the design work, including posters, coasters and the tips for our Facebook page. She also coordinated with the Social Services to set up meetings and apply for the grant. Moreover, she helped organize and turned up to every meeting. Bec was a delight to work with and was determined in creating a successful campaign.”

- Selby Staynor!!!!“Bec was a great team member. She was really motivated and contributed at every team meeting. Bec created amazing images on photoshop which represented our campaign perfectly. Her biggest strength was her communication skills. She was always pitching in ideas and was great at giving feedback and advice. I really enjoyed working with Bec and would again.”

- Ella Shepley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Azahn Munas!!“Once again, Azahn was in charge of production for our case study video. He excelled in his role, completing the video in great time to a high standard. His eye for detail, once again prevailed, and has lead to the creation of a great summary of our campaign. He is always a hard worker and pulls his weight in the team.”

- Katelyn Gillam!!“Azahn created the entire video of our campaign. He also helped put up posters and talked to various people about the campaign to spread awareness. Azahn was able to quickly and efficiently create the campaign video, which allowed plenty of time for everyone to see it before presentation day.”

- Selby Staynor!!!“Azahn was a fantastic team member who was always enthusiastic and willing to explore new ideas to work with. He encouraged new ideas to grow and was a motivating force behind the group. Azahn did an excellent job of filming the campaign being implemented and producing such an amazing case study video. Azahn's attention to detail and his ability and production skill set make for an excellent final video.”

- Rebecca Matlioski!!!“Azahn was a great team member. He has really high standards and made sure that everything was perfect. He worked really well filming the concept and producing the case study video. Azahn was always contributing but was also always giving really good, honest and constructive feedback which really helped improve our campaign. I really enjoyed working with Azahn and would again.”

- Ella Shepley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!Ella Shepley!!“Ella was a very motivating and encouraging team member who was always eager to hear and explore new ideas. She was always offering to help other members out and would readily be available for feedback or advice on different components of the project. She created an excellent presentation which outlined our campaign. Ella was a pleasure to work with and I am glad she joined our group - Zulu”

- Rebecca Matlioski!!!“Ella came to every single meeting and made the presentation slides. She was able to make the presentation quickly to allow everyone to see it and make changes. This also helped everyone learn their order for presentation day.”!

- Selby Staynor!!!“Ella was a delightful addition to our team for this campaign. She was extremely willing to do whatever needed to be done and worked hard. She created the presentation, and well ahead of time at that, giving everyone ample opportunity for feedback. Ella also was part of the team that pitched the initial concept. Ella is a great team member!”

- Katelyn Gillam!!“Ella was a great addition to the team for this campaign. She got along well with all the other members of the group and gave valuable insights regarding the campaigns idea and execution. She also did a fantastic job creating our slide show presentation.”! !

- Azahn Munas
