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Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)Purpose:Raise awareness

To change attitudes

To build a relationship with subjects

To bring around National, local or global change

To change voting behaviour

Providing you with information Aims:This poster is there to raise awareness of smoking and how it is breaking you down slowly and if you don’t stop cancer will do it for you.Furthermore it is also there to change peoples attitude and influence them to realise the consequences you are doing to your self. To make this clear to the audience the designer enhanced typography on the word cancer, as this is one of the main causes of deaths illustrating how common it is and wanting to make you think that many smokers have died of this and it was there own fault.

Creative Media Production 2012


Techniques:By not actually showing a picture of a cigarette, they are condoning the colours of one, which are brown, white and red showing within the the word ‘cancer’ and the bed. This shows that these colours are a clear representation of what a cigarette looks like.This advertisement can also build a relationship with the subject; people might be able to understand the awareness of it and tell a story to then change peoples minds on what they are doing by giving them their personal experience which could change peoples lives for the better. This is a good way of advertising as what you would be providing the public with is facts about this person he/she has gone through. Hopefully this will bring around global, national and local change, making people hope and think on what they are doing and then be able to see the decrease in statistics on the amount of people smoking.This could change voting behaviour to get smoking banned for once and foral as not only is smoking bad for you but the 2nd hand smoke is affecting the people around you. This poster is providing you with information and facts showing what the causes of smoking are

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)Purpose:Change attitudes

Raise awareness

To bring out local, national and global change

Provide information

Build a relationship with the subject

To challenge dominant representations and agendas

Change voting behaviour Aims:The aims of this add is there to demonstaright how one sip does make a difference even if you don't realise it. The designer has shown this with the different levels and putting the typography next to it. This could illustrate how one sip is never enough and you're not realising what The image is larger then the text to show that you don't pay attention to anything around and that is your main prize. The pint has a glow to it and around it is quite dark maybe to show how everything becomes a blur after drinking showing both contrast. Creative Media Production 2012


Techniques:This advert it there to change attitudes on what they are doing, which will make them think about the danger that they are putting there lives in and other people. Its also to show how when it comes to drinking you don’t know what your limit is making you unreliable and reckless.Its also there to raise awareness on how common drink driving is and how life changing it is to the people not only in the accident, but other road users. This will make other road users aware of other driver and make them think and get in contact with the police if they something suspious which could save someone's life. It provides information on where you can look if you are in need of help or maybe have a drinking problem. Giving them there webpage so its somewhere else the public can look to get insight about drink driving. This is then broadening the brands name creating a larger circulation. This can build a relationship taking about the subject, so maybe people who have been through a traumatic experience they may want to share and build more awareness of the situation and when people see what people have been through they start to realize the danger they are putting people in. This will challenge dominant repetitions and agendas, this will hopefully change the way people think on how its not ok and that it illegal and you will get your driving licence taken off you. Going to social campaigns may change the way people think.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)Purpose: Bring, local, national and global change

Change attitudes

Raise awareness

To provide information

To build relationships with subjects Aims:This add is there to make you realise that not only do women get it but a large percentage of it is men as well. Also makes you think that people do not realise that men can get breast cancer as well and maybe it has been forgotten about and many men are suffering from it without realising they have it. Using both common colours blue and pink intriguing both genders to look at this advert so they become aware of the relationship and might make them think to go to the hospital just for a check up to make sure they are in the clear.

Creative Media Production 2012


Techniques:The reason why i think it will bring local, national and global change is because people will now realise that its not just women who get it breast cancer and how it is becoming more common for men to have it and don’t let it take over your body. This will change attitudes on not taking it as serious on men because I didn’t really know a lot of men get it i just know that its most common in women. So its teaching people how not only women get it but men do as well. This will start to make more men aware about it and it may make them check them selves to see if there are any lumps. Raise awareness, because this is what is killing people and to make sure if there are any problems go to your doctor don’t leave it. This poster is providing the public with information and statics about breast cancer which will be educating them and informing them on what people will find out they have cancer. This will making woring for the public but shows them that they should do regular check ups to be on the safe side. Last purpose of this is that you can build a relationship with this subject, information the public with your experience or help charities with fundraising.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose: To bring local, nations and global changeChange attitudes Raise awareness To create access to media production for non-traditional groups To challenge dominant representation and agendasTo create or strengthen community ties Provide information to campaign Change voting behaviour To build relationships with subjects Aims:This poster aims to change the planet and to do this they ask you a rhetorical question. Telling the public you have to chose between one and if you choose the green one it like telling the audience then why create a world that you don’t want to live in. know one want to live in a polluted word so how can we stop it? They provided there own webpage making people look at how we can prevent this. using greens, blues and browns to link in with natural sources and environmentally friendly environment. Large typography so it stands out and grabs your attention and make you think of what you can do to help Creative Media Production 2012


Techniques:This poster brings local, nationals and global change, because no one wants to live in a world that is polluted and the public are the ones that are causing this, so they might start to recycle, put rubbish in to bins extra. So changing there usual cycle. Change attitudes on what they can do to change this

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)