Realty fact real estate advertising solutions


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Advertising Solution

Advertise In Realty fact Magazine (Both Print and Digital Magazine)

Realty Fact Magazine provide a comprehensive coverage on real estate market, design, decor,

investment, finance, policies, housing, construction and allied sectors with analysis. Realty Fact

reaching out to over 6 lakh readers per month ( Print+Digital) directed to the entrepreneurs,

CEOs, Decision makers including corporate and institutional realty executives, developers,

investors, brokers, lenders and asset managers.

Realty Fact Content Marketing (Realty Fact Brand Voice)

Realty fact content marketing services is an innovative approach to integrating marketers’

content with realty fact’ editorial and users’ content – allowing marketers to demonstrate their

thought leadership on the realty fact platform using the same tools as content creators. Realty

Fact Custom content programs are high-profile branded marketing environments that combine

custom content with advertising. Content can explore business-critical topics and communicate

your important message as you engage and influence the powerful realty fact community of

CEO-level, Companies executives, business purchase decision makers, investors and industry


This content marketing solution is perfect for real estate industry associations and individual

marketers that want to benefit from association with the trusted realty fact brand.

Sponsored Content and Custom-Sponsored Research

Every day realty fact produces special sponsored content sections on specific topics of interest to

our readers. Participation from sponsors proves thought leadership as well as provides

guaranteed sales leads to your organization.

How? Think content distribution with e-Intelligence!

We represent numerous web-based real estate content providers, with special strength in advising

real estate service providers, as well as in assisting our broadcasting clients in making their

channels and programmes available via the Internet. Our clients include real estate investors,

online news sites, social sites as well as a large number of digital real estate companies and

content aggregators and distributors concerning the delivery of content over digital networks.

The Internet and social networks are at the core of our digital practice.

Realty fact Daily Newsletter

The Realty fact daily email newsletter keeps subscribers informed of changing real estate and

market trends that are driving the industry.

Circulation: 3, 00000 subscribers

Sponsor Advertising Specifications:

468×60 pixels web banner with URL link in email body (GIF format)


Be a thought leader in your field and promote valuable insights that can affect audience buying

power. Sponsored Guest Commentaries will be posted to our newsletter homepage.

Banner Advertising and Site sponsorships

Site sponsorships are available on a monthly or annual basis. Monthly term begins on the first

day of the month and ends on the last day of the month. Site sponsors receive a 900×80

sponsorship banner which delivers approximately 500,000+ impressions per month. In addition,

all site sponsors receive a mention on our “Site Sponsors” page along with company/Project

description and link to your website for the duration of the sponsorship.

Banner Sizes S.No Banner Sizes Pages 1 728w X 90h All Pages

2 336w X 280h All Pages

3 468w X 60h All Pages

4 120w X 600h Profile Pages

5 336w X 60h All Pages

6 336w X 280h Video Ads

Realty Fact TV (YouTube real estate shows)

Realty Fact feels pleasure to introduce Realty Fact TV (YouTube real estate shows) to the

people. Our main motto is to promote those people through Realty Fact TV who have done

contribution to the Indian realty in its development. Here, on Realty Fact TV we take one on one

interview, talk show, advices, and concerns from various developers, architect, designers,

investors, brokers, buyers, and many more that are related to the development real estate

development of India.

The Internet and social networks are at the core of our digital practice of Realty Fact. By

studying the carefully the market strategy we have design Realty Fact TV. This show will be of

50 minutes; here Realty Fact TV gives opportunity to showcase your projects, work and

company information during the show or advertise in between show. As we all know, video

grabs the eyeballs and it is the best way to communicate with clients.

The best platform to reach millions of professionals

• One of the top real estate magazine and real estate news sites in India

• Best real estate news, Professional user generated content

• Targeted reach through focussed section

• Tech savvy audience helps get better click-through-rate

• Biggest platform to reach professional community with higher buying power & better ROI

• Networking gives a boost to marketing & branding within the community

• All-India presence provides greater visibility

• E-news newsletters creates strong brand recognition

• Professional community with higher buying power gives better ROI

• Connect with top level managers and company heads

• Higher active users ratio

Quick facts:

Unique visitors: 3 Lac/Month

Page views: 6.5 Lac/Month

Members: 4 Lac opt-in subscribers

Ranked in top real estate magazine sites in India and world

Our marketing team will conduct an in-depth research and will prepare a best and effective

advertising package for your organization. We would like to schedule meeting with you at your

convenient time to explain other primitive benefits of advertising with Realty Fact.

For advertising rates or queries, kindly contact us at –

Mob: +91-9560180555
