Marketing Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Recovery Programs



Most substance abuse treatment, prevention and recovery programs do not have the luxury of big marketing budgets or even a designated staff marketing person. Coupled with the stigma that comes along with substance use disorders, marketing and branding an organization becomes challenging, to say the least. Managers are tasked with promoting programs on shoestring budgets and little education on the intricacies of marketing. This course will examine various concepts and strategies for developing an integrated marketing communications plan – that includes traditional and social media strategies - within your organization. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the basics of branding an organization; 2. Understand what an integrated marketing communications plan is; 3. Provide examples of how social media can be used to support marketing and branding efforts; and 4. Provide examples of how external communications can support marketing and branding efforts.

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New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies: June 9, 2014

presented by Jennifer Iacovelli Barbour

Marketing Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Recovery Programs

About me ¤  Blogger, copywriter, author, new media consultant

¤  Chief Engagement Officer (CEO) for Another Jennifer Writing Lab; author of another jennifer blog

¤  Former communications specialist for Crossroads in Scarborough, ME / Current Marketing Consultant ¤  Author of Crossroads blog ( and

monthly e-Newsletter; admin of, etc.

¤  10 years working in behavioral health handling public communications

¤  More here:

About you

¤ Who are you?

¤ Why are you here?

¤ What are you trying to accomplish for yourself, for your organization?

What we’ll cover

¤ The basics of branding

¤ Writing and implementing an integrated marketing communications plan

¤ Using social media to support marketing and branding efforts

¤ Using external communications to support marketing and branding efforts

¤ Measuring your impact

via Seth Godin

What’s the difference?

image source: Stables Creative Group



What is a Brand?

Brand = Personality of your business What are you portraying to potential clients, donors, community partners, etc.?

Branding Exercise

Visualize your organization as a person. What does he/she look like? What is his/her personality? What does he/she like to do? Where does he/she shop? What are his/her favorite colors? Describe him/her.

An Integrated Marketing Plan

May include:

¤  Mission, Values & Goals

¤  Competition analysis

¤  SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)

¤  Target audience(s)

¤  Key messages

Integrated Marketing Plan (cont’d)

¤  Strategies for several communications channels: ¤  Email

¤  Social media

¤  Website

¤  Blog

¤  Traditional advertising

¤  Public relations

¤  Online advertising

¤  Signage

¤  Flyers, brochures and other printed materials

¤  Events / community outreach

¤  Staff / board / volunteer communications

Important Questions to Ask

¤  Who is responsible? ¤  One person?

¤  Team?

¤  Volunteers?

¤  Hired out?

¤  How will you keep your branding and overall message consistent?!

¤  How will you track your success?

¤  Do you have the budget?

Writing a Marketing Plan

1.  Who is your audience?

2.  What actions do you want your audience to take?

3.  What does your audience need to believe in order to take those actions?

4.  Which communications channels will you utilize?

5.  What is your message?

6.  What is your social media policy?

Why Use Social Media?

¤  Mostly free (except for time)

¤  Easy way to get out information fast, in real time, and reach a big audience

¤  Levels the playing field

¤  Gives everyone a voice

¤  Allows people to connect all over the world at any time

¤  Establishes expertise

¤  Platform to educate, advocate, inform

What you should consider

¤  Who is allowed to post for your organization? Where?

¤  What will the posts say?

¤  Do social media postings need to be approved?

¤  How will your posts comply with your confidentiality policies?

¤  How will you handle negative comments?

¤  Are employees allowed to post or comment during work hours? (Can they access the social networking sites?)

More considerations

¤  What is appropriate to share; not to share on a social networking site?

¤  What is your procedure for sharing client stories, photos or videos?

¤  How will you educate staff, volunteers, board, supporters, etc. on utilizing your social media sites?

¤  What happens if staff, volunteers, board, etc. don’t comply with the social media policy?

¤  Who is the go to person if/when questions arise?

Where will you post?

Why blog?

Why blog?

¤ 78% of internet users conduct product research online

¤ 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog

¤ Companies that blog get 55% more web traffic

Source: HubSpot

What a blog can do for you.

¤  Establish expertise, thought leader status

¤  Your platform to educate, advocate, entertain, etc.

¤  Build brand awareness

¤  Build a community

¤  Drive traffic to your website (SEO)

Social media best practices

¤  Have a strategy (tweak as needed)

¤  Be consistent with your branding (images, messages, etc.)

¤  Share regularly - not too much, not too little

¤  Don’t limit people’s ability to interact with you

¤  Monitor, monitor, monitor!

¤  Reply to comments and mentions, keep the conversation going

¤  Be authentic!

Measuring Impact

Final tips

¤  Know your audience (and where they are)

¤  Have a strategy

¤  Be consistent

¤  Engage

¤  Monitor

¤  Don’t be afraid to experiment!

Resources ¤  Social Media Quickstarter:

¤  Facebook for Business:

¤  Beth’s Blog:

¤  Listening Tools Wiki (from Beth Kanter) -

¤  Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog: 

¤  Network for Good’s Nonprofit Marketing Blog:

¤  Nonprofit Toolkit:

¤  Mashable – The Social Media Guide:

Stay Connected

Jennifer Iacovelli Barbour email:

phone: 207.653.4542

website & blog:


twitter: @anotherjenb





