Kinder: a communication plan



School assignment : present a brand then create a new product and the correspondig communication plan. Academic discipline : Communication schedule School : INSEEC Paris (France) - 2013

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M1 communication - June 2013 Communication Schedule

BackgroundFerrero, a family history born in Alba (Italy).


fundation and invention of the Pasta Gianduja (future Nutella)

by Pietro Ferrero

1964Nutella is launched

1968The kinder Division is



Surprise is launched

1990The Fresh Kinder line (Pingui, milk-

slice, chocofresh…)

The Products in France

The Customers

Kinder Chocolate, Krow Communications and O.Jeffers, 2012

Products and Targets

• Kids: Chocolate, Surprise, Joy, Country, Delice, Pingui, Tranche au lait, Choco-Fresh and Maxi King

• Adults: Bueno and Maxi

• Families: Schoko-Bons, chocolate advent calendars, Christmas eggs and other products for special events

The Current PositionGlobal presence of Ferrero on the French market:• Leadership in the chocolate

treats and spread cream market

• Weak presence on the biscuits and fresh products market

The Image

• Indulgence, a daily break• A popular treat• Fun, complicity with your kids or other people• An unique taste

• Unhealthy• Bad for the environment• Secretive

Business Strategy

The MissionFerrero’s key words:

• High quality• Product freshness• Finest raw materials• Respect and consideration for the customersBut also:• Caring about hygiene, environment and social issues• Caring about the communities and countries where the

company is present (think global, act local)

The Company’s Values

• Loyalty and trust• Respect and responsibility• Integrity and sobriety• Passion for research and innovation• Work, create, donate

The Mission StatementFor the Kinder Kids range : « Make your kids happy by treating them with the trustworthy chocolate they love ! »

For the other Kinders : « Eat a Kinder and share a moment of happiness. An indulgent taste for your daily pleasure. »

Pleasure is essential for your fulfillment

Our New Idea

The ConceptKinder Moment, a low calorie and gluten-free chocolate bar.The Kinder quality and taste in a healthy snack

Our Analysis• Moms need their Kinder too !• Find the solution to sudden cravings, a quick boost or just a

sweet break• A snack enjoyable without any diet damage, guilt-free• The kinder quality and a healthy snack

Our Mission StatementKinder Moment, the chocolate bar you can freely enjoy.

Savour the lightness and the softness of a tasteful chocolate biscuit with a delicate and delicious layer of milk inside.Each bar is only 100 calories and gluten-free ! Indulge yourself !

Marketing Analysis

The Competition

• Kellog’s (leader, 15% of the cereales market share, Special K)• Nestlé (the n°2, Fitness bars)• Specialized brands: Gerblé, Gerlinéa… • Retailers’brands

SWOT AnalysisStrength

Historic brand, popular, trusted brand, good quality ingredients, never copied, good communication and

affective link

WeaknessesUnhealthy image, never been present on the low calorie market, already

present competitors

OpportunitiesGrowing concern about

eating habits and health, growing market,

innovation, target mothers

ThreatsCompetition and well-

known brands (Kellogg’s), new

advertising campaigns (costs)

Current Trends

• Only 17% of French adults compose their own breakfast• At least + 2,5% of growth expected for the biscuits markets• Nutritional aspects (less sugar or gluten-free) and health• Natural products• Pleasure is a key element

Marketing Diagnosis

The Issue and The Solution

The problem:Kinder is not a brand associated with healthy benefits in the consumer’s mind, quite the contrary, actually.

The solution:The consumers already trust the quality and the unique taste of Kinder’s products but now, the brand must insist on the nutritional efforts they are doing with the new biscuit.

Perceived Value and USPOnly Kinder Moment can offer you the pleasure of a Kinder with no consequence.

Communication Diagnostic

Our PropositionOur single-minded proposition:

• Kinder Moment, the pleasure of taking care of yourself!• It’s good inside and it shows outside

The Obstacle to Communication• Consumers don’t associate Kinder with healthy products• Concern about the taste (gluten-free, low-calories and tasty?)• The healthy snacks market is already well occupied• Kinder will need purchasing advisors


Communication ObjectivesThe communication is built around:

Kinder innovates for the better

The nutritionnal benefit

The Product ImageGraphic Code:• Easily linkable to Kinder (same colors and typography)Sound code:• Calming (a relaxing moment, naturalness of the ingredients)Brand’s personality:• Individually wrapped product (easy to transport and eat)• Unique taste, pleasure• Nutritional benefit, innovation• A shared moment

Communication: The TargetsWomen• Active and busy• Fond of Kinder or liking treats• But caring about their health

Communication: The Targets The communication and ad campaign must be based on the target’s experience:• Actual, modern• Daily life and environment • Time of use (when does the need for a snack occur ?)• Characters to whom the consumers can relate to

Communication: ATL Marketing

Kinder France, known for spending a lot on advertising (+30% for Kinder Bueno to help the product arise).So around €500 000…Find the consumers where they are:• Social networks• Dedicated website• Classic ad channels (TV, posters,

billboards, magazines…)

Communication: BTL Marketing

Find the consumers out of the shelves:• Sampling in stores (visibility, speech about the recipe)• Actions in public places (subway, press booth…)• Sponsoring of sport events (around €200 000)
