Key Takeaways from Content Marketing World 2014



So much info, so little time. Here's a quick breakdown of the most actionable insights from Content Marketing World 2014.

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Conference Overview

• Cleveland, Ohio - 2 days of seminars

• Hosted by the Content Marketing Institute

• 2500 attendees

• 33 companies with 7+ employees in attendance

• 36 Fortune 100 companies represented

CMI Research TakeawaysContent Marketing NEEDS structure: a department, a process and a strategic plan that is written down.

Great content marketers publish daily or more frequently.

Effective content marketers look beyond traffic and reach to visitor quality.

Most effective content types: in person events, webinars and videos.


People don’t buy raw meat, they’re inspired to eat a

steak.Our goal is to create moments of inspiration that trigger the urge to



Don’t let the quest for engagement get in the

way of the ultimate goal – a sale.

More isn’t always better – qualified is better.


Content Marketing is not Facebook.Period.


If you won’t put money behind it,

why do it?If you’re content isn’t good enough to be worthy of paid promotion,

it’s not good enough.


Personalization is the key to successful content marketing.

It’s not genuine if it’s not personalized.


To create video on a budget, partner with the people already making the videos.

REI partners with existing ski video creators to generate ski season content.


Let other people write your blog for you.

The new corporate blog is a compilation of influencer content.


Ideal content mix = 65% original25% curated

10% syndicated.


Your analytics are wrong.

Facebook and Google Analytics usually don’t agree, which means someone is wrong.

22 million page views per year

1.13 page views per session

27 seconds = avg. time on site (2 second sound byte)


Don’t let data get in the way of good.

Content is not a direct sales tool.


The best content marketers are

journalists at heart.The agency mindset is “what does the client want to say,” the journalist mindset is “what does the customer what to know.”


Strong attachments are formulated in the same part of the brain that processes emptions.

Brand attachment has a high correlation to sales.


Facebook fans convert at higher rates than non-fans

even with the same targeting.

It’s still valuable to have Facebook fans.


On Facebook you are interrupting babies and cat

videos. On LinkedIn and SlideShare people are

seeking out business content.


Administer a group on LinkedIn to better engage

with prospects.


“On brand” does not mean “all the same.”

When it comes to content, brand standards should be treated as guidelines not rules.

Actionable ItemsCreate a strategic content marketing plan and write it down.

Gate coupons, giveaways and high value content with email and preference info and start creating buyer personas.

Use retargeting and paid advertising channels to push relevant content to your different buyer personas.

Scale company blogs by engaging industry influencers to blog for you.

Repurpose existing content by “slicing and dicing” into smaller segments.

Add UTM tags to all content links.

Administer an industry group on LinkedIn, in addition to your brand page.

Add your Twitter handle to business cards.