Internet Metrics



Calculating the Value of Internet Opportunities

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From Clicks to ValueUnderstanding Internet Marketing Metrics Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The biggest challenge with marketing metrics is the Internet which is the Wild West. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The Internet is the new frontier for marketing and is not yet completely figured out Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In the American West of the 1800s, there was lawlessness, bandits and ad hoc laws and approaches for survivial Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Internet marketing is much the same Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Innovation occurs rapidly and rules are continuously re-written – if written at all Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

When we first started this journey, I talked about a marketing divide – that few organizations “get” data-driven marketing and majority do not Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

This divide is alive and well for Internet marketing. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Our approach to understanding Internet marketing is to start by focusing on the biggest piece of online marketing budgets and work our way forward from there. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In November 2008, eMarketer published a survey that found Search Engine Marketing (SEM) was 45% of online marketing spending and was predicted to be 49% of spending in 2010. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

When we talk about Internet marketing metrics, there are some basics like CPC, TCR and ROA that take a bit of time to get used to, but the effort is worth the result. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Metric – Cost Per Click (CPC) Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

When we talk about Internet marketing, the discussion starts with the most basic discussion – Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Cost Per Clickvs.

Cost Per Thousand Impressions Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In 2004, on a flight from Washington, DC to Chicago, I happened to sit next to a senior partner from a big five consulting firm Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

He said to me –

“I don’t get it – search is easy. What’s the big deal about Google?” Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Search engines are fairly straightforward. They create “robots” that scour the Web and tabulate all the web pages in existence and the keywords on these pages. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

We, as users, can search this very large table for specific web pages with corresponding keywords. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The challenge in SEM is ordering the very big list of web pages with keywords you want in some way to make sense. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In the early days of the Internet, search engines counted the number of keywords on a page to define the search order – more occurrence meant higher rankings Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

So web developers just listed their keywords lots of times on a each page to influence the search order. To fight this, Yahoo! Had buildings full of people to review these results. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

But in 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, had an insight that would change the world. They had the idea to rank-order search web pages on the number of links to a given web page. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

That means that the more people who link to a web page, the higher the ranking of the page. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

On September 4th, 1998 – Google was incorporated and patented as the best search engine algorithm in the world. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The marketing business model for the Internet up until 1997 had been based upon CPM – Cost Per Thousand Impressions. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

That means that every time an advertisement appears on a web page (impression), the advertiser is charged the rate. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

1997 brought about the first CPC – Cost Per Click – model, which is now the standard for measurement in SEM. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Cost Per ClickThe Essential Search Engine Marketing Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

CPC vs. CPM is a subtle shift in global Internet marketing strategy Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In the CPM model, the person doing the search is most important and advertisers pay just to be seen by the searcher. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In the CPC model, the company being searched is more important, and advertisers pay for a click-through that has good odds of resulting in a purchase. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

CPC is the equivalent of Demand Generation Marketing. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The CPC for Google is very expensive – you can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars a day depending on the volume of search words and how broad your geography is. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

So how do we ensure that we are getting the biggest bang for the marketing buck in SEM? Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

For this, we need a few more metrics and two essential ones that we will discuss. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Transaction Conversion Rate (TCR) Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Internet search is broken down into two components…. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Natural Search – Organic Search&Sponsored Search Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Natural searches are the search results based in part on the number of links to a page from other sites. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Sponsored Searches are the paid links on the top and sides of the search page. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Our focus is on the sponsored search results since we as marketers can control these. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

When we talk about about sponsored search marketing, we need to understand that there are two more terms that we should be familiar with… Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Bid Strategy – the placement you would like to get on the page.

1 – 4 are the first 4 sponsored links5 – 6 are the following two Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Match Type – the user must type the exact words (exact match type) or the words can be typed in any order (broad match type). Match type can also include phrases (phrase match). Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In Match type, there is also negative matching which allows us to exclude specific words/phrases. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

So let’s look at some examples Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

VOIP can have a broad or exact match type. For example, “VOIP calls to Turkey” is a phrase match. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

But Turkey is also part of a brand name of alcohol. So using negative match type, we can exclude the phrase “Wild Turkey” so that alcohol results would not be included. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Transaction Conversion Rate

The percentage of customers who purchase after clicking through to your web site Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

In addition to CPC, the next really useful Internet marketing metric is click-through rate (CTR) Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Click-Through Rate

The percentage of customers who click through on a link and is calculated from the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions (ad served). Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The central idea of SEM marketing is that you buy keywords and placement with specific match types. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

So to understand CTR… Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

You might bid $4 for VOIP with a broad match type and a bid strategy of 1 – 4. That would mean… Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Position 1 - $4Position 2 - $3Position 3 - $2Position 4 - $1 Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Looking at other bids and strategies, you would end up paying up to $4 for every click after a VOIP search. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Now, Google works on a volume basis. If you have a high historical CTR, you can get a higher placement for a lower CPC. Google favors those who have high volumes and high probabilities for CT. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Why? Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

It maximizes Google’s revenue

Google Revenue = CPC x # of clicks Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Why is this model bad? Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

It favors large brands with a history of good CTR. That means if you are new to the SEM market, with no history, it will be difficult to get higher positions at fair pricing. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

We use CTR and TCR to calculate the Take Rate

Take Rate = CTR x TCR Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

The take rate is just the percentage of customers who click through times the percentage who convert to a sale once they click through. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Return on Ad Dollars Spent (ROA)ROI for Search Engine Marketing Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

To complete the SEM metrics, we need to cover the equivalent of ROI for SEM –

Return on Ad Dollars Spent (ROA) Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Return on Ad Dollars Spent

Measures the efficiency of generating net revenues from ad dollars spent when the end action is the purchase. Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

ROA is calculated as follows:

ROA = Net Revenue/Cost Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Understanding the Numbers Brand Focused, Socially Active, Digitally Enabled

Optimizing Your SEM Strategy

1. Optimize the Publisher Strategy – Figure out which publisher will give you the best results for the money you are spending.

2. Optimize the Campaign Strategy – Analyze the campaigns within the publisher to determine the campaign changes needed to deliver the most value

3. Calculate the KPI Impact – Determine the impact of campaign changes on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as net revenue and ROA.
