Integrated Marketing Communications 'Hitting the ball out of the park' Light Overview of...



'Hitting the ball out of the park' covers how Integrated Marketing Communications have been changing our lives for several decades. Computers and rapidly changing technology leading the way. This is also a light Overview Lead System Network... a new All-In-One Hybrid Marketing System that was created by Clinton & Ashley Aragona to help Network Marketers, Internet Marketers & Traditional Businesses to FREE UP their time to collect new leads and prospects... to connect and focus on doing the things they love most in their business. Can you imagine having everything you need for your Online or Offline business centrally located within one single system? Well that's what has been created with LSN and their Integrated marketing communication system... or which I'm also referring to as an 'All-In-One Hybrid Marketing System'. If you'd like to watch the video rundown of the post, versus read it. Please see the YouTube video at the bottom of the slideshare post. If you enjoyed it, please be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and leave my some love in the 'Like' & 'Comment' section :D If you have any specific questions or topic requests, please feel free to message me directly.

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Integrated Marketing Communications:   LSN Hit's the Ball Out of the Park 'Hitting the ball out of the park'   What's the first thing that comes to mind, when you read these words?   “Hitting the ball out of the park”   The first images that came to my mind are these classic black & white photos of Babe Ruth with his big pudgy face holding a handfuls of bats.

But THEN what came to mind was completely different…   Remember when computers came out? Or how about these cell phones that were the size (and weight) of a wet brick.   Do you remember these phones? The ones that only super rich people had? And let’s not forget about DIAL UP Internet and the ‘World Wide Web’. THOSE were the days, weren’t they? The days when the Internet was just getting started. It was ‘cool, sleek & elite’… not to mention slow & clunky… due to our good friend ‘dial up’.

Regardless of all the above, we were sti l l at the beginning phases of integrated marketing communications.

Even when the .com era took off and exploded all over the Internet…

We were STILL at the beginning.

I mean, when you really come to think about it… how much faster and efficient has the world gotten in the past 20 years… or if we take it a step further…. just the last 4 years?

And more over… how much faster and more efficient is it going to get?

I know the proverbial ‘THEY’ refer to the time period that we are currently in, as The Age of Technology. But in my opinion, I believe it be more appropriate to call it…

The Age of Efficiency Simply put: With the integrated marketing communications that currently exist…

  …and the mobile capabilities that are spreading throughout the world, like the neon green light that appears the moment you crack a glow stick or amusement park necklace…

Building world wide re la t ionsh ips has become as easy as cl icking ‘Like’ on F a c e b o o k , ‘ T w e e t i n g ’ someone’s ‘Pin’ or #Hashtagging an image of yourself in line as you wait to purchase a highly coveted #Cronut f r o m D o m i n i q u e Ansel’s Bakery… in N e w Yo r k C i t y ’ s Cultural SoHo District.

Let’s face it folks, integrated marketing communications are here to stay and if you make the decision to dive in

and get your barring’s NOW… …you’ll be setting yourself up real pretty!

So HOW is LSN hitting the ball out of the park within the Online and Offline Marketing worlds?

First a Question: Who wouldn’t love the Freedom to work for as long (or as little) as they want, from wherever they want… …and still get paid?

Or how about THIS: Do you have a place

that you dream to work from?

Perhaps you’d love to join the forces of ‘We work from home’, so that you can be at home with your family… or perhaps in a tropical location, avoiding the fr igid temperatures of the winter months.

Perhaps you’d simply like to get rid of a micro-managing boss who slops all their work on you… and then breaths down your neck as they wait for you to finish what they… were supposed to do in the first place, so that they can take the credit for your work!!

Well today… with integrated marketing communications growing the way they are, working from wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want is completely and entirely possible…

IF you take some time to figure out what it is you enjoy in your life and then spend time practicing the skills required to become a professional AT THAT!!!

Now, since you’re reading this post, you’re probably already in Network Marketing or Online Marketing, so the question FOR YOU is… ARE you Making Money and HOW MUCH Time are you spending connecting your marketing pieces to Social Media as well as the World Wide Web? Or let me rephrase: How much time do you spend connecting your marketing pieces to the internet, responding to voicemails, responding to emails, Facebook messages, sending out flyers in the post, etc…

ie: Are YOU leveraging your time efficiently?

“Efficiently” …Being the key word

Here are 4 Ways To Speed UP Your Online or Offline Marketing Success 1. Have a product that you believe in 2. Have a vision that’s bigger that you 3. Have a sold Marketing Blueprint to follow And 4. Have an efficient way to be consistent at the daily actions that are required to achieve the success located within your vision.

The Question’s HERE are: A) Can you check all 4 of the above items off your list? •and/or• B) Are you looking for a solution to your problems to be solved with new tools that help you through this process?

Now, I’m not sure if you’re already promoting a product or if you’re looking for a product to promote, but would it be safe to assume that you’re looking for a way to simplify your life, so that you can accomplish more…

…in fewer steps?

Would you like to shave off some hours of extra work in the business that you’re currently building in your ‘off hours’ (part time)?


Or perhaps you’re already a fulltime entrepreneur and

you’re looking for tools to leverage your time…

…in hand freeing up more time for you to actually enjoy your life?

“We wanted to hit the ball out of the park” was a phrase stated by Clinton Aragona… in regards to the new All-In-One, Hybrid Marketing System that he and his wife Ashley created to combine all the a la carte services needed by both Network Marketers & Internet Marketers. On Thursday, May 22, 2014, The Top Income Team within LSN was garnered the first opportunity to hangout with (and interview) this business savvy couple during our team’s weekly hangout.

What we learned about these self-made millionaires, was that the reason they’ve created so much success in their lives, is because their vision is always to build every business they create “For The People”.

So what is LSN doing and how are Clinton and Ashley Aragona 'hitting the ball out of the park?

Can you imagine having everything you need for your Online or Offline business centrally located within one single system?

Would it be easier for you to do everything you need inside a single back office, versus having to connect everything on your own?

Would you like to see a system such as this…

…Work FOR YOU?

Here are the features Available in both the

Basic & Professional Levels

And what’s even more beautiful, is that whether you’re ONLY a Client or an Affiliate…

You NOW have the ability to revolutionize the way you do business!!

By eliminating all the back and fourth, puzzle connecting (required by using all your individual ‘a la carte’ marketing tools)…

You will FREE UP Your time to collect new leads and prospects to connect with them, so that you can focus on doing the things you love most in your business… …or simply have more time to enjoy life away from your computer!!!

So the question IS: Are you 100% completely sure that you are running your current business at the most efficient pace possible?

OR: Could looking into an integrated marketing communications system such as LSN be a wise choice for you to cut costs… while creating more time for you to actually market your business??

To Make everything clear, transparent… and to the point

When you get started as a Client you… • Become more organized • Save Time • Save Money • Work more efficiently • Will be more consistent in your branding • Look even more professional • Say connected to YOUR Clients, Community & Business Team

When you get started as a an Affiliate you…

• Become more organized • Save Time • Save Money • Work more efficiently • Will be more consistent in your branding • Look even MORE professional • NO team building is required… it’s simply an option • Building a strong duplicating team & community is, however, simple! • Will be part of the fastest growing Top Income Team within LSN

In the our team hangout with Clinton & Ashley… Clinton said that he wanted to ‘figure out a way to step up to the plate with a steal bat and knock the cover right off the ball… …as it flew out’a the park.’

And when you look at the robust back office that they’ve created to simplify EVERY Business and the comp plan they designed to generously reword those who choose to become an Affiliate…

You’ll see that THAT’s exactly what they DID!!!

So now I ask: Are you ready to step up to the plate and hit YOUR ball out of the park? If SO…Connect with whoever shared this post with

you… so that you can get you started…

