Ingredient #4 of the 4 Ingredients to Successful SEO


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Ingredients Successful SEOTO


Some companies often get caught in

thinking that SEO is just like any other

marketing medium, that they can

hit it hard out of the gate, then sail to

success. The key is to continually update

product or service information, share

pages with new content and always use

outreach best practices.




The Most Important Piece to a Successful SEO Campaign

Many companies take a swing at SEO based on the promise of massive

traffic and revenue. More often than not, these companies fail—not

because they lacked the other three ingredients, but because they simply

didn’t have the patience or discipline to make SEO work.


SEO is not a sprint; it’s a

marathon. Success is not

measured today, tomorrow,

next month, or even next

quarter. Embrace that SEO is

a core piece of your overall

marketing strategy, and accept

that it won’t make a return for

some time.

SEO Checklist* Patience* Discipline* Authoritative

content* Accumulating


If you want your company to succeed at SEO, start thinking about what your company will look like in 5-10 years.

Be patient with the performance of SEO, and be disciplined in creating ongoing authoritative content and accumulating links. Then SEO can be a major ingredient in your direct marketing strategy recipe.

With patience and discipline, SEO will become a five-star campaign with the lowest Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) of any channel. 888.694.5094
