How To Simply Your Online Marketing and Increase Credibility



If you are a solopreneur and finally ready to kick your online business up to the next level (where the money is constantly flowing in and your marketing efforts will blow your mind)... Do you want to attract more clients, generate product sales, and boost your income? Of course you do! If you are serious about earning a six figure business, then check out this training video. Here's what to expect: *Discover how successful online entrepreneurs are using these four strategies to get more clients by working less. *What you need to start doing today to simplify your online marketing efforts and get a bigger following. *Get instant credibility by implementing this specific but simple tactic. (Even a newbie can do this!) *How to stop spinning your wheels using social media and start being heard. *Learn THE best keep secret to leverage your time and amplify your marketing efforts. *Discover how you can reap the awesome benefits of social media through a collaborative network. *How to create endless possibilities to earn more money FAST! *And a few more gems that won't disappoint. MORE VIRTUAL EVENTS:

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4 Ways To Simplify Your Marketing Efforts, Gain

Instant Credibility, and Earn the Income You Deserve!

Your will have time to focus on your brilliant business ideas.

You will have more quality time with your family or doing the things you love.

You will have renewed sense of self worth and confidence.

You will have new level of respect from your family and friends.

What would it mean if you could amplify your marketing efforts, increase your credibility, and earn more money by working less?

This webinar is for you if are:

Spending a LOT of time on social media to attract your target audience but you are getting little results, engagement, and interaction.

Struggling to make enough income to support your loved ones.

Struggling to build a large client base to sell your products and services.

Struggling to build a large audience to promote your products, services, and to attract your target audiences.

This webinar is for you if are:

Struggling with social media engagement to build trusting relationships with your target audience.

Struggling with social media marketing.

Struggling to amplify your message and increase your credibility.

These four strategies aren't anything new.

I have spent over four years, and a ton of trial and error, to learn what I’m sharing with you today during this webinar.

These four strategies are so simple that you can start implementing them TODAY!

About These Four Strategies

My Story. My Beginning.● A typical girl working in the

corporate world since the age of 16.

● Social Science Research Assistant at University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.

● Death knocked at my door in late 2007. Months later I still bed ridden.

● Had to make a choice – homeless or find another way to support my family.

● The year 2008 my life changed forever.

My Story NOW!

● International Best Selling Author

● Internet Business Strategist

● Internet Business Mentor and Coach

● Producer and Host of Reach Your Next Level of Greatness Podcast

● Known as the “Collaboration Queen”

● Close Relationships with Top Influencers in the Online Entrepreneurial Industry.

My Story NOW!

● Monthly vacations with my family. I love the great outdoors – fishing, camping, taking walks with my dog.

● Live in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in San Antonio.

● I help people all around the world to design their entrepreneurial dreams.

● Surrounded by people who are lifting me up and not bringing me down.

This is what has happened when I implement these strategies just seven months ago:

●I have built great relationships with the top players in the online entrepreneurial industry.

●I'm getting more attention from new media and making multiple guest appearances every month.

●I'm currently working on a HUGE book series project that will result in me being an International Best Selling Author for the second time in less than a year.

●My $2,000 mastermind program is booked until 2015!

About These Four Strategies

What To Expect Today

● Discover how successful online entrepreneurs are using these four strategies to get more clients by working less.

● What you need to start doing today to simplify your online marketing efforts and get a bigger following.

● How to stop spinning your wheels using social media and start being heard.

● Learn THE best keep secret to leverage your time and amplify your marketing efforts.

● Discover how you can reap the awesome benefits of social media through a collaborative network.

● How to create endless possibilities to earn more money FAST!

My Recent Three Month Survey

My Recent Three Month Survey

● Most online entreprenuers are working a corporate job while building their online business.

● They have families and want to spend more quality time with their loved ones.

● They want to help others through their online business.● They are working between 10-20 hours per week on their online


My Recent Three Month Survey● The monthly income from their business is only $0 - $50.00

USD. (shocking)● Struggling to build a large client base.● Struggling to build a large audience.● Struggling with social media engagement.● Struggling with social media marketing.● Struggling to create and/or market a book to increase their


My Recent Three Month Survey

90% are NOT working with a mentor!

What separates the successful online entrepreneurs from the

unsuccessful online entrepreneurs?

Successful online entrepreneurs have MENTORS.

Why is having a MENTOR important?

Why is COLLABORATION Important?

Successful online entrepreneurs implement the power of COLLABORATION.

What Are These Four Strategies?

1) Engineer your own collaborative network.

2) Create massive engagement with help of your collaborative network, social media, and automation to build your email list.

3) Leverage your time by working less. You can do this by using social media and your collaborative network.

4) Consistently build trusting relationships by providing valuable free training.

Your Collaborative Network

Your Collaborative Network

Through collaboration, you have the opportunity to work with amazing people to produce joint ventures, created published works, host free or paid virtual events, and online courses.

Collaboration will give you the leverage that is impossible to create alone.

How To Engineer Your Own Collaborative Network

How To Engineer Your Collaborative Network

● Find at least five people on your most favored social media platforms who are very active and have a larger following than you.

● Your network of five will share your content on their favorite social media platforms.

● Your efforts on social media is amplified by 10!

How To Create Massive Engagement To Build Your

Email List

How To Create Massive Engagement

● Creating lots and lots of valuable content is NOT the answer.

● In order to get massive engagement, you have to purposely create it.

● You can produce massive engagement by building relationships with top influencers in your industry.

● Engineer your own collaborative network.

● The strong relationships you build with people is the key to create endless possibilities for you to earn more money FAST!

Massive Engagement = List Building

● Your collaborative network will help you build your email list.

● Your focus should be to build your email list through social media platforms and your own collaborative network.

● The strong relationships you build with people is the key to create endless possibilities for you to earn more money FAST!

● Your email list is your bread, your butter, and your money maker.

The Best Social Media Platforms

Automate Your Content

Collaborative Mastermind Program

● 12 Private One Hour Sessions - Value $6,000.00

● Live Weekly Training via Google Hangouts, Webinars, or Tele-conference - (all sessions are recorded) Value $1,500.00

● Free Unlimited Lifetime VIP Access to Training Programs - Value $10,000.00

● 12 Group Accountability Sessions - Value $1,000.00

● 6 Bi-Montly Live Q and A Sessions - Value $800.00 ( 30 minute sessions)

● Private Facebook Group - Exclusive group to further connect with top entrepreneurs in various industries

● Recordings of All Group and Private Sessions - You will have copies of all group and private training materials

● Marketing Plan Blueprint - This blueprint outlines your personalized online marketing strategy.

● Weekly Milestone Review and Celebration - Group sessions to analyze and celebrate your progress.

● List of Resources - Recommended reputable products, services, and content libraries that you shouldn't do without.

● Special Offer For Webinar Attendees (live or replay)

● Early Enrollment Fee: Only $197.00 for the 3 month program. (save $200.00)

● Early Enrollment Deadline: July 5th 2014

Collaborative Mastermind Program

● My virtual team will help promote your products and services via social media, my email list of over 5,000, and podcast episodes.

● Reserved spot to enroll in the Breaking Barriers book series collaborative project. First book in the series will be released in September 2014.

If you aren't completely satisfied anytime during the 90 days of the program, then you will get a full refund.

The 90 day guarantee is effective on the date the program begins on July 15th 2014 and ends on October 15th 2014.

You can complete the three month program and receive a full refund and keep all training materials.

Financially, you have NOTHING to lose!

● Early Enrollment: Only $197.00 (Save $200.00)

● Early Enrollment Deadline: July 5th 2014

● Only 8 Spots Left before program is full.

Book 30 minute session and complete the enrollment application.

If you are a good fit for the group, then you will pay the enrollment fee – ONLY $197.00 for the 3 month program

Enrollment application at:
