How to Prospect Effectively


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How to Prospect Effectively

1. You have to love the product. Ideally, you have a strong testimonial associated with the product. The more life-changing the better. Don’t lie!

2. Lead with the Product. If you feel someone would benefit from the product, tell them about the benefits they would have using your product. Don’t bore them with details of the product.

b) Lead with the opportunity. If you want to build a business fast, you want to lead with the opportunity, by telling someone about the compensation plan and income potential. It takes only 2-3 Leaders to skyrocket your business!

3. Be yourself.Gain trust online by providing value, not spam. Engage with people genuinely before you casually present your opportunity. Share and Retweet other valuable posts. Like and share.

4. Have the mindset that it doesn’t matter if they join your business. Act like you’re in a hurry. As they say in the MLM industry, “Some will. Some won’t. So what. NEXT!”

5. Become a Brand online. Create a couple blogs and a website in your niche and provide unique content. Become an authority. After consistent effort, people will turn to you instead of you chasing them.

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