How to Get the Right Digital Influencers for Your Brand


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Digital influencers are trendsetters, the people

others look to for inspiration

They’re effective. According to a 2012 Nielsen study, 92% of people

surveyed said they trusted paid media, such as referrals, over

other advertising.

RelevanceTheir interests align with your target customers


ReachThey have a substantial following, at least within your target demographic

Gender, location, and frequency of social posting

are all important to consider

Finding people who are already fans on social media

is a good starting point

Personalization is critical in your outreach

to influencersMaintain relationships with fans on

social media, even outside promotions

Remember, influencers are not brand ambassadors

They’re independent entities in a mutually beneficial relationship with

your brand

If you’re interested in recruiting ambassadors, Pulse Ambassadors can help you. Check us out today!

About ReadyPulseWe deliver social proof on-demand and at scale

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