How to Drive More Calls from Mobile-Optimized Marketing


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How to Drive More Calls from Mobile-Optimized Marketing

It’s impossible to ignore the impact that mobile marketing has on the business world.

61% of mobile searches result in a phone call,1 proving that mobile optimization is crucial for lead generation.


If you’re not on board with mobile marketing, your bottom line will greatly reflect it.

So, how can you optimize your mobile presence to drive more phone calls?

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Click to Call

If you don’t have click to call, you’re likely to lose mobile customers.

41% of mobile searchers will choose other brands if their chosen brand doesn’t have click to call.2


How can you get your prospects to convert by using click to call?

The brain in programmed to notice design and content that is different and attention-grabbing.

Make the color of your click-to-call button different than the official brand colors on your mobile site, so it will stand out to customers.

To be persuasive, the content of your click-to-call button should play on the value proposition of your product or service.

For example, your click-to-call button could say, “I want to stop wasting money TODAY!”

Mobilize Your Content

People are 51% more likely to make a purchase when using mobile search. Your content has a big role in that decision.

The content you create for your desktop site should not be the same as the content on your mobile site.

When it comes to mobile content, less is more.

41% of prospects call because they have more questions or need more information than a website can answer.3


Simplicity and clarity are also key for mobile marketing.

Include a couple of obvious CTAs and write short, concise sentences that are clear of jargon.

The phone is now a tool, a content resource and your biggest lead driver.

Your job is to tie mobile marketing and phone calls together in a way that makes prospects click “call” no matter what.
